Merging a tape into the SCO ARCserve/Open database

If you have some experience using SCO ARCserve/Open, you will be able to merge a tape using these steps.

If you need more information about using a SCO ARCserve/Open Manager window, see ``Software Basics''.

  1. Select Merge Tape from the Utilities menu.

    All Merge Tape operations start from the Merge Tape Manager window.

  2. Specify which tape you want to merge.

    If the tape you want to merge is not currently in a tape drive, click the Source button and enter the name of the tape you want.

  3. Indicate if you are merging all information from the tape or only from a specific session.

    If you want to merge all information from the tape, select the Merge All Sessions option in the Source dialog box.

    If you want to merge information from a single session, you must specify the session number.

    If you do not know the session number, you can check the Activity Log. If it is not available, you can use the Scan Tape utility to list the contents of the tape, including all session numbers.

  4. Run the job.

Next topic: Scan Tape utility
Previous topic: Merge Tape utility

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