Database basics

SCO ARCserve/Open stores information about the backup jobs you have run, the tapes you have used for backups, and the remote clients that are available for you to backup in its database.

Database information helps when you restore files from tape. SCO ARCserve/Open's databases store information about every file, directory, and disk that has been backed up. When you are looking to restore a specific file, SCO ARCserve/Open's database helps you determine which tape to use, eliminating the time it would take to search through tapes looking for files.

You also use database information when you select a source or destination for a backup job. Depending upon whether you are selecting a source or destination, you choose from a listing of remote hosts, disk, directories, files, or tapes. Host server addresses and tape information come from SCO ARCserve/Open's databases, however make sure they match the contents of your /etc/hosts file on your host.

SCO ARCserve/Open's Report window is another place where database information is used. Information for some of the reports comes from SCO ARCserve/Open's databases. The Report Manager window allows you to view and print reports with this information.

You can display, sort, and update database records in the Database Manager window. For example, you can:

The Database Manager window also displays graphical information about the hard disk on your host and the amount of space the database takes up.

If you are a queue user, then you can only view your own records in the database. If you are a queue operator you can view all records in the database, as well as add, modify, and delete records. For example, queue operators can see all jobs, queue users can see their own jobs, regular users can't access database functions.

The remainder of this chapter describes each database and explains how to use the Database Manager window.

Next topic: Opening the Database Manager window
Previous topic: Managing Databases

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