Selecting files and directories

When you perform a backup or restore job, you must select a source and destination for your files and directories. Although your source and destination will vary depending upon the job you are running, the method for selecting files and directories is the same.

The primary method for selecting files and directories is from a graphical tree of all nodes, directories, and files known as the Browser. For the files stored on tape, SCO ARCserve/Open uses its databases to create a browser tree of the files and directories that have been backed up.

The following figure shows the basic elements of the Browser:

You can use the Browser to select the SCO ARCserve/Open host and network clients. You can also use the Browser to select a disk, a directory, or individual files within a directory.

To select remote clients, you must install the appropriate SCO ARCserve/Open Client Agent on the workstation, license your client connections, and add the system to the database as a remote client. See the appropriate online SCO ARCserve/Open Client Agent Installation Guide, ``Licensing SCO ARCserve/Open products and options'' in the SCO ARCserve/Open Release and Installation Notes, and ``Adding a Remote Client to the database'' for more information.

The following sections explain how to use the Browser to select hosts, volumes, directories, and files.

To select a host or server:

  1. Click the box next to the host or server.

This automatically selects the entire host or server.

To select an entire filesystem:

  1. Select the host that you want to use.

    Click the Expand button next to the host until it points down.

    If you are not currently logged into or attached to the host, you will need to enter a login name and password.

  2. Click the box next to the filesystem.

This automatically selects the entire filesystem for the operation.

To select individual directories:

  1. Select the host or server that you want to use.

    Click the Expand button next to the host or server until it points down. A list of all directories will appear. If this is a server, a list of all volumes attached to that server will appear. (If you are not currently logged into or attached to the server, you will need to enter a login name and password.)

  2. For servers only, select the volume that you want to use.

    Click the Expand button next to the volume until it points down. A list of all directories for that volume will appear.

  3. Click the box next to the directory name to select the entire directory.

    This automatically selects the entire directory for the operation.

To select individual files:

  1. Select the host or server and volume that you want to use.

    Follow steps one and two from the section above.

  2. Select the directory you want.

    Click the Expand button next to the directory until it points down. A list of all files and subdirectories for that directory will appear.

    You can continue selecting subdirectories, or start selecting files from the current directory.

  3. Click the box next to the file name.

    You can select as many files as you like.

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