Using context-sensitive help

There are two types of help available from within SCO ARCserve/Open:

In SCO ARCserve/Open, some command buttons have words on them, such as OK or Cancel. Other command buttons have graphics that represent the function of the button. While these graphics are meant to be easily understood, SCO ARCserve/Open's on-screen help feature gives you a brief description of each button.

The online context-sensitive help provides instructional and general information about SCO ARCserve/Open.

Information in the help file follows a path similar to the format used in this documentation. You select a concept from a list of topics (similar to a Table of Contents) and then general information about that topic is displayed (similar to reading the overview of a section in this documentation). From here, you can display more detailed information, including specific instructions (similar to turning to a specific page or section).

Follow these directions to get context-sensitive help:

  1. From the SCO ARCserve/Open Manager menu, choose Help.

  2. Select the menu item you want.

You can select from the following:

Next topic: Selecting files and directories
Previous topic: Using the software

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