Verifying your backup

As an added measure of security, SCO ARCserve/Open provides you with two methods of backup verification to make sure the data on the tape matches what's on your hard disk. These methods are:

Both of these methods help to ensure that you get reliable backups. Each is described below.

Scanning the tape

If you select Scan Tape Contents, SCO ARCserve/Open checks the header of each file on the backup tape. If the header is readable, SCO ARCserve/Open assumes the data is correct. If the header is not readable, the Activity Log will be updated with this information.

Comparing the tape to disk

If you select Compare Tape to Disk, SCO ARCserve/Open reads blocks of data from the tape and compares the data byte for byte against the files on the source. This ensures that all data on the tape is exactly as it was on disk. If SCO ARCserve/Open finds a mismatch, the Activity Log will be updated with this information.

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