In order to back up network clients you must first install the appropriate Client Agent on the client machine. After installing the agent you must add the client to the SCO ARCserve/Open database. Please refer to ``Managing Databases'' for detailed instructions on adding clients to the database.
Use the Backup Manager to:
A basic tour of the the Backup Manager window is shown below. Each backup option is discussed in more detail throughout the rest of this chapter.
You can switch views using the Node Options window discussed later in this chapter. The use of each view is discussed in detail below.
Clicking on the box adjacent to /, will only select files in the / filesystem - not the files in the / DOS filesystem.
Furthermore, when browsing, /DOS will not appear under /. This is illustrated in the figure below:
In the Filesystem View, a separate tape session is created for each filesystem selected. In the examples above, if you select both / and /DOS for backup, two backup sessions will be created.
Having separate sessions for each filesystem is important in disaster recovery situations. For example, when replacing a disk drive, you will generally do a full restore of those filesystems that were on the failed drive. With the Filesystem View this is done quickly by selecting for restoration only the sessions containing the necessary filesystems. See ``Restoring your Data'' for more information about restoring individual tape sessions.
The Tree View provides a single logical view of all the filesystems. Filesystems are shown where they are mounted in the directory structure. For example, the filesystem /DOS is shown beneath the / filesystem.
In the Tree View, selecting a filesystem includes selection of all filesystems mounted beneath it. In the example below, selecting / means that /DOS is also selected.
This view is particularly useful when backing up an entire system or pieces of different filesystems. All selected files are backed up in a single tape session.