Automatically reschedule missed targets

Auto Pilot can reschedule any missed systems or file servers for you. These rescheduled jobs are called make-up jobs.

Make-up jobs are scheduled according to the time the regular Auto Pilot job finishes:

Rules for make-up jobs

Make-up jobs follow certain rules as well:

Once the make-up job completes all missed targets, or it is time for the next regularly schedule job, the job converts back to the regularly scheduled Auto Pilot job.

What causes a job to fail?

There are several reasons why an Auto Pilot job would miss a system from its set:

Any of the above reasons cause a make-up job to be scheduled. Always make sure you check your Auto Pilot logs and the Activity Log for important information about any Auto Pilot job. Missed targets will always be recorded in these logs.

Even if you disable the Automatically Reschedule Missed Targets option, Auto Pilot will schedule make-up jobs if the target missed is a Weekly or a Monthly backup. Auto Pilot considers these types of backups extremely important, so if the regularly scheduled job fails, a make-up job will always be generated.

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