An overview of Auto Pilot
Auto Pilot combines automatic tape formatting, tape naming, grooming and a rotation scheme to ease the burden of backing up your enterprise.
After you initially set up your Auto Pilot rotation scheme, you only need to make sure the right tape is in the tape drive for each day of the week. Don't worry, Auto Pilot tells you which tape to use.
Auto Pilot offers several advantages:
- Guarantees data security by automatically naming tapes and preventing you from overwriting these tapes until the appropriate number of tapes in the pool of tapes is correct.
- Helps maintain tape integrity by ensuring that tapes are not overused.
- Keeps a current and accurate backup of your network by automatically rescheduling missed clients for a make-up backup session, if specified.
- Automatically removes old, unused files from your hard disks after a specific number of months, if specified.
The rest of this chapter discusses all you need to know about setting up and using Auto Pilot to back up your enterprise.
Next topic:
Setting up Auto Pilot
Previous topic:
Using Auto Pilot
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