Basically, this isn't a problem. If the job that failed was a daily backup, and you selected "Automatically Reschedule Missed Targets" when you set up the Auto Pilot job, a make-up job will be rescheduled. Make-up jobs are scheduled according to the time the regular Auto Pilot job finished (regardless of whether the job failed or not):
If the Auto Pilot Job failed on a day that a weekly or monthly job was supposed to run, a make-up job will be scheduled, no matter what. The make-up job will stay in the job queue until it runs (you insert the correct tape), until you delete it from the job queue, or until the next regularly scheduled job runs.
The time for each make-up job can be altered from within the Job Queue Manager. For more information on managing jobs, see ``Managing Jobs and the Job Queue''.
If you're not sure about which tape to use, or if you want to know what hosts were missed in the backup, check the Auto Pilot Daily log.