Mounting/Dismounting a magazine

Whenever you need to load or remove a magazine from the changer, use SCO ARCserve/Open's Mount/Dismount magazine functions. You will need to mount a magazine when installing a new magazine into the changer or when you want to change tapes in the changer.

Depending on the type of changer you are using, this process can take from 5 minutes to more than 2 hours to complete.

Tape Server's Mount/Dismount utility is also useful when you want to update only one or two slots in the magazine, but don't need to reinventory all the slots in the changer (which could take hours for large capacity changers). Use Mount/Dismount to force Tape Server to reinventory one slot, or just a few slots.

A cleaning tape can't be Mounted or Dismounted on the fly.

For more information about configuring tape device groups, see ``Introduction to the SCO ARCserve/Open Changer Option''.

To mount or dismount a magazine, follow the steps outlined below:

  1. Get to the Changer Device Management window.

    See ``Accessing the Changer Device Management options'', which details the steps to get you here.

  2. Select Mount from the Device Management menu.

    Or, click the Mount/Dismount Magazine icon.

    The following screen displays:

  3. Select the magazine you want to mount (or dismount).

    If your changer supports more than one magazine, choose the magazine you want to mount (or dismount).

    If your changer has only one magazine, you can select the beginning and ending slot numbers (if you don't want to mount or dismount all the slots in the magazine).

  4. Click the Mount (or Dismount) button.

    The changer will mount (or dismount) the specified slots.

Next topic: Cleaning the tape drive head
Previous topic: Changing loaded tapes

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