Upgrading your system to UnixWare 7

Upgrading filesystems

This topic documents the filesystem differences between UnixWare 7 and its SCO UnixWare 2.X and SCO OpenServer Release 5 predecessors.

The recommended filesystem for UnixWare 7 is the Veritas Filesystem (VxFS). VxFS now supports filesystems up to 1TB in size. Files can be up to 1TB in length (2^40) and sparse files may be of apparent length up to 2^63 bytes in size. VxFS also supports UNIX95 filesystem semantics.

For a complete list of filesystem types supported by UnixWare 7, see the printed UnixWare 7 System Handbook or SCOhelp.

UnixWare 7 filesystems are configured for the first two disks on your system during initial system load (ISL), but can also be configured for additional disks later using diskadd(1M) or disksetup(1M).

NOTE: diskadd(1M) limits you to 16 slices per disk; disksetup(1M) allows you to configure up to 184 slices per disk. Refer to the manual pages for further details.

For more information on adding and modifying filesystems after your system is installed, see the description of the Filesystem Manager in SCOhelp.

Upgrading SCO UnixWare 2.X filesystems

To migrate data on the primary hard drive from a SCO UnixWare 2.X system to UnixWare 7, you can either copy the data to a secondary hard disk or save the data to removable media, then restore the data after you install your new system.

To migrate data on the second hard drive, choose Do not modify when configuring the second hard disk during ISL. When you boot your system after installation, the system will recognize the filesystem slices on the second disk and create the relevant nodes for these filesystems. You can then use the Filesystem Manager to add these filesystems into /etc/vfstab.

Upgrading SCO OpenServer Release 5 filesystems

To migrate data from SCO OpenServer Release 5 to UnixWare 7:

  1. Back up the data to removable media, or to another system on the network.

    1. Change directories to the top level of the data you want to migrate. For example, to migrate user directories, you might enter:

      cd /usr

    2. Enter one of the following cpio commands:

      To archive to cartridge tape:

      find . -depth -print -follow | cpio -ocvdB -O /dev/rct0

      If your archive spans multiple tapes, you may also need to specify the block and volume sizes. See the manual page for cpio(M) for more information.

      When done creating the archive, skip to step 2.

      To archive to a file which can be transferred over the network:

      find . -depth -print -follow | cpio -ocvd > /tmp/name.cpio

      name identifies this cpio archive; in this example it might be users.

    3. Use ftp or another file transfer program to copy the file named in step 1b to another system on your network. You can then copy this file to your UnixWare 7 system once it is installed.

  2. Install your UnixWare 7 system.

  3. Restore the data.

    1. If it does not already exist, create the directory in which to extract the archive. For example, if /usr does not exist, create it now with mkdir(1).

    2. If you copied the archive to another system in step 1c, copy it to the new system using ftp or another file transfer program.

    3. Use the cpio command to extract the archive.

      From cartridge tape:

      cpio -icdv -I /dev/rct0

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