Installing NetWare Directory Services

Setting up and administering NetWare Directory ServicesTRADEMARK requires planning and record keeping. Use the UnixWare online documentation for guidelines and suggestions on planning your Directory tree. Make a thorough record of your Directory tree installation, as this can be invaluable when recovering from a system crash.

If you have installed UnixWare and then NetWare Services® you are now ready to plan your NetWare Directory Services tree.

Beginning the installation

NOTE: You must have system administrator privileges to use the Application Installer.

If you selected ``No'' in response to the option ``Start NetWare at Boot Time'' on the ``Server Parameters'' menu (Step 7 in ``Configuring the server''), you must start the server before attempting to install NetWare Directory Services. Refer to ``Starting the server''.

Complete the following steps to install NDS:

  1. In either text or graphics mode, start up the Directory Services Install application using one of the following methods:

  2. Select ``Install Directory Services onto this Server''.

    Based on how your network is configured one of the following appears. Go to the topic indicated.

A nonlocatable Directory tree, or the first server

The following prompt appears if there is no previously installed NetWare server, or the server you are installing cannot see the previously installed NetWare server(s):

Is this the first NetWare 4 server?

Complete the steps in the appropriate topic:

The server cannot locate a Directory tree that was installed previously

  1. From the ``Is This the First NetWare 4 Server?'' prompt, choose ``No, Connect to Existing NetWare 4 Network''.

  2. A menu appears.

This is the first NetWare 4 server

  1. Choose ``Yes, This Is the First NetWare 4 Server''.

    A screen appears, ready for you to name your new Directory tree.

    For help on rules for naming a Directory tree, press <F1>.

  2. Specify the Directory tree name.

    Each Directory tree must have a name that is unique across the internetwork. (Most organizations have only one Directory tree.)

    The tree name enables clients to

  3. Set up time synchronization.

    Time synchronization is important to NDS, because it

    For more information on time synchronization, see your UnixWare online documentation.

    To enable time synchronization, you need to specify what type of time server category this server falls into.

  4. Specify the server's context (name context).

    The server context, or name context, specifies where the server is located in the hierarchical Directory tree. The context is composed of

    For example, if your NetWare server were located in the ``Sales_LA'' group of the Sales department of a company called Acme, the server's context would be OU=Sales_LA.OU=Sales.OU=Acme.

    NOTE: The [Root] object is created automatically during NDS installation.

    For information on context and naming conventions, see your UnixWare online documentation.

  5. The default common name (CN) for the administrator of the first NetWare Services server in a Directory tree is ADMIN. The installation program creates this User object ADMIN directly under the Organization (O=) level.

    The administrator can

    You can change the name of user ADMIN using the NETADMIN (or NetWare Administrator) utility after the server is installed and you have set up a workstation.

  6. Type the administrator's password.

  7. To save Directory information, press <F10>.

    A message appears indicating that NetWare Directory Services is being installed.

  8. Review ``How does the Directory tree appear now?'' and ``What trustee assignments were created during the installation?''.

A single Directory tree is found

If, after scanning the network, a single Directory tree is found, the tree name is displayed along with a menu.

Choose an option from the menu:

Install into the displayed Directory tree

To install the new NetWare Services server into the Directory tree displayed in the menu, continue with the procedures that follow.

NOTE: Depending on its structure, the displayed Directory tree can be either a simple tree (only one level) or a custom tree (multilevel).

  1. Choose ``Install into Tree tree name''.

  2. Set up time synchronization by completing Step 3 in ``This is the first NetWare 4 server'', then return here.

    After you set up time synchronization, either a password prompt or a login authentication and password prompt appears.

Multiple directory trees are found

If multiple Directory trees are found, the ``Existing Directory Trees'' menu appears.

  1. Choose the Directory tree into which you want to install this server.

    A list of all Directory trees that are visible from this server appears. Most organizations have only one Directory tree.

    NOTE: Make sure you choose the correct Directory tree name. If your organization has more than one tree, attaching to the wrong tree or creating a new Directory tree will prevent this server from sharing data within the desired Directory database.

    Choosing an existing tree makes this new server part of that tree's NetWare Directory database.

  2. Specify time synchronization parameters.

    The time configuration defaults for all servers except the first NetWare Services server appear.

  3. (Conditional) If the administrator's name is not displayed, enter the administrator's name.

    Enter the complete name of the administrator. This could be

    When the first NetWare Services server is installed, the administrator's default name is ADMIN, but this name could have been changed after the first NetWare Services server was installed.

    There also could be more than one administrator in your Directory tree.

    NOTE: Without supplying the correct name, you cannot install this server as part of the Directory tree.

  4. Enter the administrator's password.

    This password authenticates the administrator (the user installing the server) to the Directory. The server context screen appears.

  5. Choose an existing NetWare context or specify a new one.

    If you want to place this new server into a context that has been previously defined, press <Enter> at each organizational level to view existing container objects and choose the object you need.

    If you want to define a new context for this server, enter one or more new Organizations (O=) or Organizational Units (OU=). See the examples that follow.

    You can either place this new server into a previously defined context or you can specify a new context. By defining a context that does not exist yet, you ``create'' the context; that is, you create a new branch in the Directory tree.

    Assume the context of the only existing NetWare 4.1 server is


    If you specify the new server's context as


    the Directory tree will have a new ``branch'' (Sales). After server installation, you can view your Directory tree using the NETADMIN or NetWare Administrator utility.

    NOTE: By default, the installation utility adds a replica (duplicate) of the partition that contains the server's context only if the total number of existing replicas is less than three.

    You can modify partitions with the PARTMGR or NetWare Administrator utility, after server and workstation installations are complete.

    For more information on Directory partitions, see your UnixWare online documentation.

  6. To save the Directory information, press <F10>.

    A confirmation box appears.

  7. Press <Enter> to select Yes.

  8. Review ``How does the Directory tree appear now?'' and ``What trustee assignments were created during the installation?''.

How does the Directory tree appear now?

The following objects were created in the Directory tree:

These objects are placed in the same context you defined for your server.

What trustee assignments were created during the installation?

The following assignments were created:

For more information, see your UnixWare online documentation.

Exiting the Directory Services installation utility

The installation of the NetWare Directory Services is now complete.

To exit the Directory Services installation utility, select ``Exit'' from the Directory Services option menu.

If you want to go on to install NetWare clients, see ``Using NetWare Services applications'' and ``Installing NetWare clients'', and if you want to configure printers, refer to your UnixWare online documentation.

Removing NetWare Directory Services

Before removing NetWare Services, you must first remove NetWare Directory Services. For information on removing NetWare Directory Services, refer to your UnixWare online documentation.

Removing NetWare Services

NOTE: You must have system administrator privileges to use the Application Installer.

Using the Application Installer

To remove NetWare Services using the Application Installer, do the following:

  1. In graphics mode, start up the Application Installer using one of the following methods:

  2. Select ``nws'' and click on Remove.

    You are prompted to confirm your request to remove NetWare Services.

Using the command line

To remove NetWare Services from the command line, open a Terminal window and enter

pkgrm nws

Screen messages indicate when the package has been removed successfully.

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