Installing NetWare/IP

This topic provides installation and configuration of NetWare/IP (NWIP), which enables users of NetWare servers and clients to use TCP/IP as their transport protocol.

NWIP can coexist with IPX/SPX on the standard NetWare network, Any system can be configured to use the NWIP and IPX/SPX stacks simultaneously.

For a description of the NWIP protocol, see your UnixWare online documentation.


NetWare/IP is installed automatically as a part of the ``nwnet'' package, but it is not selected as the default transport protocol of choice. You must also install the ``inet'' package to be able to use the TCP/IP protocol stack. This is required so that IPX/SPX can be tunneled over UDP/IP.

Before NetWare/IP can be used, you must use the Network Configuration Manager to configure TCP/IP over the network interface(s), and then to configure IPX/SPX over TCP/IP. See your UnixWare online documentation for a description of the NWIP configuration parameters.

NOTE: Only root or the owner of the system can use the Network Configuration Manager.

Once NetWare/IP has been installed and configured, the system must be rebooted for the changes to become effective.


NWIP configuration can be carried out using the Network Configuration Manager. See your UnixWare online documentation for a description of the NWIP configuration parameters.

NOTE: NWIP does not function as a forwarding gateway. While all of the SAP/RIP information received from the IPX stack will not yet be sent to the NWIP database, all of the SAP/RIP information received from the NWIP database will be forwarded to the IPX side.


To deconfigure NWIP, use the Network Configuration Manager to remove IPX/SPX from over TCP/IP.

The system must be rebooted for the changes to take effect.

Logging and tracing

The NWIP daemon logs all of its activities, warnings and errors in the log file nwipd.log in the standard log directory, /var/adm/log. These are also all displayed on the console.

Four levels of message are logged by the daemon:

The command line switch can be used for setting the level of messages to be logged. When logging to the file, the existing log file is renamed to nwipd.log.old after a pre-determined number (300) lines have been accumulated, and a new log file created for subsequent lines. This prevents the log file from growing too large.

Messages logged to the file have the following format:

Label: Date: Type: Message

Label always reads ``UX:nwipd'', Date gives the date and time at which the message was generated and Type is one of ERROR, WARNING or INFO (DEBUG is logged as type INFO).

The following are examples of logged messages. All messages are read from message catalogs, and are thereby locale-dependent.

   UX:nwipd: Fri Aug 6 12:09:43 1997: ERROR: No device 
      configured (lan_1_adapter) for NW/IP 

UX:nwipd: Fri Aug 6 12:09:43 1997: ERROR: Exiting with error code 1

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