Registration ----------------- By registering at the address below you will have the right to support and one free upgrade. Please state version. The registration fee is for the moment 150SEK/30US$. Smaller fees will be accepted, but don't entitle you to a free upgrade. Licence ------------ If you wish to buy more than one copy, check out ORDER.DOC for further information. For commercial usage contact me. Errors ----------- None... Well, but I can't say that there are a lot of them. If you run into them please contact me, PPPLLLEEEAAASSSEEE Disclaimer --------------- This software (SQZ, SFX and SFXJR) is provided on an "as is" basis without warranty of any kind, expressed or implied, including but not limited to the implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. The person using the software bears all risk as to the quality and performance of the software. The author will not be liable for any special, incidental, consequential, indirect or similar damages due to loss of data or any other reason, even if the author or an agent of the author has been advised of the possibility of such damages. Contact ------------ I can be reached at home (telecommuter...) and through this BBS, which I contact more or less once a week. Programmers BBS: (+46)40 188 945 FSED HST DS 1200-14400 baud N-8-1 FidoNet 2:200/107 Lars Ridstrom, SysOp Jonas I Hammarberg (+46)46 730 088 Pl 529. St. Harrie 10:2 pg. 621 34 92-9 S-244 91 Kaevlinge bk. 5635-00 213 53, SE-Banken Sverige/Sweden FidoNet: 2:200/107.24 TO: FROM: Jonas I Hammarberg Name: __________________________________ Pl 529, St. Harrie 10:2 S-244 91 Kavlinge (Company): __________________________________ Sweden (int)46-46-730 088 (Title): __________________________________ Address: __________________________________ Today's date: ___________ City,State: __________________________________ Zip Code Country: _________________________ Phone Number: _________________________ Registration: __________________________________________________ Squeeze It for MS-DOS: * Diskette with programs and documentation files ...... $30. ______ * Site license for the use of SQZ. (Includes one diskette with program disk & documentation.) 2 to 9 computers ..... at $25 each # computers ___x 25 ______ 10 to 24 computers ..... at $20 each # computers ___x 20 ______ 25 to 49 computers ..... at $16 each # computers ___x 16 ______ 50 to 99 computers ..... at $13 each # computers ___x 13 ______ 100 to 199 computers ..... at $11 each # computers ___x 11 ______ 200 or more computers .... $2000 one time fee ______ Diskette format (choose one) 5.25" disk ____ 3.5" disk ____ Extra disk with purhcase of site licenses of 2 or more available at $8.00 each. ___x 8 ______ Program to create Security Envelope: $300 ______ Please add $5.00 for shipping & handling. ___x 5 ______ Sweden residents add 25% sales tax. ______ Total enclosed ______ Terms: Check or Money Order drawn on a swedish bank in swedish funds. All orders outside of Sweden must be prepaid. Bankaccount: 5635-00 213 63, SE-Banken Svalov Postgiro: 621 34 92-9 I'm looking at Visa/MasterCard, please contact me before ordering so that I can confirm your order. What would you like most (circle one): SQZ for DOS,protected OS/2 Amiga MacIntosh Unix Windows * Includes a free upgrade to the next version of the software, when available.