The Microsoft SDK for Java™ provides the tools, information, and samples that you need to develop great Java programs and applets. Because the SDK contains Microsoft's latest Virtual Machine for Java as well as the latest tools, packages, and other enhancements, it is the one place you will always turn to first for your Java programming needs.
Download the Microsoft SDK for Java now and see Release Notes for a description of the contents of the SDK and instructions on how to begin making your own Java programs and applets. When you are ready to learn more, see the documents listed below for details about the features and services available to you in this SDK.
Microsoft Enhancements for Java
Packages and Classes
Provides detailed reference information about the classes developed by Microsoft. Includes access to features of Windows platform (such as Windows menus and fonts) and COM interfaces (such DirectX) that are not supported by standard Java packages.
Describes the Java tools included in this SDK.
Java and COM
Explains how your Java programs and applets can access COM services and features.
Raw Native Interface
Explains how your Java programs and applets can access native code.
DBCS, Unicode, and Java
Explains how to take advantage of Microsoft's DBCS and Unicode support for Java programs and applets.
Working with MS VM
Describes APIs that give programs direct access to features of the Microsoft Virtual Machine for Java, such as the Just-In-Time compiler. This is information that tools vendors will find helpful when developing their own tools for Java.
Standard Java References
Java Language Specification
Latest specification from Sun.
Java API Documentation
Latest specification from Sun.
For more information about the features and uses of Java in Microsoft products, see