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Class d3dFindDeviceSearch

public final class d3dFindDeviceSearch { 
     public int dwSize;
     public int dwFlags;
     public int bHardware;
     public int dcmColorModel;
     public int data1;
     public short data2;
     public short data3;
     public int data4;
     public int data5;
     public int dwCaps;
     public int dwMiscCaps;
     public int dwRasterCaps;
     public int dwZCmpCaps;
     public int dwSrcBlendCaps;
     public int dwDestBlendCaps;
     public int dwAlphaCmpCaps;
     public int dwShadeCaps;
     public int dwTextureCaps;
     public int dwTextureFilterCaps;
     public int dwTextureBlendCaps;
     public int dwTextureAddressCaps;
     public int dwStippleWidth;
     public int dwStippleHeight;


Size, in bytes, of this class.
One or more values of D3DFDS_ type, defining the type of device the application wants to find.
Flag specifying whether the device to find is implemented as hardware or software. If this member is TRUE, the device to search for has hardware rasterization and may also provide other hardware acceleration. Applications that use this flag should set the D3DFDS_HARDWARE bit in the dwFlags field.
One value of D3DCOLOR_ type, specifying whether the device to find should use the ramp or RGB color model.
data1 thru data5
Globally unique identifier (GUID) of the device to find.
One or more flags of D3DDEVCAPS_ type, specifying the capabilities of the device.
One or more values of D3DPMISCCAPS_ type, specifying the general capabilities for primitives.
One or more values of D3DPRASTERCAPS_ type, specifying information on raster-drawing capabilities.
One or more values of D3DPCMPCAPS_ type, specifying the z-buffer comparison functions that the driver can perform.
One or more values of D3DPBLENDCAPS_ type, specifying the source blending capabilities.
One or more values of D3DPBLENDCAPS_ type, specifying the destination blending capabilities.
One or more values of D3DPCMPCAPS_ type, specifying the alpha-test comparison functions that the driver can perform.
One or more values of D3DPSHADECAPS_ type, specifying the shading operations that the device can perform.

It is assumed, in general, that if a device supports a given command (such as D3DOP_TRIANGLE) at all, it supports the D3DSHADE_FLAT mode. This flag specifies whether the driver can also support Gouraud and Phong shading and whether alpha color components are supported for each of the three color-generation modes. When alpha components are not supported in a given mode, the alpha value of colors generated in that mode is implicitly 255. This is the maximum possible alpha (that is, the alpha component is at full intensity).

The color, specular highlights, fog, and alpha interpolants of a triangle each have capability flags that an application can use to find out how they are implemented by the device driver. These are modified by the shade mode, color model, and by whether the alpha component of a color is blended or stippled.

One or more values of D3DPTEXTURECAPS_ type, specifying miscellaneous texture-mapping capabilities.
One or more values of D3DPTFILTERCAPS_ type, specifying texture-mapping capabilities.
One or more values of D3DPTBLENDCAPS_ type, specifying texture-blending capabilities.
One or more values of D3DPTADDRESSCAPS_ type, specifying texture-addressing capabilities.
dwStippleWidth and dwStippleHeight
Maximum width and height of the supported stipple (up to 32-by-32).

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