1 A Windows system or resource error occurred 2 Mail application error 3 You do not have enough memory to complete this operation 4 Unable to establish a DDE conversation 5 A mail application is not installed 6 Your disk does not have enough room to complete this operation 7 Timeout waiting for mail application to respond 8 Mail login error 9 Too many recipient names 10 Recipient name does not have a unique match 11 The amount of text in the message exceeds your mail application's limit 12 Your mail application does not support this operation 13 A configuration problem was detected in your mail application 14 You entered an incorrect password to access your mail application 15 Your mail application encountered a bad signature 16 An error occurred while trying to read or write a file 17 The version of your mail application does not support this operation 18 Error attaching file to mail message 19 An invalid session was detected 21 An invalid parameter was detected 22 You must enter a password to access your mail application 23 Cannot find VIM.DLL. Was correct path to DLL specified? Contact your System Administrator for assistance. 24 Mail server is busy. Please try again. 25 Cannot find CMC.DLL. Was correct path to DLL specified? Contact your System Administrator for assistance. 26 Cannot load TABS2.DLL 27 Cannot locate the Notes server name 28 Cannot locate the Notes mail file name 29 Attachment has been routed to all stops 31 The TeamMail UI is currently in use by another application 35 win.ini 51 # 52 53 Recipient 54 Individual Message 55 Forwarded On 56 Internal Error 57 Unexpected Windows message 58 Query 59 Last entry has no recipient. Delete this row? 60 Route information has been changed. Do you wish to save it? 61 Send to all addresses at once 62 Route from one address to the next 63 Error 64 You must designate recipients in order to send. 65 Unknown or ambiguous recipient name %s\nAccept Name and Send? 66 Normal 67 High 68 Basics 69 Tracking 70 Options 71 &OK 72 &Send 73 sfr 75 untitled.sfr 76 %s - TeamMail 77 Untitled.sfr - TeamMail 78 Save 79 Originator: %s 80 Originator: (unknown) 81 Document: %s 82 Document: (none) 83 Unable to open file %s 84 Invalid keyword %s in routing information file 85 Urgent 86 Low 87 Routing information (*.%s) 88 *.%s 89 All files (*.*) 90 *.* 91 You have not specified all recipients. 92 Unknown or ambiguous alternate name %s in tracking tab.\nAccept Name and Send? 93 Name Validation 200 LTTMW10.DLL 201 LTTMC10.DLL 202 LotusMail 203 Application 204 Program 205 SendMail 206 _BNOTES 207 Notes 208 CCMAIL 209 wMail 210 NOTES32.DLL 211 _DBNOTES.DLL 250 Software\Lotus\Components\TeamMail 251 KeyPath 252 Path 253 Name 254 Software\Mail 255 Description 256 Software\Lotus\ccMail 257 Software\Lotus\Notes 258 Path 259 Name 260 ccvim 261 notesvim 262 msvim 263 LocalPath 264 Version 300 VIM 301 SMI 302 SMI.DLL 303 VIM.DLL 304 VIM32.DLL 305 VIMDLLNAME 306 VIMDLLNAME32 350 CMC 351 CMCDLLNAME 352 CMCDLLNAME32 353 CMC32.DLL 354 CMC.DLL 400 Mail 401 MAPI 402 MAPI.DLL 403 MAPIDLLNAME 404 MAPIDLLNAME32 405 MSMAIL.INI 406 Microsoft Mail 407 Login 408 MAPI32 409 MAPI32.DLL 410 Names 411 Name 412 SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Setup\OptionalComponents\MAPI 413 Installed 414 1 501 NewMessage 502 To 503 CC 504 Subject 505 Text 506 AttachFile 507 PasteClip 508 Send 509 DisplayMail 510 BusyCheck 511 NewMailcheck 620 MS Sans Serif 621 8 700 Mail Error 701 Name '%s' is unknown or a duplicate 702 You must enter a destination name to send 704 Message has not been sent to %s.\nDo you wish to skip further notifications? 800 OK 900 Routed: 901 Tracking: 903 This document [or Notes doclink] has completed its route and is being returned to you. 904 '%s' has been forwarded from %s to %s. 905 The document [or Notes doclink] '%s' has completed its route. 906 The document [or Notes doclink] has been forwarded from %s to %s. 907 The document [or Notes doclink] has completed its route. 908 Double-click the attachment to launch it. 909 When you are finished with the document, choose [Command-Command] to move the document [or Notes doclink] to the next recipient. 910 When you are finished with the document, choose [Command-Command]. 911 No further routing is necessary. 912 The document [or Notes doclink] will be returned to %s. 913 Route history: 914 %s has designated you to receive tracking messages for '%s' 915 %s has designated you to receive tracking messages. 916 Notes doclink data: 917 Notes database name: 918 Descriptive name: 919 Server name: 920 View name: 921 Document title: 922 The document [or Notes doclink] has been returned to you. 923 The document cannot be forwarded from %s to %s. Forwarding to %s instead. 924 Timestamp was invalid 925 1054 TeamMail 1055 MAPI Address book is not supported in this version of TeamMail 10001 TeamMail 10003 Err - Very Low Memory 10009 win.ini