100 Error 1: Incorrect format used for this function 101 Error 2: Symbol %s not recognized 102 Error 3: Memory not available 103 Error 4: %s is already defined as an array 104 Error 5: Array name must be followed by ) 105 Error 6: Incorrect expression as array argument 106 Error 7: Incorrect expression, expecting ) 107 Error 8: Incorrect parameter count 108 Error 9: Misplaced keyword %s 109 Error 114: Function %s, has not been declared. 110 Error 138: Illegal use of indirection. 200 Error 10: Token file is unreadable 201 Error 11: FUNCTION argument (%s) is already defined 202 Error 12: FUNCTION statement has incorrect format 203 Error 13: DECLARE statement has incorrect format 204 Error 14: DECLARE or CALL statement has incorrect format 205 Error 15: Variable name %s is not appropriate here 206 Error 16: Symbol %s is not recognized 207 Error 17: END FUNCTION statement was not found. 208 Error 18: Expecting ( instead of %s here 209 Error 19: Expecting ENDIF instead of %s here 210 Error 20: Expecting %s instead of ELSEIF here 211 Error 21: Expecting %s instead of ELSE here 212 Error 22: Expecting %s instead of ENDIF here 213 Error 23: Expecting %s instead of NEXT here 214 Error 24: WHILE statement has incorrect format 215 Error 25: CASE statement must follow SWITCH statement 216 Error 26: Variable name must follow SWITCH statement 217 Error 27: Expecting %s instead of CASE here 218 Error 28: Expecting %s instead of DEFAULT here 219 Error 29: Expecting %s instead of ENDSWITCH here 220 Error 30: BREAK statement is inappropriate here 221 Error 31: Expecting %s instead of FUNCTION here 222 Error 32: Expecting %s instead of END FUNCTION here 223 Error 33: Incorrect format used for CALL statement 224 Error 34: Label %s is not defined 225 Error 35: %s is already defined 226 Error 36: Incorrect number of parameters: function %s 228 END FUNCTION 229 ELSE, ELSEIF or ENDIF 230 NEXT 231 ENDSWITCH 232 Error 37: Incorrect format used for DIM statement 233 Error 38: Incorrect format used for DEFSTR statement 234 Error 39: Incorrect array expression 235 Error 40: Assignent expected after FOR statement 236 Error 41: TO expected in FOR statement 237 Error 42: Improper label used in GOTO statement 238 WEND 239 Error 43: Incorrect syntax used in DECLARE statement 240 Error 44: No macros found in file 241 Error 111: THEN statement is inappropriate here 242 Error 113: Unknown token %s, is not a valid parameter. 243 Error 135: Invalid DIALOG BOX format. 244 Error 136: Misplaced Keyword DIALOG. DIALOG boxes must be defined outside of functions. 245 Error 137: Misplaced Keyword END DIALOG. 246 Error 139: Invalid argument to ALIAS. 247 Error 141: Misplaced ALIAS. 248 Error 142: DEFINE (%s) identifier must be undefined. 249 Error 143: DEFINE closing parenthesis expected. 250 Error 144: Invalid syntax for DEFINE. 251 Error 145: Replacement to long for DEFINE. 252 Error 146: Duplicate DEFINE/Variable name (%s). 253 Error 147: Line too long. 254 Error 149: Open parenthesis unexpected. 255 Error 155: %s is not a valid object name. 256 Error 156: Undefined property (%s). 257 Error 157: Unexpected Object/Property (%s). 258 Error 158: Invalid Selection argument (%s). 259 Error 160: Unable to create %s. 260 Error 162: Undefined commnad/verb (%s). 300 Error 45: Incorrect character %c used here 301 Error 46: Macro line can't end like this 302 Error 47: Token file has become damaged 303 Error 48: %s is an improper keyname 304 Error 49: Too many characters in this string 305 Error 109: Incorrect combination of keyword(s) 306 Error 159: Improperly terminated character constant (%s). 400 Error 108: %s is not a macro file\n 401 Error 50: Called macro must have a filename or be in the current macro file\n 402 Error 51: Macro %s, not found 403 Error 52: Insufficient memory to execute this macro\n 404 Error 53: Insufficient memory to execute this macro\n 410 Error 54: DDEReceive could not be executed 411 Error 55: DDEReceive did not get data back from the other program 412 Error 56: Incorrect parameters used for DDEReceive function 413 Error 57: Insufficient memory to execute this macro 414 Error 58: Incorrect parameters used for DDEExecute function 415 Error 59: Incorrect Parameters used %s Line %ld 416 Error 63: Internal error, function %ld 417 Error 110: Incorrect offset for start of string 418 Error 115: Failure to lock global memory. 419 Error 116: Corrupt variable. 421 Error 129: Invalid number for FormatDate. 422 Error 130: Failed to Exec %s. 423 Error 131: Indirect variable required. (Use &variable) 424 Error 132: Array variable required for this function. 425 Error 133: Incorrect number of parameters. 427 Error 134: Only one macro may be paused at a time. 428 Error 140: Invalid argument. 429 Error 148: NewWave Function called. 430 Error 61: Internal error, start address %s 431 Error 62: Internal error, opcode %s 432 Error 60: Can't read macro file 433 Error 64: Internal error, parm count %s Line %ld 434 Error 65: Internal error, no function number %s Line %ld 435 Error 66: Internal error, bad logop 436 Error 67: Internal error, logop stack 437 Error 68: Internal error, relop stack 438 Error 69: Internal error, mathops stack 439 Error 70: Internal error, bad mathop 440 Error 71: Attempt to add non-numeric values %s Line %ld 441 Error 72: Attempt to divide by zero %s Line %ld 442 Error 74: Internal error, bad mulop 443 Error 73: Attempted math function on non-numeric values %s Line %ld 444 Error 75: Internal error, POPVAR stack 445 Error 76: Internal error, JMPF stack 446 Error 77: Internal error, JMPF stack 447 Error 78: Internal error, POPRLT stack 448 Error 79: Internal error, call address %s 449 Error 80: Array index out of range 450 Error 81: Macro called an Word Pro Function that has been grayed 451 Error 82: ONERROR or ONCANCEL can't be in a called macro 452 Error 83: Macro referenced in CALL statement can't be found 454 Error 122: Variable confusion. 455 Error 153: Indirect variable required. 456 Error 154: Instruction to long. 460 Error 84: Insufficient memory for AddMenu functions 461 Error 84: Insufficient memory for AddMenu functions 462 Error 86: Unable to complete CreateMenu function 463 Error 87: Maximum menu count reached in AddMenu function 464 Error 84: Insufficient memory for AddMenu functions 465 Error 89: Unable to complete menu function, Lock failure 466 Error 90: Unable to create new menu 467 Error 91: Maximum count reached in AddMenuItem 468 Error 92: Insufficient memory for menu functions. 469 Error 93: Internal error, shrinking menus 480 Error 94: Internal Error, symbol number 481 Error 95: Internal Error, symbol number 482 Error 96: Internal Error, grow strings 483 Error 97: Internal Error, strings 484 Error 98: Internal Error, grow strings 485 Error 99: Internal Error, lock strings 486 Error 100: Internal Error, realloc array 487 Error 101: Internal Error, string frame 488 Error 102: Internal Error, no stack 490 Error 150: Invalid Dll ID. 491 Error 151: Failed to load DLL. 492 Error 161: Invalid verb used on this object. 493 Error 163: This function is not supported in this version. 500 Error 103: Index out of bounds in global array 501 Error 104: Insufficient memory to run this macro 502 Error 105: Unknown global variable used 503 Error 106: Incorrect parameter used for this function 504 Error 107: Insufficient memory to run this macro 520 Error 117: Invalid variable type (%ld). 521 Error 118: Mismatch on assignment (%ld). 522 Error 119: Memory allocation failure (%ld). 523 Error 120: Wrong data type for operation (%ld). 524 Error 121: GlobalLock failure (%ld). 550 Error 123: Unrecognized Field: %s. 551 Error 124: Field does not end properly. 552 Error 125: Field number out of range. 553 Warning: %s Possibly undefined Bookmark/Global/Merge Variable. 554 Error 126: Quoted string not properly terminated. 555 Error 127: Call statement must reference a macroname. 556 Error 124: Field does not end properly. 557 Error 152: Failed to open control file. 600 Error 112: Record function(s) couldn't be translated 8000 CTRL 8001 SHIFT 8002 ALT 8003 %s Line %ld: Continue Single Step? 8004 Internal runtime error %ld 8005 Do you want to cancel the macro? 8006 Begin Single Step Mode? 8007 Word Pro Macro 8008 Macro %s, Line %ld 8009 File: %s 8010 %s is not a macro file. 8012 AmiProTagA 8013 AmiSendKeys 8014 amisk.exe 8018 Do you want to cancel the Rexx Command? 8019 Play Rexx Command File 8020 Rexx Command File %s, not found. 8021 Failed to initialize REXX.