1001 Corel InfoCentral 1002 m 1003 s 1004 FastFind 1005 Add 1006 Connect 1007 Delete 1008 Hoist 1009 Clear Line 1010 Clear View 1011 Note 1012 Telephone 1013 Undo 1014 Related 1015 Today 1016 Go To 1017 Day 1018 Week 1019 Year 1020 Window Settings 1021 StartupDefaults 1022 This program requires Windows version 3.1 or later. 1023 Cannot find file icwin.exe [or one of its components].\nCheck to ensure the path and filename are correct and that\nall required libraries are available. 1024 Application Startup Error 1025 Startup Error: Bad or missing WPIC.INI 1026 Out of Memory 1027 [Recording] 1028 Organization &Name: 1029 Last &Name, First: 1030 Cancel 1031 &Cancel 1032 Go To Date 1033 Date: 1034 Cat1: 1035 Cat2: 1036 Link: 1037 &Reset 1038 &Revert 1039 Field 1040 Field Name 1041 Import In Progress 1042 Export In Progress 1043 Import Type: 1044 Importing: 1045 Export Type: 1046 Exporting: 1047 Un&zoom 1048 &Zoom 1049 Move the current field with the arrow keys, then press Enter. 1050 Select a field with the arrow keys, then press Enter. 1051 Connection 1052 Alpha/Numeric 1053 Number 1054 Date 1055 Time 1056 Telephone 1057 Modem 1058 Fax 1059 Currency 1060 File Group 1061 Calculation 1062 Radio Button 1063 Memo 1064 Checkboxes 1065 Freeform Query 1066 Black 1067 Blue 1068 Green 1069 Cyan 1070 Red 1071 Magenta 1072 Brown 1073 White 1074 Bright Black 1075 Bright Blue 1076 Bright Green 1077 Bright Cyan 1078 Bright Red 1079 Bright Magenta 1080 Bright Brown 1081 Bright White 1082 winword 1083 Word for Windows 1084 write 1085 Windows Write 1086 excel 1087 Microsoft Excel 1088 pbrush 1089 Paintbrush 1090 on 1091 Find-By-Example: Enter Criteria 1092 Win 1093 DOS Version 1094 Real Mode 1095 Standard Mode 1096 386 Enhanced Mode 1097 All Files 1098 All 1099 Tab &Properties... 1100 Delete... 1101 windows 1102 device 1103 extensions 1104 InfoCentral 1105 Unknown OLE Object Type 1106 Object 1107 Link 1108 OLE Error 1109 Unable to access the clipboard. 1110 Invalid format selected. 1111 Unable to paste data from clipboard. 1112 Unable to obtain the data. 1113 Unable to link to the data. 1114 Not enough memory for OLE operations. 1115 Unable to show object server. 1116 Paste operation failed 1117 Error in saving file. 1118 Error in opening file. 1119 Improper file format. 1120 File not found. 1121 File already in use - could not be opened. 1122 Unable to create object. 1123 You will not be allowed to modify this embedded OLE object. 1124 The changes made to this embedded OLE object were not saved.\nYou are not allowed to modify it. 1125 OLE Warning 1126 Unable to load OLE object. 1127 The selected link's source is unavailable. 1128 OleUIInitialize: ERROR - Unable to find version verification resource. \n 1129 OleUIInitialize: ERROR - Unable to lock version verification resource. \n 1130 OleUIInitialize: ERROR - Version verification values did not compare. \n 1131 resource read 0x%X, my value is 0x%X\n 1132 New 1133 Open 1134 Save 1135 Print 1136 Cut 1137 Copy 1138 Paste 1139 Info 1140 New iBase 1141 Open... 1142 Save 1143 Print... 1144 Cut 1145 Copy 1146 Paste 1147 Undo 1148 FastFind... 1149 Add... 1150 Information... 1151 Connect... 1152 Delete... 1153 Hoist 1154 Clear Line 1155 Clear View 1156 Telephone... 1157 Create Related File... 1158 Go To Today 1159 Go To Date... 1160 Day View 1161 Week View 1162 Year View 1163 WPIC.EXE 1164 InfoCentral.7.16 1165 ICW16US.HLP 1166 WPICFONT.FON 1167 WPIC 1168 shwin20.dll 1169 wpsh20??.dll 1170 /OLEERR 1171 /PENON 1172 /PENOFF 1173 /LARGEPRINT 1174 Startup error: Bad or Missing WPIC.MSG. 1175 Startup error: Bad or Missing WPIC.INI. 1176 The following error has occurred: %s%s%s 1177 \n \nFile: 1178 Out of Memory 1179 Preferences 1180 AUTOEXEC.MXE 1181 /AUTHOR 1182 /I 1183 /M 1184 Unable to Write to Output File 1185 Unable to Create File 1186 Novell GroupWise Not Found 1187 Could not initialize with DDE Library. 1188 Buffer not large enough to hold requested data! 1189 ERROR 1190 Temp stg NOT released! \n 1191 Could not create Docfile 1192 Error allocating arrDocGetFmts 1193 Cache enumerator not released properly 1194 ERROR: OLE 2.0 DLL's are NOT compatible! 1195 Setting to untitled with current file open 1196 Paste Special 1197 User documents do NOT support IDataObject \n 1198 Calendar MenuID Adjusted 1199 Unable to access message file. 1200 All COMPILER memory not freed! (%d) 1201 Global block not in table: %x 1202 Too many Global handles for table 1203 GlobalUnLock failed - hMem: %x 1204 Bad BuffAdd - %x, %x, %x 1205 GlobalFree failed - hMem: %x 1206 GlobalLock failed - hMem: %x, %x 1207 Data would overflow buffer . 1208 /DLGID 1209 /NOCONUPD 1210 Novell, Inc. 1211 1.10 1212 Schedule 1213 Today's Schedule 1214 / 1215 : 1216 am 1217 pm 1218 Error 0 1219 No such file or folder 1220 Arg list too long 1221 Exec format error 1222 Bad file number 1223 Not enough memory 1224 Permission denied 1225 File exists 1226 Cross-device link 1227 Invalid argument 1228 Too many open files 1229 No space left on device 1230 Math argument 1231 Result too large 1232 Resource deadlock would occur 1233 Unknown error 1234 Attention 1235 Yes 1236 No 1237 OK 1238 Cancel 1239 Copy: %s 1240 OK 1241 Unable to find dialog resource 1242 Unable to load dialog resource 1243 Unable to lock dialog resource 1244 Unable to build the dialog 1245 Unable to reallocate dialog memory 1246 /SHAREDOFF 1247 US 1248 Month 1249 Month View 1250 h 1251 Appointment 1252 Appointments 1253 Task 1254 Tasks 1255 Note 1256 LargePrint 1257 /NO_OLE 1258 The InfoCentral font %s is not available and text may not display as expected. The Fonts registry key may be full. To make this font available, use the Fonts folder in the Control Panel to remove some fonts, then restart your computer and InfoCentral. 1259 InfoCentral.7.32 1260 ICW32US.HLP 1261 Quick 1262 QuickNote 1263 QuickNote (call) 1264 QuickNote (task) 1265 QuickNote (appt.) 1266 QuickNote (mail) 1267 Close 1268 Date 1269 Time 1270 Desc 1271 Note 1272 Start Date: 1273 End Date: 1274 Start Time: 1275 End Time: 1276 Due On: 1277 Call Date: 1278 Subject: 1279 To: 1280 Priority: 1281 &OK 1282 Cancel 1283 &Connect 1284 Feature Under Construction 1285 Internet 1286 Card File 1287 Calendar 1288 Outline 1289 Connect Object 1290 Select a category, enter the first few characters of the name, and then select the object to be connected from the list of existing objects. 1291 &Connect... 1292 &Add New... 1293 An Internet address was not found 1294 &Properties 1295 Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Extensions 1296 bytes 1297 Filename 1298 Location 1299 Description 1300 Date 1301 Time 1302 File size 1303 Folder description 1304 Folder name 1305 Error Finding String! 1306 Error Opening Output File 1307 Error Writing Item 1308 Attention 1309 Number of days: 1310 Number of weeks: 1311 Number of months: 1312 Number of years: 1313 Internet Add 1314 Please Wait... 1315 \nInfoCentral is attempting to create the related file using the appropriate application. 1316 Demo Warning 1317 This demo version has expired. 1318 This demo version will expire after %s.