9/16/95 Hi, This is Ed Staffin and Oscar Pearce. Thanks for evaluating the Message Blaster. We worked hard on it and think you will find it quite useful. For those of you who aren't familiar with the Message Blaster, it is a 32 bit OLE Custom Control (OCX) that allows a Visual Basic application (or any other application that supports OCX's) to intercept messages destined for any window in any running program. This is the trial version of the 32 Bit Message Blaster OCX. When properly installed it will work for 30 days. After 30 days you will either have to reinstall or purchase a registered copy from WareWithAll, Inc. If you make an executable using the unregistered version of the Message Blaster, the application will not work after 30 days. This trial version is freely redistributable. The cost of the Message Blaster is $80 U.S. In the U.S. dial 1-800-689-0747 to order. WareWithAll, Inc. can be reached on the internet at edstaff@mcs.com or opearce@vdospk.com, or on Compuserve at 72240,2171 or 76106,1541.