Design-A-Room ------------- Version 2.0 Copyright 1993 Robert Scott Mace and Robert A. Mace. All rights reserved. REGISTRATION FORM ----------------- Name:_________________________________________________________________________ Address:______________________________________________________________________ City:__________________________________ State:_____________ Zip:______________ Phone: (________) ____________________________________________________________ Where did you obtain Design-A-Room? __________________________________________ Method of payment: [ ] Check/money order [ ] Visa [ ] Mastercard If ordering by credit card, Name on card:____________________________________ Card No. ________________________________________ Expiration Date:_________________________________ Signature:_______________________________________ Please enclose this form along with $19.95 (plus 5.5% tax in OH) and mail it to: Epsilon Computing 1668 Trillium Court Cincinnati, OH 45215 For fastest service, call (513) 563-4871 with your Visa/MC number ready. To register online, call our BBS at (513) 563-6475 with your Visa/MC number. THANK YOU FOR REGISTERING DESIGN-A-ROOM!!!