LIBPATH.EXE provides a quick and easy way to list the OS/2 LIBPATH directories in a readable ordered format, and to search for instances of a particular Dynamic Link Library (DLL) found in the LIBPATH directories. Requirements: OS/2 v2.0 and above USAGE: LIBPATH [/?] [/q] [DLLNAME] /? - Display this information. /q - Execute in QUIET mode; Returns result of search DLLNAME - Specific DLL to search for Displaying LIBPATH Directories ============================== With no command arguments, LIBPATH.EXE lists the LIBPATH directories in order. If running on WARP, the additional BEGINLIBPATH and ENDLIBPATH environment variable directories are listed as well. Sample output: LIBPATH - no arguments >BEGINLIBPATH Directories > > 1. k:\btrieve\os2 > > >LIBPATH Directories: > > 2. E:\TOOLKIT3\SOM\COMMON\DLL > 3. E:\TOOLKIT3\SOM\LIB > 4. E:\TOOLKIT3\DLL > 5. D:\MMOS2\DLL > 6. > 7. D:\ > 8. E:\CICS200\BIN > 9. D:\OS2\DLL > 10. D:\OS2\MDOS > 11. D:\OS2\APPS\DLL > 12. D:\LANWP\DLL > 13. D:\IBMCPP\DLL > 14. D:\SPM2V2 > 15. D:\SSAVER > 16. D:\OPENSHUT > 17. D:\CPUMONP > 18. E:\TCPIP\DLL > 19. E:\TCPIP\UMAIL > 20. D:\NETWARE > 21. D:\NETWARE\NLS\ENGLISH > 22. D:\OBJDESK > > >ENDLIBPATH Directories > > 23. z:\os2\miscapps Seaching For DLL Instances ========================== If a DLL name is provided, all LIBPATH directories will be searched for instances of the specified DLL. All DLLs found are listed under the LIBPATH directory in which they were found. Each DLL is listed along with it's timestamp and file size information. Sample output: LIBPATH btrcalls >BEGINLIBPATH Directories > > 1. k:\btrieve\os2 : > btrcalls.dll 77639 08-24-95 11:18a > > >LIBPATH Directories: > > 7. D:\ : > btrcalls.dll 77639 08-25-95 10:37a > > >ENDLIBPATH Directories Batch File Usage ================ Used in a batch .CMD file to search for DLLs, it will return an errorlevel of 0 if the specified DLL is found. Example: Pass a DLL name to this .CMD file to echo the search result. call libpath /q %1 if errorlevel 1 goto :notfound echo %1 was found goto :end :notfound echo %1 was not found :end LIBPATH.EXE is ShareWare. Distribute as you like, but be sure to include this .TXT file. If you find this utility program useful, support the ShareWare concept. Send a check for whatever ($5-10) you feel this tool is worth to you to: Shane Petty 1821 Spillman Street Austin, Texas 78704 E-mail: Thank You.