
The editor integrated into Splot is a fully featured editor that is also available as a separate product. The editor is modeled after the E PC editor. This editor is however a functional superset of E with many useful additional features. The OS/2 epm editor is another editor with the same ancestors. Users of E or epm will quickly feel at home with this editor since operation is quite similar.

Highlights of this editor include unlimited undo of previous changes and corresponding step for step redo. Column editing features to allow movement of columns of text (allows easy change of indentation). Bracket matching of all sorts of brackets and C code comment delimiters. There is limited folding which displays either; only the lines starting in the first column to quickly locate the start of functions, only the changed lines or only the lines containing the search string. Furthermore, a whole ring of files can be loaded up at once allowing painless copying of text between files. One particularly nice feature is the ability to load up a set of files in a ring and rapidly cycle through them using then ctrl N and ctrl P key combinations. Text can be copied between these files by using the block and line mark commands. There are all also some features to facilitate carrying out complex repetitive editing tasks. In particular sequences of key strokes can be saved and assigned to a function key for subsequent reuse. Furthermore, any command including function key macros can be repeated a number of times automatically by entering a command multiplier. The editor is completely key configurable. A set of keystrokes can be mapped to an editor function simply by specifying the sequence in the auxiliary key map file. The combination of key mapping and key macros allow the editor to imitate the user interface of other editors or allow the construction of a custom user interface to the taste of the user.

The editor is extremely easy to use and largely self explanatory. Text is input by straight typing anywhere on the screen. Cursor movement is controlled by the arrow keys and auxiliary keypad keys as per their standard definitions as well as accelerated movement with CTRL combinations. The cursor position control keys are as follows:


Cursor Motion Keys

left arrow left one space
right arrow right one space
up arrow up one line
down arrow down one line
end end of line
home beginning of line
PgDn scroll down one screen
PgUp scroll up one screen
Center Key fast motion toggle
CTRL left left one word
CTRL right right one word
CTRL up scroll up five lines
CTRL down scroll down five lines
CTRL end end of file
CTRL PgDn end of file
CTRL home beginning of file
CTRL PgUp beginning of file


Editor Control Keys

CTRL A set place mark
CTRL B bracket match {, (, [, <, or /*
CTRL C change case
CTRL D delete character
DEL delete character
CTRL E delete to end of line
CTRL F find next occur of search string
CTRL G go. Execute code
CTRL H destructive backspace
CTRL I tab
CTRL J join next line to current line
CTRL K cut current line at cursor
CTRL L return to previous set place mark
CTRL M insert new line
CTRL N edit next file in ring
CTRL P edit previ ous file in ring
CTRL Q quit without saving file
CTRL R redo previous undo
CTRL S swap current and next character
CTRL T toggle insert/replace
CTRL 0 toggle insert/replace
CTRL U undo changes to last line
CTRL V toggle view function mode
CTRL W write file to disk
CTRL X delete line
CTRL BACK delete line
CTRL Z zap word
CTRL DEL zap word
ALT A alternate binary representation
ALT E execute last macro
ALT I insert coordinates
ALT J join next line to current line
ALT K enter next char literally
ALT P position curs at prev location
ALT Q restore a line from undo record
ALT R re flow paragraph
ALT S split line at cursor
ALT T teach new macro
ALT V view only changed lines
ALT W view lines containing search string
ALT X enter control character
ALT Z zero command multiplier
ALT 0-9 enter command multiplier

The ALT P command is useful if the cursor was accidentally moved away from the region of interest with a CTRL Home or search for example. In these situations ALT P will restore the cursor to its previous location. This action is similar to using place marks except that unlike place marks these are automatically set by any command that causes the cursor to jump by more than one line. Only one previous location is remembered though.