The default units for the drawing page are centimeters. The physical page available for drawing in is 20 cm wide by 26 cm high (approximately 8 x 11 inches). It is not possible to change the physical size of the drawing area but the units can easily be changed using the scale(xfact, yfact); command. Thus in order to change the units to inches for example put scale(0.3937,0.3937); right after main() in the file. The default orientation of the page is portrait with the x axes along the short side. The origin may be shifted using translate(); and x and y interchanged using rotate(90);. It is thus possible to change to landscape mode using a combination of translate(); and rotate(); but it is much easier to just specify set(PAGE_ROT, ON); at the top of the file after main().
It is sometimes convenient to change the coordinates of the page to match those used to draw data within the axes box. This can be useful for adding labels to features in the data. This could be done using translate(); and scale(); but is much more easily achieved with the function cmatch(ON); in the code or the coordinate match menu choice in the misc menu. The menu button is a toggle and alternately turns on and off the coordinate matching. If there are multiple axes boxes in a figure the last drawn one is used to match to. This may be changed by high lighting a different axes box using the right mouse button.