#include <splot.h> /* Created by Scott Wilson 02/05/93 */ /* this splot file generates an xy plot of 5 data sets. Each curve has the same x scale and y scale but have been offset from each other in the y direction by an equal amount */ /* define the data arrays */ double *pldata1, *pldata2, *pldata3, *pldata4, *pldata5; main() { /* define a tic length */ /* major and minor tics */ double majortic,minortic; majortic=0.25; minortic=0.17; /* set up some default values */ set(FONTASPECT,1.2); set(FONTWIDTH,0.8); set(LINECOLOUR,BLACK); set(AXESCLIP,ON); set(LINEWIDTH,0.09); set(PLOTTYPE,LINES); /* load in the data */ readdata("demo\4kc.dat",pldata1); readdata("demo\15kc.dat",pldata2); readdata("demo\35kc.dat",pldata3); readdata("demo\45kc.dat",pldata4); readdata("demo\60kc.dat",pldata5); /* define an axis box */ axes_box(13,19,7650,-3000,7950,125000); /* set up some major tics*/ set(TICKLENGTH,majortic); /* for the x-axis */ tickmarks(XAXES,7700,7800,7900); /* for the y-axis */ /* note only denoting the zero point for each curve */ tickmarks(YAXES,0,5000,10000,15000,20000); /* set up some minor tics */ set(LINEWIDTH,0.05); set(TICKLENGTH,minortic); /* for the x axis */ tickmarks(XAXES,7675,7725,7750,7775,7825,7850,7875,7925); /* place some ticklabels on the axes */ ticklabel(BOTTOM); ticklabel(RIGHT,0," 4K",5000,"15K",10000,"35K",15000,"45K",20000,"60K"); /* place some labels on the axes */ label(BOTTOM,"Photon Energy (cm^-1^)"); label(LEFT,"PL Intensity"); /* place some comments in the figure */ text(3.98,21.11,"C_60_:^16^O_2_"); text(11.10,21.11,"!l!_ex_=710nm"); /* put the data into the picture */ drawdata(pldata1); set(YSHIFT,5000); drawdata(pldata2); set(YSHIFT,10000); drawdata(pldata3); set(YSHIFT,15000); drawdata(pldata4); set(YSHIFT,20000); drawdata(pldata5); }