If val is ON then the data values are clipped to the limits of the axes box. This is temporarily added to the user set clip limits if any. If val is OFF (the default) then the user specified clip limits from the last clip() call are used. Alternatively the range of data values plotted can be set using set(XRANGE,...); set(YRANGE,...); .
AXESTYPE may be one of the following. LINEAR (the default), LOGX, LOGY, LOGLOG, INVX, INVY, INVINV, INVXLOGY or LOGXINVY. The position of data points and tickmarks are automatically adjusted to account for the axes type.
Sets the symbol to use when plotting data with symbols. sym must be one of OCIRCLE, OSQUARE, OTRIANGLE , ODIAMOND OSTAR, OARROW, PLUS, CROSS, MULT, CIRCLE, SQUARE, TRIANGLE, DIAMOND, STAR, or ARROW. The default symbol is CIRCLE. The size of a symbol can be changed using set(FONTWIDTH,val_in_cm); since symbols are just a special font. The size relative to the current FONTWIDTH can be set using set(SYMMULT,mult);.
Determines the rule to be used when filling a path. Type must be one of NONZWIND (default) or EVENODD.
Sets the maximum allowable error in pixels when converting a curve to a set of straight line segments. Smaller values of num give smother curves but take longer to process. The default value of num is 1.
Sets the font type to use for subsequent text written using the text(); routine. font name type must be either SIMPLEX (default) or COMPLEX.
Sets the ratio of the glyph height to width used for text written using text();. The default value is 2.5.
Sets the rotation angle with respect to the x axis to use when writing text using text(); The default is 0.
Multiplies the current font size by the given factor.
Sets the average width of the characters written using text(). The default value is 0.7 cm. FONTWIDTH applies also to symbols.
Adds an additional amount to the margin between the plot and the plot labels generated using the "label();" command. val = 0 is the default.
Determines how thick lines are to be terminated. The allowed types are BUTTCAP (default), ROUNDCAP and PROJCAP.
Where col is one of BLACK, BLUE, GREEN, CYAN, RED, MAGENTA, BROWN or WHITE. This set the colour to use when the current path is stroked or filled. The default colour is BLACK with the background WHITE.
Determines how thick lines are joined together. The allowed join types are MITERJOIN (default), BEVELJOIN and ROUNDJOIN.
Sets the line style to use for the path when it is stroked. The constant LINESTYLE is followed by a list of floating point values that define the pattern. The values are interpreted as the length along the path that the line is visible followed by the length that it is invisible as an alternating sequence wrapping back to the beginning when the pattern reaches the end. For example a pattern of 1.0,1.0 implies on for 1 cm followed by off for 1 cm. A pattern of 1.0,0.5 is on for 1 cm followed by off for 0.5 cm. The predefined patterns are: SOLID 0 (default) DASHED 1.0,0.5 DOTTED 0.2,0.2 and DOTDASH 1.0,0.5,0.2,0.5. There must always be an even number of comma separated values in a pattern definition.
Sets the LINEWIDTH to width cm (default 0.05 cm). This line width is used when the current path is stroked.
Sets the maximum length of spikes formed by miter joining two lines at an acute angle. If the ratio of the length of the spike to the width exceeds the value of maxratio then a BEVELJOIN is done instead. The default value is 10.0.
Selects landscape orientation if flag is ON. Default is portrait.
Sets the offset into the current LINESTYLE pattern. Can be used to adjust the starting point of a pattern for aesthetic reasons.
Sets the current plot type. type must be one of LINES (default), SYMBOLS or SYM_LINES. LINES connects data points with line segments while SYMBOLS causes the current symbol to be drawn at each data point. SYM_LINES does both. The size of a symbol can be changed using set(FONTWIDTH, val_in_cm); since symbols are just a special font. The size relative to the current FONTWIDTH can be set using set(SYMMULT,mult);.
If val is ON then the XSHIFT, YSHIFT, XMULT, YMULT values are applied to all coordinates (i.e. in lineto, moveto etc.). The default is OFF in which case only data plotted using plotdata or drawdata is affected by these values.
Sets the relative height of a super/sub script as compared to ordinary text. The default value is 0.5.
Sets the distance that a super/sub script is shifted above/below ordinary text. The value is specified as a fraction of the ordinary text height. The default value is 0.7.
Sets the symbol size multiplier used when drawing symbols. The default value is 1.0. The actual symbol size is determined the current FONTWIDTH multiplied by the curent SYMMULt value.
Sets the length of axis tick marks to be used. The default value is 0.3 cm.
This value corresponds to the margin used between the axes box and any tick labels generated using the "ticklabel();" command. val = 0 is the default.
Causes each x value to be multiplied by xmul before being plotted.
data plotted using drawdata is constrained to have x values between xmin and xmax. There is also a corresponding YRANGE set option. The default is no constraints. The values should be specified in user coordinates i.e. those established by the current axes_box() or ascale().
Causes the value xshft to be added to all x values before plotting.
Causes the value yshft to be added to all y values before plotting.
Causes each y value to be multiplied by ymul before being plotted.