Command Line Operations (requires
text input so terminate line with a
esc goto or leave command line
Change current line
number goto line number n
+number down n lines
-number up n lines
Change current column offset
@number start at column n
@+number scroll left n columns
@-number scroll right n columns
Search and Replace.
find string str (/ actually any punct)
/str[/-bclr] return
replace str1 with str2
c/str1/str2[/-bcl] return
The optional search suffixes are
/- search up (down is default)
/b search marked block only
/c ignore case
/l loop through all files
/r interpret as regular expression
For regular exp the following symbols
have special meaning
∧ start of line
$ end of line
. any character
quote next character
* match zero or more times
+ match one or more times
match a,e,i and 0 through 9
match anything but a,e,i and 0 through 9
( ) sub expression
a(ab)*b matches ab aabb aababb aabababb etc.
Add other files to ring
e name1,name2,...[-r]
The optional edit suffixes are
-r read only
display directory and choose one to edit
e [*.*]
activate this help file
insert named file at current location
m name
rename current file to name
r name
show and modify editor configuration
exit without saving changes
previous command line entered
up arrow
next command line entered
down arrow
send command to operating system
os command
also any unrecognized string