Micrografx Picture Publisher 5.0 30 Day Trial Notes and CD Contents NOTE: ALL LICENSE AGREEMENTS WILL BE ENFORCED. ABIDE BY THESE AGREEMENTS. SPA PROTECTED. Install Notes: You may only install the PP50.exe once on the system. The installer identifies if the file has been previously installed with the entry found in the MGX.INI in the WINDOWS subdirectory. You may install additional components but the PP50.exe is prevented from reinstalling and there will be a message box that identifies the reinstall of the program. Reinstalling the PP50.exe after running the program will disable the full 30 days. Just keep in mind, if you do not tamper with anything you should get the full 30 days of the program. Other Notes: In order for OLE 2.0 to properly use compound file implementation it is recommended that share always be running in the autoexec.bat with the line SHARE /L:500 /F:5100. PRINTING ISSUES: If you print to a PostScript device and are experiencing problems (for example, the image looks like it is printed at a low resolution), you can set the PRINTSCALING=1 in the PP.INI file. To print optimally to PostScript printers, the GeneratePostScript=1 is set in the PP.INI which causes Picture Publisher to generate PostScript information. It is automatically set to on with this installation. To disable this setting, change GeneratePostScript=0 in the PP.INI file. If you want non-PostScript devices to send full color or grayscale information to the printer driver, select the Use Printer Screening option in the Print dialog box. It is automatically set to on with this installation. Note on HP DESKJET/INKJET Series printers: When using CMS, use the profile for the HP550C or obtain the specific profile for your printer model from KODAK. SCANNING ISSUES: NIKON COOLSCAN The Nikon Coolscan will require the .DLLs to be copied to the root directory of PICTPUB5 in order to communicate with the scanner correctly. The Nikon setup (from Nikon) puts the drivers in the DEVICES subdirectory of Picture Publisher. You must use SCAN. The TWAIN plugin module will not work at this time with PP50a so you cannot use ACQUIRE. The required DLL's are: NKNGPIB1.DLL NKNSCDLG.DLL NKNSCDRV.DLL FOR FURTHER INFORMATION ON OTHER AREAS CONSULT THE ONLINE README IN PICTURE PUBLISHER's HELP MENU AND USE F1 TO SELECT CONTEXT SENSITIVE HELP. SOME F1 HELP INFORMATION MAY REQUIRE REPOSITIONING THE CURSOR TO CLICK ON THE UPPER RIBBON OF A DIALOG BOX. CONTENTS: (AVAILABLE ON THE FULL RETAIL VERSION ONLY EXCEPT CMS) SUBDIRECTORY DESCRIPTION CMS - KODAK Color Management System that integrates within Picture Publisher 5.0 for precise color managed images. CMSDISK 1-3 From CMSDISK1 run SETUP.EXE. DISK1 - INSTALLATION for running the Network install from the CD. This is the same installation on the diskettes. Run SETUPN.EXE from here or the root of the CD. FONTS - True Type Fonts installable through the control panel. IMAGES - Directory with TIF images. PICTPUB5- The PICTPUB directory exists so you can operate from the CD. - SETUP.EXE To install and run PICTPUB5 from CD. PP5_CBT - CBTPP5.EXE Learn by Computer Based Training (CBT) Overview Picture Publisher with sight and sound. Requires installing VFW1.1 first. Sound card needed for voice and sounds. VFW1.1 - SETUP.EXE Video for Windows V1.1. Needed for CBT.