This manual This manual.txt file contains just a fraction of the information to be found in the manual.hjt file, which can be viewed with Treepad. Introducing HJ-Treepad HJ-TreePad is an easy-to-use information manager. With this version TreePad, you can structure your personal notes and information in an orderly fashion. You do not have to worry about finding it back, because TreePad has a search function. A first glimpse... To have an idea about the workings of HJ-TreePad, start the program and open the file "hjhSoftware" (or "hjhSoftware.hjt") with TreePad. You can press the little "+" to expand a tree node (in the left part of the screen). You can click on a node to select it. If a node is selected the associated text is displayed in the right part of the screen. Viewing the manual in Treepad You can also see A MORE COMPLETE VERSION OF THIS MANUAL in TreePad form. Just open the file "Manual" (or "Manual.hjt") in Treepad. This file contains this manual you are reading right now, including a lot of extra information not found here - like new commands added in the latest versions. Using Treepad TreePad consists of a tree (the left part of the screen) and a textfield (called 'article' - the right part of the screen). The tree part consists 'nodes', which can be considered leafs of the tree. Nodes can be connected to each other in a hierarchical fashion. Every node can itself be associated with an article. An article contains the information you want to store in the form of a piece of text. TreePad is a simple to use utility. Tree nodes can be moved, deleted, inserted and edited in the standard Windows way. The articles can be edited like in a normal text-editor. Although the program is easy and conforms to Windows standards, actions like moving nodes, editing text are explained in full detail below so. The tree part. To add a node. * With the mouse (recommended): right click the tree with your mouse, choose 'Add node' in the menu that pops up. The node appears and you can type the node name. After you have finished typing in the node name, press 'enter'. * With the keyboard if your mouse does not work: select the tree component with the tab key if necessary. Select a node within the tree component (with your up/down cursor keys). Using the main menu, press alt-E (Edit), press A (Add node). To delete a node: * With the mouse (recommended): right click the node you want to be deleted, and choose 'delete node' in the popup menu. Important: the node and all of it's children are deleted. * With the keyboard if your mouse does not work: select the tree component with the tab key if it is not selected. use the main menu, press alt-E (edit), press D (Delete node). To change the node name: * With the mouse (recommended): select a node by clicking on it once. Wait. Click on it again. An edit cursor will appear in the node name. * With the mouse (method 2): right-click the node you want to edit, and choose 'Edit node'. The node name will now display a cursor. After typing the new node name, press 'enter'. Press 'escape' to make the old node name appear. * With the keyboard: use the Edit menu. To open a node. * With the mouse (recommended): click on the little "+" sign to the left of the node you want to open. An opened node displays its children. * With the keyboard: select the node with your cursor (up/down) keys and press the "+" key on the Numeric-pad of your keyboard. To close a node. * With the mouse: click on the little "-" sign to the left of the node you want to close. * Keyboard: use the "-" key of the Numeric-pad of your keyboard. To move a node into another node: This option moves the node so that it will become a child node of the destiny node. * With the mouse (recommended): move your mouse cursor to the node you want to move. Press the left mouse button down. While keeping the mouse button pressed down, move it to the destination node and release the mouse button. The node you wanted to move will now be a 'child' node of the destination node. Important: the node, text and all of it's children and texts are moved to the new location. * For moving a node, no keyboard option is supported at this moment. To move a node This command moves the node to the position just after the destination node. The difference with the previous command is, that the node will appear just behind the destination node. * The mouse action is the same as above, except now keep the 'shift' key pressed when dragging the node. Note: press the shift key BEFORE you start the mouse operation. * No keyboard option is yet supported for this command. Advanced: to copy the node name to the clipboard: * With the mouse: right-click the node, and choose 'copy node name'. * Keyboard: use the Edit menu. Advanced: to paste the node name: * With the mouse: right-click, and choose 'paste node name'. * Keyboard: use the Edit menu. Using the article part. The article part is the right half of the screen, on which normal text can appear. When selecting a tree node, the accompanying article (normal) text will appear in the right half of the screen. By selecting the article with your mouse, or by using the keyboard tab key, you can make the article the active part of the program. This way you can edit the text inside it. The article also has a popup menu. With it you can cut/copy/paste/select much like in a normal text editor. The commands are also available by keyboard via the main Edit menu (alt-E).