--------------------------------------------------------------------------- What's New with Tek Gradator v2.01? --------------------------------------------------------------------------- IMPROVEMENTS: 1. Number of supported gradation patterns was almost doubled. Ellipse, Vague Ellipse, Wave, Diamond and Vague Diamond were added. 2. Time to process graphics for repeating pattern greatly decreased. 3. Number of repetition was increased to 10 from 4 horizontally, to 6 from 3 vertically. 4. A natural rainbow color palette in addition to the vivid color palette and reversible color order feature were added 5. Applying shadow and highlight effects on superimposed texts became much easier. 6. Paths to opening and saving folders came to be kept during a session. 7. A progress bar displayed during graphics processing was added. FIXED BUGS: 1. All windows and dialog boxes did not close when the Main or Mini Panel was minimized in the task bar. 2. The way to close the Main Screen and the Color Mixer was different. 3. Trying to read an invalid file caused deletion of it. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- September 29,1997 Copyright (C) Tek Design