Q: Does Servant Salamander run on Windows 3.X with Win32s ?
A: No. Servant Salamander is native Win32 application and uses API
functions which are not supported under Win32s.
Q: Where can I get the latest version of Servant Salamander ?
A: The latest version will be always available on this site. We will also
make our best to upload the latest versions to all important Windows FTP sites.
Q: Why is the checkbox Regular Expresions disabled ?
A: We haven't implemented regular expressions matching yet.
Q: What does the checkbox "Set Find in internal viewer to search grepped
text from the Find Files dialog" on the Viewer/Editor page in the Configuration
dialog mean ?
A: When you press F3 key in the Find Files dialog at some found file, and
you are using internal viewer, do you want to set the Find dialog in internal
viewer to search the same text as the Find Files dialog (edit control Containing
Text) ?
In the other words, when you turn on this option, you can find the text
immediately using F6 key in internal viewer.