CyberContact Upgrade Order Liraz Technologies, I am interested in upgrading my CyberContact software application. Please send me by E-mail a code that will allow me to upgrade my CyberContact Light version into the Pro Version. I understand that the upgrade fee for a single user is $50. Enclosed is my payment details --------------------------------------------------------- Name: Organization: Address: City: Zip: Country: E-mail address: Payment Method ----------------------------- 1. Check (US bank) or Cash - $50 (Print this order form, enclose your check or cash and send it by mail to the following address). Liraz Publishing Co. 37a Nahalat Izhak St. Tel Aviv 67448 Israel 2. Credit Card - $50 (We accept Visa, MasterCard and American Express). Card Holder Name (if different from the above): What Card: Card Number: Expiration date: