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Screens and Windows 

The Send E-mail Window 

The Send E-mail Window enables you to compose and send e-mail messages. 
This window contains the following buttons: 
Send: use it to send the e-mail message. 
Cancel: use it to cancel e-mail operation. 
Attach: use it to attach a file to the e-mail message. 
Send Later: use it to add the message to the queued messages to be sent later. 
Send Queued Messages: use it to send the queued messages. 
Cut: use it to cut a selected text to the clipboard. 
Copy: use it to copy a selected text to the clipboard. 
Paste: use it to paste text from the clipboard. 
Send To All: use it to send the message to all your contacts or to a filtered subset thereof. When no filter is applied the message will go to all your contacts. When you apply a filter using the Filter Dialog Window, the message will go to the applied filter. 

  • Before you can send e-mail messages you must use the E-mail Setup dialog box to enable CyberContact to speak with your Internet service providers’ mail server. 
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Liraz Technologies Co.