Table of Contents

About the TeamInbox
About the Inbox

About the Task List

Using the Inbox
Accept or decline a TeamAssign request
Reply to a TeamUpdate message
Respond to a TeamStatus message

Working with messages in the Task List
Update tasks in the Task List
Save changes in the Task List
Delete tasks in the Task List
Send updated status for your tasks to the workgroup manager

Modifying settings
Change your workgroup password
Change the report period and track overtime

Logging off
Log off without exiting the browser

About the TeamInbox

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When communicating through a Webùwhether it's an intranet or the Internetùthe workgroup manager and workgroup members have access to a common Web server. When the workgroup manager sets up Microsoft Project to use Web communication, Microsoft Project then installs the TeamInbox on the Web server. The workgroup manager, using Microsoft Project, can then send workgroup messages, such as task assignments, to workgroup membersùthe workgroup messages are posted in the TeamInbox.

Workgroup members can then use their Web browser to open the TeamInbox, much as they would any other Web site, except that the TeamInbox has a log on screen to make the site secure. Once workgroup members log on, they will see the workgroup messages that the workgroup manager has sent to them arranged in an interface analogous to an e-mail client application. When workgroup members reply to the messages, Microsoft Project recognizes the replies when it scans the TeamInbox for new information, and in turn alerts the workgroup manager. The workgroup manager can then view these responses from within Microsoft Project, using the WebInbox, and update the schedule accordingly.

By design, the TeamInbox acts as a remote outpost. The workgroup members who use it do not use Microsoft Project to access it. They simply use the TeamInbox as a means of receiving and tracking task assignments across an intranet or the Internet, and sending updates to the workgroup manager.

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About the Inbox

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The Inbox is where workgroup members receive all workgroup messages from the workgroup manager. The Inbox provides information about each message at a glance through the use of information columns, just as many e-mail programs do. These categories include the following.

Category Description
Open Indicates through the use of an icon whether the message has been opened. If you have not opened the message, the icon is a closed envelope. If you have opened the message, the icon is an opened envelope. If an opened message has saved values in it, the icon is an open envelope with a paper clip. The icon is also the hotspot that you click to open the message.
From Lists the name of the workgroup manager who sent the message, as defined in the workgroup managerÆs Microsoft Project.
Project Lists the name of the Microsoft Project file from which the workgroup manager is sending the message.
Subject Lists the type of message the workgroup manager is sending. This field will display whatever the workgroup manager types in the Subject field when drafting a workgroup message. But if the workgroup manager doesn't alter the default text when sending out workgroup messages, this field will display one of the following:
  • TeamAssign, if you're being assigned a new task.

  • TeamUpdate, if the workgroup manager is sending you a schedule update that affects a task assigned to you.

  • TeamStatus, if the workgroup manager is requesting a status report regarding a task that belongs to you.
Assigned Lists the number of tasks that the message relates to. For example, if you receive a TeamAssign message with a 3 in the Assigned field, you're being assigned three new tasks by the workgroup manager.
Received Lists the date and time when the message reached your TeamInbox.

Note TeamAssign messages are removed from the Inbox and moved to the Task List when you accept the task. TeamStatus messages are removed from the TeamInbox altogether once you respond to the workgroup manager. Similarly, messages you delete are removed from the TeamInbox altogether.


To update the Inbox to see if you have received any new messages since you first logged on to the TeamInbox, click Refresh Inbox on the taskbar located on the left side of the TeamInbox.

To open the Task List, click Task List on the taskbar located on the left side of the TeamInbox.

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About the Task List

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When you accept a task that the workgroup manager has assigned to you, that task moves from the Inbox to the Task List. As you make progress on your tasks, you can open the Task List, update the tasks, and then either save your updates without sending them to the workgroup manager or send your updates to the workgroup manager immediately, which saves your updates in the Task List.

Buttons in the Task List

The Task List has a row of buttons that allow you to manage the tasks that appear in the Task List.

Button Description
Send Sends to the workgroup manager the updates to those groups of tasks whose check box are selected under the far left column, which has an envelope at the top.
Save Saves any changes you've made to the tasks.
Delete Deletes those tasks whose Delete check box is selected.
Options Leads to settings where you can change options in the Task List, such as the reporting period, how the period is broken down (e.g. by Days, by Weeks, or the Entire Period), whether to track overtime, and what the starting day of the week is.

Columns in the Task List

Information about each task is displayed in columns that are arranged in a table format.

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Accept or decline a TeamAssign request

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If you're notified of a task assignment by way of a TeamAssign message, you can check your schedule quickly to determine if you're available, and then accept or decline the assignment. Accepted tasks are added to the Task List.

  1. Open the TeamAssign message by clicking the envelope icon.

  2. In the message area, type a return message.

  3. Accept or decline the request. To accept the request, select the Accept? check box. To decline the request, clear the Accept? check box.

  4. In the Comments field for the task, type any applicable information.

  5. Click Send.

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Reply to a TeamUpdate message

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As the project is updated, the workgroup manager can send a TeamUpdate message notifying you of changes that affect you. You can then reply to the workgroup manager regarding the update message.


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Respond to a TeamStatus message

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The workgroup manager can send you a TeamStatus message requesting information about tasks assigned to you. You can then respond to the TeamStatus message with the requested status information.

  1. Open your TeamInbox.

  2. Open the TeamStatus message by clicking the envelope icon.

  3. In the fields provided for entering the work performed on a task, enter the actual amount of work performed for each period. If you have overtime hours in a period, enter those hours in an overtime field for that task, if one is present. If one is not present, mention the overtime hours in the Comments field for that task.

  4. In the Remaining Work field, type the amount of time you think it will take to complete the task.

  5. In the Message box, type your message.

  6. In the Comments field for the task, type any applicable information.

  7. Click Send.

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Update tasks in the Task List

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As you make progress on your tasks, you can open them from the Task List, update them, and then either save your updates without sending them to the workgroup manager or send your updates to the workgroup manager immediately, which saves your updates in the Task List.

  1. Click Task List.

  2. If you have tasks from multiple projects in the Task List, select the check box for those groups of tasks for which you want to send updates.

  3. In the fields provided for entering the work performed on a task, enter the actual amount of work performed for each period. If you have overtime hours in a period, enter those hours in an overtime field for that task, if one is present.

  4. In the Remaining Work field, type the amount of time you think it will take to complete the task.

  5. In the Message box, type your message.

  6. To save your task updates without sending them to the workgroup manager, click Save.

  7. To send your updates to the workgroup manager, click Send.

    The TeamInbox will send updates for all tasks that you have modified up to that point, and that belong to projects that you checked in step 2, but have not yet been sent.

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Save changes in the Task List

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After making changes to your tasks, you will want to save those changes before moving on. Otherwise, you might lose your changes.

Delete tasks in the Task List

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  1. Click Task List.

  2. For each task you want to delete, select the Delete? check box for that task.

  3. Click Delete.

Send updated status for your tasks to the workgroup manager

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When you accept a task assignment from the workgroup manager, that task moves from your Inbox to the Task List. As you make progress on your tasks, you can update them in your Task List and send your updates to the workgroup manager immediately, which saves your updates in the Task List.

  1. Click Task List.

  2. If you have tasks from multiple projects in the Task List, select the check box for those groups of tasks for which you want to send updates.

  3. In the fields provided for entering the work performed on a task, enter the actual amount of work performed for each period. If you have overtime hours in a period, enter those hours in an overtime field for that task, if one is present.

  4. In the Remaining Work field, type the amount of time you think it will take to complete the task.

  5. Click Send.

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Change your workgroup password

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  1. Click Change Password located on the taskbar on the left side of the TeamInbox.

  2. In the Old Password box, type your old password.

    If you have never entered a password, leave this box empty.

  3. In the New Password box, type your new password.

  4. In the Confirm New Password box, confirm your new password by typing the same password you typed in the New Password box.

  5. Click Go.

Note If you're a workgroup manager who is using the WebInbox in Microsoft Project in addition to the TeamInbox and you're running both from the same web server, changing your password in one inbox will change it in the other.

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Change the report period and track overtime

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By default, the Task List shows the days of the week that comprise the report period. For example, if the report period is from Monday 12/30 to Sunday 1/5, you will see a column for each day of the week in that period. However, you can change the report period or the time units displayed in the Task List.

The time units that are available include:

Important When you change the timescale, all the work values currently saved in the Task List will be erased.

  1. Click Task List, and then click Options.

  2. In the From and To boxes, enter the new dates for the report period.

    These two dates are included as part of the report period.

  3. In the Broken down by box, click the unit of time by which you want the Task List to break down your tasks. The choices are by days, by weeks, or a single unit of time for the entire period of the task's duration.

  4. Select the day of the week that the report period begins on. This setting is applicable only when the report period is broken down by week.

  5. If you want the Task List to include fields for entering overtime, check the Display Overtime Work box.

  6. To save your changes, click Set new period options.

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Log off without exiting the browser

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When you're finished using the TeamInbox, you can log off and return to the login screen.

Click Logoff on the left side of the TeamInbox.