100 OLE initialization failed. Make sure that the OLE libraries are the correct version. 128 &About openmail... 130 Yes 131 No 132 &Send 133 RE: 134 Accept? 135 \n---------- \n 136 Click the Reply button and in the respective columns, enter the amount of work you have completed. 137 Click the Reply button and in the respective columns, enter the amount of work you have completed. Any overtime work completed should be entered separately in the Overtime (Ovt) column, and not included in the regular work columns. 138 Report period for '^1': ^2 to ^3 139 Project: '^1' 140 Enter status as of: ^1 141 TeamStatus 142 Please reply to this message with your status on the tasks listed below. \nThank you. 144 IsMSProjTask 145 MSProjUID 146 MSProjFileName 147 MSProjReportedWork 148 MSProjFlag 149 UserProperties 151 MSProjPreviousTotalWork 152 MSProjPreviousActualWork 153 MSProjPrevious%Complete 154 Ovt 155 Total 156 MSProject.Application 157 Please open the attached file to read your message. 158 Yy 159 Nn 160 True 161 False 162 NA 256 Older Message Format 257 The message that is being opened is from an earlier version of Microsoft Project. You will only be able to read the contents of the message. You will not be able to send a reply. 258 The message that is being opened is from an earlier version of Microsoft Project or Microsoft Team Manager 97. You will only be able to see Total Completed Work for all tasks in the message. 259 Value Not Valid 260 The value you have entered is not valid. 261 Unsaved Changes 262 There are unsaved changes. Do you want to save your changes? 263 No Projects Selected 264 You must select at least one project to report on. 265 Invalid Date 266 This is not a valid date, or is outside the range for dates, which is January 1, 1984 through December 31, 2049. 267 No Microsoft Project Tasks Found 268 There are no Microsoft Project tasks in the Outlook database. 269 An error occurred during initialization. 270 The attachement contained in the message you are trying to open could not be retrieved successfully. 271 The attachment file could not be opened. 272 Your system is low on memory. The attachment could not be opened. Close windows, projects, or applications you aren't using, and then try again. 273 The attachment contained in the message you are trying to open is either corrupted or of an unsupported format. 274 One or more OLE controls failed during initialization. Reinstall the workgroup features, and then try again. 275 An error occurred during initialization. 276 An error occurred while updating Microsoft Project. 277 A connection to Microsoft Project cannot be made at this time. 278 An error occurred while saving the file. The data was not saved. 279 Do you want to update first? 280 Do you want to update the Microsoft Project file containing these tasks now using the values originally sent to you by your resource? 300 0 301 d 302 ed 303 eh 304 em 305 eMN 306 eq 307 ew 308 ey 309 h 310 m 311 MN 312 q 313 w 314 y 315 AM 316 0 317 $ 318 1 319 Fri 320 Mon 321 Sat 322 / 323 Sun 324 Thu 325 Tue 326 Wed 327 . 328 1 329 0 330 0 331 0 332 1 333 1 334 2 335 PM 336 , 337 : 338 1 339 1 340 0 341 as a total for the entire period 342 broken down by day 343 broken down by week 400 Overtime Work 401 Actual Work 402 Comments 403 Fixed Cost 404 Dur 405 Late Finish 406 Marked 407 Task Name 408 Accept? 409 Project 410 Priority 411 Remaining Work 412 Finish 413 Start 414 Early Start 415 WBS 416 Work