Stirling Technologies, Inc. (c) 1990-1996 SRCDIR SRCDISK TARGETDISK TARGETDIR WINDIR WINDISK WINSYSDIR WINSYSDISK ERRORFILENAME INFOFILENAME SUPPORTDIR CMDLINE ISVERSION SHARED UNINST ISRES ISUSER FOLDER_DESKTOP FOLDER_STARTMENU FOLDER_STARTUP PROGRAMFILES COMMONFILES LAST_RESULT CMDVALUE HINST_INSTALL BATCH_INSTALL LOGHANDLE _sdRECT right bottom _sdSIZE SelectObject GetTextExtentPoint EnableWindow GetClassName GetDC GetDlgItem GetFocus GetWindowLong GetWindowRect GetWindowWord IsIconic IsWindow IsWindowEnabled MoveWindow USER ReleaseDC SetFocus SetWindowText ShowWindow LoadString KERNEL GetModuleHandle GetClientRect SetWindowPos PostMessage ShowCursor SystemParametersInfo GetActiveWindow AddFontResource USER GetWindow GetWindowText KERNEL GetLogicalDriveStrings KERNEL GetDriveType KERNEL WinExec isadmin IsAdmin Initoreg GetABC40Prefs INIUPD32 HandleDBF INIUPD32 WriteStrValue WhichOS WhichOS Local GetOfficeToolBarPath Local GetWinWordStartUpPath Local GetExcelStartUpPath Local GetWindowsStartMenuPath RServer DllRegisterServer Setup is now generating file lists...A RServer.dll Setup failed to load RServer.dllA mgxnet.ini MGXIGSa MGXSTE2a MGXFLOW7a MGXDS2a MGXPP7a QSilvera Simply3DRA Micrografxa Micrografx Suitea MgxSuite Installa Fonts2| Micrografx Designera Micrografx ABC FlowChartera Micrografx ABC Media Managera Micrografx Picture Publisher( Setup is now generating file lists...A Micrografx Internet Graphics Suitea Micrografx Graphics Suite 2a Micrografx FlowCharter 7a Micrografx Designer 7a Micrografx Picture Publisher 7a Micrografx QuickSilver 7a Micrografx Simply 3DRL SOFTWARE\Micrografx\Uninstallera SUITEFOLDERR Micrografx Micrografx Setup is preparing to copy files...A Installa bEmerald2 Installa bRuby2 Installa bABC2 Installa bClipArt2 Installa bBrowser2 Installa bEFX2 Installa Installa bWebCharter2 Installa bOnLineHelp2 Installa bS3D2 Setup is preparing to copy files...A Copying system files...A Netwin2 SYSTEM.Za WIN\*.*A SYSTEM.Za WINSYS\*.*A SYSTEM.Za APP\*.SYSB SYSTEM.Za APP\Flow70.appB SYSTEM.Za APP\Des70.appB SYSTEM.Za APP\PP70.appB SYSTEM.Za APP\QS70.appB SYSTEM.Za APP\S3D.appB Netwin2 SYSTEM.Za Custom.dicB Copying system files...A Installa bIncludeABCPalettesRG Installa bIncludeABCProgramRG Netwin2 Flowsys.Za Copying Micrografx Designer help files...A Copying Micrografx Designer help files...A Copying Micrografx Picture Publisher program files...A Copying Micrografx Picture Publisher program files...A Copying Micrografx Media Manager files...A Netwin2 SYSTEM.Za ICONS.SBJB SYSTEM.Za ABCMM.ECFB Copying Micrografx Media Manager files...A Copying import/export filters...A System2\MGXFMA MGXFMA MGXFMA.Za *.INIB MGXFMA.Za Pplibmgr.dllB Copying import/export filters...A Browser Adding registry entries...A MGXFMA Adding registry entries...A Creating Program Folder and Icons...A Creating Program Folder and Icons...( Creating Program Folder and Icons...A Newer versions of DLL you have will not be installed until you restart the machine.M Restart WindowsbD Setup is complete.a To run your programs, double-click on the appropriate icon in the group folder. Setup is complete.a To run your programs, go to the Start menu and select the appropriate icon. Setup is complete.bD RServer.dll Custom S3DSYS.Za S3DCAT.Za S3D.Za Micrografx Simply 3DB Micrografx Simply 3DA Micrografx Simply 3D 2.0 S3DSYS.Za S3D.appA S3DSYS.Za *.dllA Simply3D Image 3D files S3D.Za Simply3D% Catalogs S3DCAT.Za Simply3D% Catalogs SOFTWARE\Micrografx\Simply 3Da SOFTWARE\Micrografx\Simply 3D\2.0a SOFTWARE\Micrografx\Simply 3D\CatalogsQ LastCatalogPathNameA SOFTWARE\Micrografx\Simply 3D\Catalogsa Typical DirectoryPathNameA ObjectsQ ObjectsPathNameA TexturesQ TexturesPathNameA Typical.c3dQ PathNameA DisplayNameA Simply3D Typical CatalogA BlurbA Assortment from all CatalogsA VolumeNameA Hard DriveA Simply3D\S3D2.exe .s3Da Simply3D.ProjectA .s3D\ShellNewa NullFileA Simply3D.Projecta Simply3D ProjectA Simply3D.Project\CLSID {4B872E74-7053-11CF-9CF2-0000C022962C}Q Simply3D.Project\DefaultIcon$ Simply3D.Project\Insertablea Simply3D.Project\protocola Simply3D.Project\protocol\StdFileEditinga Simply3D.Project\protocol\StdFileEditing\serverQ Simply3D.Project\protocol\StdFileEditing\verba Simply3D.Project\protocol\StdFileEditing\verb\0Q &EditA Simply3D.Project\shella Simply3D.Project\shell\opena Simply3D.Project\shell\open\command$ Simply3D.Project\shell\open\ddeexecQ [open("%1")]A Simply3D.Project\shell\printa Simply3D.Project\shell\print\command$ /p %1Q Simply3D.Project\shell\printtoa Simply3D.Project\shell\printto\command$ /p %1Q CLSID\{4B872E74-7053-11CF-9CF2-0000C022962C} Simply3D ProjectQ AuxUserTypeP CLSID\{4B872E74-7053-11CF-9CF2-0000C022962C}\AuxUserType\2 Simply3D ProjectQ CLSID\{4B872E74-7053-11CF-9CF2-0000C022962C}\AuxUserType\3 SIMPLY3DQ CLSID\{4B872E74-7053-11CF-9CF2-0000C022962C}\DefaultIcon$ CLSID\{4B872E74-7053-11CF-9CF2-0000C022962C}\InprocHandler32Q ole32.dllA CLSID\{4B872E74-7053-11CF-9CF2-0000C022962C}\InsertableQ CLSID\{4B872E74-7053-11CF-9CF2-0000C022962C}\LocalServer32Q CLSID\{4B872E74-7053-11CF-9CF2-0000C022962C}\MiscStatusQ CLSID\{4B872E74-7053-11CF-9CF2-0000C022962C}\ProgIDQ Simply3D.ProjectA CLSID\{4B872E74-7053-11CF-9CF2-0000C022962C}\VerbQ CLSID\{4B872E74-7053-11CF-9CF2-0000C022962C}\Verb\0Q &Edit,0,2A CLSID\{4B872E74-7053-11CF-9CF2-0000C022962C}\Verb\1Q &Open,0,2A CLSID\{4B872E74-7053-11CF-9CF2-0000C022962C}\147Q Simply3D Micrografx Simply 3D 2.0% SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstalla Micrografx Simply 3D 2.0Q DisplayNameA SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstalla Micrografx Simply 3D 2.0% mgxclean.exe S3D.APPQ UninstallStringA SOFTWARE\Micrografx\Uninstallera SOFTWARE\Micrografx\Uninstallera Simply3D 2.0\S3DDIRQ SOFTWARE\Micrografx\Uninstallera Simply3D 2.0\CATDIR% CatalogsQ SOFTWARE\Micrografx\Uninstallera Simply3D 2.0\TEXTUREDIR% Catalogs\TexturesQ SOFTWARE\Micrografx\Uninstallera Simply3D 2.0\OBJECTSDIR% Catalogs\ObjectsQ SOFTWARE\Micrografx\Uninstallera Simply3D 2.0\CONFIGDIR% ConfigQ SOFTWARE\Micrografx\Uninstallera Simply3D 2.0\TEXTWIZDIR% Config\TextWizQ SOFTWARE\Micrografx\Uninstallera Simply3D 2.0\S3DFOLDERQ Simply3D\S3D2.exe Simply3D Micrografx Simply 3Db Mgxclean.exe S3D.APP Remove Micrografx Simply 3D 2.0b Micrografx Simply 3Db Custom Micrografx QuickSilverB Micrografx QuickSilverA Micrografx QuickSilver Micrografx QuickSilver` Micrografx QuickSilverA QS.Za QS.Za Netscape\*.*B Netscape Navigator Plug-inB QS.Za Web Charter\*.*B WebChartB QS.Za Consumer\*.*B Consumer SamplesB QS.Za QS Documentation\*.*B Online Help FilesB Netscape Navigator Plug-inA This component installs a plug-in for Netscape Navigator versions 2.0 and higher. The plug-in lets you create and display interactive vector graphics on the Web.` WebChartA This component installs a Web charting wizard that lets you visually map Web sites using FlowCharter.` Consumer SamplesA This component contains sample home pages for the consumer.` Online Help FilesA This component installs HTML-based online help for the QuickSilver Pack. QS.Za Ready Use\Accounting\*.*B ReadyUse - AccountingB QS.Za Ready Use\Administration\*.*B ReadyUse - AdministrationB QS.Za Ready Use\Engineering\*.*B ReadyUse - EngineeringB QS.Za Ready Use\Executive Staff\*.*B ReadyUse - Executive StaffB QS.Za Ready Use\Finance\*.*B ReadyUse - FinanceB QS.Za Ready Use\Human Resources\*.*B ReadyUse - Human ResourcesB QS.Za" Ready Use\Information Services\*.*B ReadyUse - Information ServicesB QS.Za Ready Use\Manufacturing\*.*B ReadyUse - ManufacturingB QS.Za Ready Use\Marketing\*.*B ReadyUse - MarketingB QS.Za Ready Use\Purchasing\*.*B ReadyUse - PurchasingB QS.Za Ready Use\Quality Asurance\*.*B ReadyUse - Quality AsuranceB QS.Za Ready Use\Sales\*.*B ReadyUse - SalesB QS.Za Ready Use\Support\*.*B ReadyUse - SupportB QS.Za$ Ready Use\Technical Publications\*.*B ReadyUse - Technical PublicationsB QS.Za Ready Use\Training\*.*B ReadyUse - TrainingB ReadyUse - AccountingA This will install three interface designs for the selected items(s).` ReadyUse - AdministrationA This will install three interface designs for the selected items(s).` ReadyUse - EngineeringA This will install three interface designs for the selected items(s).` ReadyUse - Executive StaffA This will install three interface designs for the selected items(s).` ReadyUse - FinanceA This will install three interface designs for the selected items(s).` ReadyUse - Human ResourcesA This will install three interface designs for the selected items(s).` ReadyUse - Information ServicesA This will install three interface designs for the selected items(s).` ReadyUse - ManufacturingA This will install three interface designs for the selected items(s).` ReadyUse - MarketingA This will install three interface designs for the selected items(s).` ReadyUse - PurchasingA This will install three interface designs for the selected items(s).` ReadyUse - Quality AsuranceA This will install three interface designs for the selected items(s).` ReadyUse - SalesA This will install three interface designs for the selected items(s).` ReadyUse - SupportA This will install three interface designs for the selected items(s).` ReadyUse - Technical PublicationsA This will install three interface designs for the selected items(s).` ReadyUse - TrainingA This will install three interface designs for the selected items(s). Netscape Navigator Plug-inA WebChartA Online Help FilesA Consumer SamplesA ReadyUse - AccountingA ReadyUse - AdministrationA ReadyUse - DemoA ReadyUse - EngineeringA ReadyUse - Executive StaffA ReadyUse - FinanceA ReadyUse - Human ResourcesA ReadyUse - Information ServicesA ReadyUse - ManufacturingA ReadyUse - MarketingA ReadyUse - PurchasingA ReadyUse - Quality AsuranceA ReadyUse - SalesA ReadyUse - SupportA ReadyUse - Technical PublicationsA ReadyUse - TrainingA Netscape Navigator Plug-inA WebChartA Online Help FilesA Consumer SamplesA ReadyUse - AccountingA ReadyUse - AdministrationA ReadyUse - DemoA ReadyUse - EngineeringA ReadyUse - Executive StaffA ReadyUse - FinanceA ReadyUse - Human ResourcesA ReadyUse - Information ServicesA ReadyUse - ManufacturingA ReadyUse - MarketingA ReadyUse - PurchasingA ReadyUse - Quality AsuranceA ReadyUse - SalesA ReadyUse - SupportA ReadyUse - Technical PublicationsA ReadyUse - TrainingA QSilver Image QS files QS.Za MGXCLEAN\QS70.AppB QS70.App: a@ Can't uncompress files, make sure you don't have a corrupt file!* Copying Netscape Files... Netscapea NPDSGNET.DLL QS.ZbG NPDSGNET.DLLa Can't uncompress files, make sure you don't have a corrupt file!* Netscapea MGXSPUD.DLL QS.ZbG MGXSPUD.DLLa Can't uncompress files, make sure you don't have a corrupt file!* Netscapea MGXFRM10.DLL QS.ZbG MGXFRM10.DLLa Can't uncompress files, make sure you don't have a corrupt file!* Copying Ready Use Files..." ReadyUse% Account QS.Za Ready Use\Accounting\*.*A ReadyUse - Accountinga Can't uncompress files, make sure you don't have a corrupt file!* ReadyUse% Admin QS.Za Ready Use\Administration\*.*A ReadyUse - Administrationa Can't uncompress files, make sure you don't have a corrupt file!* ReadyUse% QS.Za Ready Use\Demo\*.*A ReadyUse - Demoa Can't uncompress files, make sure you don't have a corrupt file!* ReadyUse% Engineer QS.Za Ready Use\Engineering\*.*A ReadyUse - Engineeringa Can't uncompress files, make sure you don't have a corrupt file!* ReadyUse% ExecStaf QS.Za Ready Use\Executive Staff\*.*A ReadyUse - Executive Staffa Can't uncompress files, make sure you don't have a corrupt file!* ReadyUse% Finance QS.Za Ready Use\Finance\*.*A ReadyUse - Financea Can't uncompress files, make sure you don't have a corrupt file!* ReadyUse% QS.Za Ready Use\Human Resources\*.*A ReadyUse - Human Resourcesa Can't uncompress files, make sure you don't have a corrupt file!* ReadyUse% InfoServ QS.Za" Ready Use\Information Services\*.*A ReadyUse - Information Servicesa Can't uncompress files, make sure you don't have a corrupt file!* ReadyUse% Manufctr QS.Za Ready Use\Manufacturing\*.*A ReadyUse - Manufacturinga Can't uncompress files, make sure you don't have a corrupt file!* ReadyUse% Market QS.Za Ready Use\Marketing\*.*A ReadyUse - Marketinga Can't uncompress files, make sure you don't have a corrupt file!* ReadyUse% Purchsng QS.Za Ready Use\Purchasing\*.*A ReadyUse - Purchasinga Can't uncompress files, make sure you don't have a corrupt file!* ReadyUse% QS.Za Ready Use\Quality Asurance\*.*A ReadyUse - Quality Asurancea Can't uncompress files, make sure you don't have a corrupt file!* ReadyUse% Sales QS.Za Ready Use\Sales\*.*A ReadyUse - Salesa Can't uncompress files, make sure you don't have a corrupt file!* ReadyUse% Support QS.Za Ready Use\Support\*.*A ReadyUse - Supporta Can't uncompress files, make sure you don't have a corrupt file!* ReadyUse% TechPubs QS.Za$ Ready Use\Technical Publications\*.*A ReadyUse - Technical Publicationsa Can't uncompress files, make sure you don't have a corrupt file!* ReadyUse% Training QS.Za Ready Use\Training\*.*A ReadyUse - Traininga Can't uncompress files, make sure you don't have a corrupt file!* Copying WebCharter Files...% WebChart QS.Za Web Charter\*.exeB Web Charter\*.exea Can't uncompress files, make sure you don't have a corrupt file!* Copying Consumer Samples...% Consumer QS.Za Consumer\*.*A Consumer\*.*a Can't uncompress files, make sure you don't have a corrupt file!* Copying Online Help Files...% QSDOCS QS.Za QS Documentation\*.*A QS Documentation\*.*a Can't uncompress files, make sure you don't have a corrupt file!* QSilver Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\App Paths\WebChart.exe% WebChart% WebChart.exeQ Error: Accessing Error!A Software\Micrografx\Shared Tools\ABC Quicksilver\7.0\EventsQ OnDoubleClickA OnMouseEnterA OnMouseDownA OnMouseLeaveA OnMouseUpA OnLoadA Software\Micrografx\Shared Tools\ABC Quicksilver\7.0\VerbsQ JumpA InplaceJumpA TargetJumpA StatusLineA CursorShapeA ObjectColorA ObjectTextA ScaleObjectA MoveOverA HideObjectA ShowObjectA HideLayerA ShowLayerA OnlyShowLayerA SoftReloadA ResetDrawingA BringObjectToFrontA BringObjectForwardA SendObjectToBackA SendObjectBackwardA FlashObjectA EndFlashObjectA SpinObjectCWA SpinObjectCCWA EndSpinObjectA RotateObjectA BeepA EndBeepA QSilver Software\Micrografx\Uninstallera Error: Accessing Error!A Software\Micrografx\Uninstaller\ABCQS1-Netscape-Plugina Error: Accessing Error!A SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstalla Micrografx QuickSilver 7Q DisplayNameA Micrografx QuickSilver 7A SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstalla Micrografx QuickSilver 7% MgxClean.exe QS70.appQ UninstallStringA WebChartQ Software\Micrografx\Uninstaller\ABCQS1-WebChartera Error: Accessing Error!A ReadyUseQ Software\Micrografx\Uninstaller\ABCQS1-ReadyUsea Error: Accessing Error!A ConsumerQ Software\Micrografx\Uninstaller\ABCQS1-Consumera Error: Accessing Error!A Software\Micrografx\Uninstaller\ABCQS1-QuickSilver1a Error: Accessing Error!A QSDOCSQ Software\Micrografx\Uninstaller\ABCQS1-HelpDocsa Error: Accessing Error!A Bonus SamplesQ Software\Micrografx\Uninstaller\ABCQS1-Samplesa Error: Accessing Error!A Software\Micrografx\Uninstaller\ABCQS1-Program-GroupbT Error: Accessing Error!A \Start Menu\Programs\QuickSilver PackQ Software\Micrografx\Uninstaller\ABCQS1-Program-Groupa Error: Accessing Error!A Software\Micrografx\Uninstaller\ABCQS1-NT-Groupa QuickSilver PackA Error: Accessing Error!A CustomK Netscape Navigator Plug-in! WebChart! Online Help Files! Consumer Samples! ReadyUse - Accounting! ReadyUse - Administration! ReadyUse - Demo! ReadyUse - Engineering! ReadyUse - Executive Staff! ReadyUse - Finance! ReadyUse - Human Resources! ReadyUse - Information Services! ReadyUse - Manufacturing! ReadyUse - Marketing! ReadyUse - Purchasing! ReadyUse - Quality Asurance! ReadyUse - Sales! ReadyUse - Support! ReadyUse - Technical Publications! ReadyUse - Training! Software\Netscape\Netscape Navigator\Maina Install Directory2 Could not detect an installation of Netscape. Please make sure that it is installed.A Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\App Paths\Netscape.exea Could not detect an installation of Netscape. Please make sure that it is installed.A Can't get version information from netscape.exe.A 2.00.00A You are running an older version of Netscape that does not support plug-ins. Please upgrade first.A Program% Plugins WebChart% WebChart.exe Micrografx WebCharterb Can't create Program Group!A QSDOCS% QS\Docs\webchart.htm WebCharter Helpb Can't create Program Group!A QSDOCS% qs\docs\ovrview1.htm QuickSilver Specificsb Can't create Program Group!A QSDOCS% qs\docs\develop1.htm Developing Web Contentb Can't create Program Group!A QSDOCS% qs\docs\qs_faq.htm Frequently Asked Questionsb Can't create Program Group!A QSDOCS% qs\docs\readyuse.htm ReadyUse Contentb Can't create Program Group!A QSDOCS% qs\docs\readytut.htm ReadyUse Content Tutorialb Can't create Program Group!A Uninstall QuickSilver Packa mgxclean.exe qs70.appa Can't create Program Group!A QSilver WebChart% WebChart.exe Micrografx WebCharterb Software\Micrografx\ABC Media Manager\7.0a CurrentQ CollectionA PeopleA Software\Micrografx\ABC Media Manager\7.0a CurrentQ SubjectA Public1A Samples Copying Micrografx clip art files... Custom CLIPART.Za Micrografx Sample clip artB Micrografx Sample clip artA This component includes approximately 150 pieces of Micrografx clip art. Samples% Office.ecf OfficebY Samples% Transpor.ecf TransportationbY Samples% People.ecf PeoplebY SOFTWARE\Micrografx\Uninstallera Clipart% SamplesQ SOFTWARE\Micrografx\Uninstallera Clipart-Office% Samples\OFFICEQ SOFTWARE\Micrografx\Uninstallera Clipart-Office-COMM% Samples\OFFICE\COMMQ SOFTWARE\Micrografx\Uninstallera Clipart-Office-COMPUTE1% Samples\OFFICE\COMPUTE1Q SOFTWARE\Micrografx\Uninstallera Clipart-Office-COMPUTE2% Samples\OFFICE\COMPUTE2Q SOFTWARE\Micrografx\Uninstallera Clipart-Office-COMPUTE3% Samples\OFFICE\COMPUTE3Q SOFTWARE\Micrografx\Uninstallera Clipart-Office-COMPUTE4% Samples\OFFICE\COMPUTE4Q SOFTWARE\Micrografx\Uninstallera Clipart-Office-COMPUTE5% Samples\OFFICE\COMPUTE5Q SOFTWARE\Micrografx\Uninstallera Clipart-Office-GENERAL1% Samples\OFFICE\GENERAL1Q SOFTWARE\Micrografx\Uninstallera Clipart-Office-GENERAL2% Samples\OFFICE\GENERAL2Q SOFTWARE\Micrografx\Uninstallera Clipart-Office-LAN_1% Samples\OFFICE\LAN_1Q SOFTWARE\Micrografx\Uninstallera Clipart-Office-LAN_2% Samples\OFFICE\LAN_2Q SOFTWARE\Micrografx\Uninstallera Clipart-PEOPLE% Samples\PEOPLEQ SOFTWARE\Micrografx\Uninstallera Clipart-PEOPLE-BUSINESS% Samples\PEOPLE\BUSINESSQ SOFTWARE\Micrografx\Uninstallera Clipart-PEOPLE-HISTORIC% Samples\PEOPLE\HISTORICQ SOFTWARE\Micrografx\Uninstallera Clipart-PEOPLE-PUBLIC_1% Samples\PEOPLE\PUBLIC_1Q SOFTWARE\Micrografx\Uninstallera Clipart-PEOPLE-PUBLIC_2% Samples\PEOPLE\PUBLIC_2Q SOFTWARE\Micrografx\Uninstallera Clipart-PEOPLE-PUBLIC_3% Samples\PEOPLE\PUBLIC_3Q SOFTWARE\Micrografx\Uninstallera Clipart-PEOPLE-US_PRES% Samples\PEOPLE\US_PRESQ SOFTWARE\Micrografx\Uninstallera Clipart-TRANSPOR% Samples\TRANSPORQ SOFTWARE\Micrografx\Uninstallera Clipart-TRANSPOR-AIR% Samples\TRANSPOR\AIRQ SOFTWARE\Micrografx\Uninstallera Clipart-TRANSPOR-GROUND% Samples\TRANSPOR\GROUNDQ SOFTWARE\Micrografx\Uninstallera Clipart-TRANSPOR-SEA% Samples\TRANSPOR\SEAQ SOFTWARE\Micrografx\Uninstallera Suite2Q Custom EFX.Za Micrografx EFXB Micrografx EFXA Micrografx EFX Image EFX files EFX.Za MgxEfx.dll DllRegisterServer! DllRegisterServera Setup failed to load Mgxefx.dll SOFTWARE\Micrografx\Uninstallera EFX7Q Custom BROWSER.Za Micrografx BrowserB Micrografx BrowserA File/thumb browser Browser Image Browser files BROWSER.Za Browser Browser SOFTWARE\Micrografx\Shared Tools\Image Browser\7.0\Settingsa LocationA Browser Mgxbrwsr.dll DllRegisterServer! DllRegisterServera! Setup failed to load Mgxbrwsr.dll Browser Browser SOFTWARE\Micrografx\Uninstallera Browser7Q Micrografx FlowCharter! FlowCharter Application Program Files! FlowCharter Sample Files! FlowCharter OLE Automation Samples! FlowCharter Help Files! FlowCharter Template Files! FlowCharter Tutorial Files! Extra shape palettes! Micrografx Designer! Micrografx Designer Program Files! Micrografx Designer Help! Micrografx Picture Publisher! Program Files! TrueType fonts! Micrografxa Media ManagerK Filters/Translators! Micrografx Browser! Micrografx EFX! Micrografx Sample clip art! Micrografx Simply 3D! ABC.APPR SYSTEM.Za APP\ABC.APPA DES60.APPR SYSTEM.Za APP\DES60.appA PP60.APPR SYSTEM.Za APP\PP60.APPA Shared.sysR Software\Micrografx\Uninstaller\Suitea Installing over the previous Graphics Suite will automatically update the suite to Graphics Suite 2. Continue with update?A Setup is updating your system. Please wait...A MGXCLEAN /s ABC.APP DES60.APP PP60.APP FONTS.APPA Setup is updating your system. Please wait...A Flowcomm.hlpB This program requires VGA or better resolution.A system\*.*A Program FilesB help\*.*A Help FilesB Font FilesB MGXFMA.Za Xlator FilesB Setup is preparing to copy files...A Insufficient disk space available on the Windows drive:a Free up the following disk space$ %d $ Bytes$ Insufficient disk spaceb\ Setup is preparing to copy files...A Insufficient disk space available on the destination drive:a Free up the following disk space$ %d $ Bytes$ Insufficient disk spaceb\ QSilvera Simply3DRK SOFTWARE\Micrografx\Uninstallera Flow7Path1R SOFTWARE\Micrografx\Uninstallera DS7Path1R SOFTWARE\Micrografx\Uninstallera PP7Path1R SOFTWARE\Micrografx\Uninstallera QS7Path1R SOFTWARE\Micrografx\Uninstallera I3DPath1R Micrografx% Program Files% Micrografx% Micrografx% Flow70 Flow70 FlowCharter SOFTWARE\Micrografx\Uninstallera NTProgramFiles% TESTFORNOVELL TEST1 The pathname you entered is not a valid path. Try a different directory and/or drive. Make sure you have write access if you are installing to a network. Micrografx Setup: Invalid PathbX The pathname you entered is not a valid path. Try a different directory and/or drive. Make sure you have write access if you are installing to a network. Micrografx Setup: Invalid PathbX The pathname you entered is not a valid path. Try a different directory and/or drive. Make sure you have write access if you are installing to a network. Micrografx Setup: Invalid PathbX SOFTWARE\Micrografx\Uninstallera Suite2Q SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstalla" Micrografx FlowCharter 7 (Network) SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstalla! Micrografx FlowCharter 7 (Client) SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstalla Micrografx FlowCharter 7 Micrografx FlowCharter 7 (Network) Micrografx FlowCharter 7 (Client) Micrografx FlowCharter 7% mgxclean.exe DisplayNameA UninstallStringA APPEXTRA SETUP.EXER INSTALL.EXER Micrografx SetupaS Unable to create a directory under %s. Please check write access to this directory.b Micrografx Setupaa General file transfer error. Please check your target location and try again./n/nError Number: %dbG @12001;1;255,0,255A @12003;1;255,0,255A @12004;1;255,0,255A Typical Installs the most popular options. Recommended for most computers. Space required: %d KBB Compact To save disk space, optional components will not be installed. Space required: %d KBB Custom For advanced users and system administrators only. You can customize all available Setup options. Space requirements vary.A _ISRES! _ISUSER! Micrografx Internet Graphics Suite Setupa! Micrografx Graphics Suite 2 Setupa Micrografx FlowCharter 7 Setupa Micrografx Designer 7 Setupa$ Micrografx Picture Publisher 7 Setupa Micrografx QuickSilver 7 Setupa Micrografx Simply 3D 2.0 SetupR Local Local Local Local Z\Buttons.zA Local Local Local Local Micrografx Media Manager Emword.wlla Emword.dota Emdeinst.wlla Emunwrd.dll Abcmm.xlaa Emdeinst.xlsa Emunexl.dll Micrografx Setup has detected Microsoft Office 95 on your system. Do you want Micrografx program icons added to your MS Office 95 applications?A Micrografx FlowCharter Micrografx Designer Micrografx Picture Publisher Floword.wlla Floword.dota flodeins.wlla flounwrd.dll Dsword.wlla Dsword.dota dsdeinst.wlla dsuniwrd.dll Ppword.wlla Ppword.dota PPdeinst.wlla PPunwrd.dll Floword.wlla Flow95.xlaa Flodeins.xlsa Flounexl.dll Dsword.wlla Designer.xlaa Dsdeinst.xlsa Dsunexl.dll Ppword.wlla Pp.xlaa Ppdeinst.xlsa Ppunexl.dll Software\Microsoft\Word\7.0! Software\Microsoft\Excel\7.0! .lnk$ BUTTONS.Zb BUTTONS.Zb BUTTONS.Zb BUTTONS.Zb BUTTONS.Zb BUTTONS.Zb BUTTONS.Zb BUTTONS.Zb SYSTEM\# SOFTWARE\Micrografx\UserR RegisteredOwner2 RegisteredOrganization2 Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\( Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\ RegisteredOwner2 RegisteredOrganization2 SOFTWARE\Micrografx\User# network! RegisteredOwnerA RegisteredOwnerA RegisteredOrganizationA WhichOS.dll Setup detected a Windows NT version earlier than 3.51. You must install to NT 3.51 or later., Setup failed to detect either Windows 95 or Windows NT 3.51 or later., Setup failed to get version information from the operating system., Setup failed to detect either Windows 95 or Windows NT 3.51 or later. Setup failed to load a DLL. WhichOS.dll" Micrografx Graphics Suite 2b *.FTS! *.FTG! *.GID! ISADMIN.DLL Micrografx Setupa You do not have Administrator write access. Make sure you log on as the Windows Administrator or contact your network administrator to install this program for you.+ ISADMIN.DLL Micrografx Setupa] The application you are trying to install is currently running. Close %s and run Setup again.b Micrografx Setupa] The application you are trying to install is currently running. Close %s and run Setup again.b Micrografx Setupa] The application you are trying to install is currently running. Close %s and run Setup again.b Micrografx Setupa] The application you are trying to install is currently running. Close %s and run Setup again.b Flow7Path DS7Path PP7Path QS4Path S3DPath SOFTWARE\Micrografx\Uninstallerb Copying Micrografx Uninstaller files..." SYSTEM.Za WIN\Mgxclean.exeB NETWORK.Za Z\SYSTEM.ZB SYSTEM.Za WIN\Mgxclean.exeB SYSTEM.Za APP\shared.sysB SYSTEM.Za Tbres.dllB Copying Micrografx Spelling files... SYSTEM.Za Mgxspell.dllB SYSTEM.Za Hemis320.hphB SYSTEM.Za Ienc9311.dctB SYSTEM.Za Custom.dicB SYSTEM.Za WINSYS\CTL3D32.DLLB SYSTEM.Za Mgxgeom.dllA SYSTEM.Za Mgxfavs.dllA Copying MFC files... SYSTEM.Za WINSYS\MFCans32.dllB SYSTEM.Za WINSYS\MFCuia32.dllB SYSTEM.Za WINSYS\MSVCRT40.DLLB SYSTEM.Za WINSYS\OLEPRO32.DLLB SYSTEM.Za WINSYS\Mfc40.DLLB SYSTEM.Za WINSYS\Mgx40.dllB SYSTEM.Za WINSYS\Oleaut32.dllB SYSTEM.Za WINSYS\MSVCRT20.DLLB SYSTEM.Za WINSYS\MSVCRT10.DLLB WIN\a LTKRN61N.dll SYSTEM.ZbX WIN\a LTFIL61N.dll SYSTEM.ZbX WIN\a LFCMP61N.dll SYSTEM.ZbX WIN\a LFGIF61N.dll SYSTEM.ZbX WIN\a LFPCX61N.dll SYSTEM.ZbX WIN\a LFPNG61N.dll SYSTEM.ZbX WIN\a LFPSD61N.dll SYSTEM.ZbX WIN\a LFRAS61N.dll SYSTEM.ZbX WIN\a LFTGA61N.dll SYSTEM.ZbX WIN\a LFTIF61N.dll SYSTEM.ZbX WIN\a LFFAX61N.dll SYSTEM.ZbX WIN\a MGXBM20.DLL SYSTEM.ZbX MGXFRM20.DLL SYSTEM.ZbX MGXFRM10.DLL SYSTEM.ZbX SYSTEM.Za WIN\PCDLIB32.DLLB Copying Rendering Engine files... Mgxrdr32.dll SYSTEM.ZbX REGEDIT.EXE REGEDIT.EXE SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Setupa SharedDir2 REGEDIT.EXE -s $ Registry merge failed.A Flow70 System2 Netwin2 System System2% Abcmm System2% Mgxfma System2 ABCMM MGXFMA SOFTWARE\Micrografx\Uninstaller\System2a MGXFMA System2 System2 Media Manager MGXFMA Micrografx Program Files% Micrografx SOFTWARE\Micrografx\Uninstallera SOFTWARE\Micrografx\Uninstallera ABCMMFOLDERQ SOFTWARE\Micrografx\Uninstallera SUITEFOLDERQ SOFTWARE\Micrografx\Uninstallera System2Q SOFTWARE\Micrografx\Uninstallera SOFTWARE\Micrografx\Uninstallera MicrografxQ SOFTWARE\Micrografx\Uninstallera ABC Media Manager 7Q SOFTWARE\Micrografx\Uninstallera MGXFMA7Q SOFTWARE\Micrografx\Uninstallera ABC Media Manager 7Q SOFTWARE\Micrografx\Uninstallera MGXFMA7% MGXFMAQ SOFTWARE\Micrografx\Uninstallera WindowsQ SOFTWARE\Micrografx\Uninstallera Windows Help% HelpQ SOFTWARE\Micrografx\Uninstallera WindowsLinksQ SOFTWARE\Micrografx\Uninstallera NetWin2Q SOFTWARE\Micrografx\Uninstallera NetWinSys2Q SOFTWARE\Micrografx\Uninstallera Fonts7% FontsQ SOFTWARE\Micrografx\Uninstallera WinSystemQ Bitmap FiltersA AI ImportA AI ExportA CDR ImportA CGM ImportA CGM ExportA CMX ImportA DRW ImportA DRW ExportA DXF ImportA DXF ExportA DWG ImportA EPS/AI EPS ImportA EPS/AI EPS ExportA GEM ImportA GEM ExportA HGL ImportA HGL ExportA IGS ImportA IGS ExportA PCT ImportA PCT ExportA PRN/PS ImportA RND ImportA TIF ImportA TIF ExportA VBO ImportA WMF/EMF ImportA WMF/EMF ExportA WPG ImportA WPG ExportA SOFTWARE\Micrografx\Shared Toolsa MGXFMA\7.1% MGXFMA.DLLQ SOFTWARE\Micrografx\Shared Toolsa MGXFMA\7.1Q PathA SOFTWARE\Micrografx\Shared Toolsa PPLIBMGR\7.1% PPLIBMGR.DLLQ SOFTWARE\Micrografx\Shared Tools\MGXFMA\a LocalPathA SOFTWARE\Micrografx\Shared Toolsa MgxSpell Mgxspell.dllQ Hemis320.hphQ HyphenationA Ienc9311.dctQ DictionaryA Custom.dicQ CustomA SOFTWARE\Micrografx\Shared Toolsa Rendering Engine\7.0 Mgxrdr32.dllQ SOFTWARE\Micrografx\Shared Toolsa Frame Library\7.0 MGXFRM20.DLLQ SOFTWARE\Micrografx\Shared Toolsa Mgxfavs\7.0 Mgxfavs.dllQ SOFTWARE\Micrografx\Shared Toolsa Mgxgeom\7.0% Mgxgeom.dllQ SOFTWARE\Micrografx\Shared Toolsa Bitmap Filters\7.0 MGXBM20.DLLQ Copying import/export filters... MGXFMA.Za IMDRW9.*B MGXFMA.Za EMDRW9.*B MGXFMA.Za IBTIF9.*B MGXFMA.Za EBTIF9.*B MGXFMA.Za IMWMF9.*B MGXFMA.Za EMWMF9.*B MGXFMA.Za EMEMF9.*B MGXFMA.Za DRWINT.*B MGXFMA.Za TIFINT.*B MGXFMA.Za WMFINT.*B MGXFMA.Za MGXFMA*.*B MGXFMA.Za *.hlpB MGXFMA.Za Isgdi32.*B MGXFMA.Za PPLIBMGR.DLLB Filters/Translators! Bitmap Filters! SYSTEM.Za WIN\PCDLIB32.DLLB WIN\a MGXFRM20.DLL SYSTEM.ZbX WIN\a MGXBM20.DLL SYSTEM.ZbX MGXFMA.Zb, Custom MGXFMA.Za *.flt MGXFMA.Za *.iniJ Filters/TranslatorsA Filters/TranslatorsA This component includes vector and raster filters and translators. Filters` Filters/TranslatorsA SYSTEM.Za LTKRN61N.dll SYSTEM.Za LTFIL61N.dll SYSTEM.Za LFCMP61N.dll SYSTEM.Za LFGIF61N.dll SYSTEM.Za LFPCX61N.dll SYSTEM.Za LFPNG61N.dll SYSTEM.Za LFPSD61N.dll SYSTEM.Za LFRAS61N.dll SYSTEM.Za LFTGA61N.dll SYSTEM.Za LFTIF61N.dll SYSTEM.Za LFFAX61N.dll SYSTEM.Za MGXBM20.DLL SYSTEM.Za MGXFRM20.DLL SYSTEM.Za PCDLIB32.DLL SYSTEM.Za PPLIBMGR.DLLJ Bitmap FiltersB Bitmap FiltersA PPF, PP5, PP4, TIF, TGA, GIF, BMP, DIB, PCX, JPG, PCD and SCT$ Import filtera Adobe Illustrator Encapsulated Postscript$ Export filtera Adobe Illustrator Encapsulated Postscript MGXFMA.Za IMPS_9.*a AI ImportbY EMPS_9.*a AI Exportb[ Import filtera CorelDRAW! 5.0,4.0,3.0 MGXFMA.Za IMCD*.*a CDR ImportbY Import filtera Computer Graphics Metafile$ Export filtera Computer Graphics Metafile MGXFMA.Za IMCGM9.*a CGM ImportbY EMCGM9.*a CGM Exportb[ Import filtera Corel clip art MGXFMA.Za IMCMX9.*a CMX ImportbY Import filtera AutoCAD Drawing Interchange$ Export filtera AutoCAD Drawing Interchange MGXFMA.Za IMDXF9.*a DXF ImportbY EMDXF9.*a DXF Exportb[ Import filtera AutoCAD Drawing MGXFMA.Za IMDWG9.*a DWG ImportbY Import filtera EPS/Adobe Illustrator Encapsulated Postscript$ Export filtera EPS/Adobe Illustrator Encapsulated Postscript MGXFMA.Za IMPS_9.*a EPS/AI EPS ImportbY EMPS_9.*a EPS/AI EPS Exportb[ Import filtera Digital Research GEM$ Export filtera Digital Research GEM MGXFMA.Za IMGEM9.*a GEM ImportbY EMGEM9.*a GEM Exportb[ Import filtera HPGL Hewlett Packard Graphics$ Export filtera HPGL Hewlett Packard Graphics MGXFMA.Za IMHGL9.*a HGL ImportbY EMHGL9.*a HGL Exportb[ Import filtera IGES Drawing$ Export filtera IGES Drawing MGXFMA.Za IMIGS9.*a IGS ImportbY EMIGS9.*a IGS Exportb[ Import filtera Macintosh PICT$ Export filtera Macintosh PICT MGXFMA.Za IMPCT9.*a PCT ImportbY EMPCT9.*a PCT Exportb[ Import filtera Postscript MGXFMA.Za IMPSI9.*a PRN/PS ImportbY Import filtera Simply 3D MGXFMA.Za vborndr.dlla VBO ImportbY Import filtera WordPerfect Graphic$ Export filtera WordPerfect Graphic MGXFMA.Za IMWP*.*a WPG ImportbY EMWP*.*a WPG Exportb[ MGXFMA\7.1 Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\App Pathsa ABCMM.EXE Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\App Pathsa ABCMM.EXE PathA ABCMM.EXEQ Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\App Pathsa ABCMMCNV70.EXE Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\App Pathsa ABCMMCNV70.EXE PathA ABCMMCNV.EXEQ SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\Help, SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\Help Flowcomm.hlpA ABCmm.hlpA ABCmm.cntA ABCMM.DLLQ SOFTWARE\Micrografx\ABC Media Manager\7.0a SOFTWARE\Micrografx\Shared Toolsa ABCMM Resources\7.0 ABCMMRES.DLLQ Custom MEDIAMAN.Za Micrografxa Media ManagerJ Micrografxa Media Manager` This component includes a state-of-the-art clip art manager Software\Micrografx\ABC Media Manager\7.0a Current CollectionA Media ManagerA SubjectA IconsA Software\Micrografx\ABC Media Manager\7.0a Files NewCollectionPathA NewSubjectPathA Software\Micrografx\ABC Media Manager\7.0a Preferences TipsA CDPathA SOFTWARE\Micrografx\ABC Media Manager\Catalog% ABCMM.ecf Media ManagerbX *.GID! Copying Micrografx Media Manager files... ABCMM.DLLB ABCMM.EXEB *.hlpB *.cntB ABCMMRES.DLLB ABCMMCNV.EXEB ABCMM.ecfR ABCMM.ecfB Icons.sbjB emecfdel.dllB ABCMM.EXE Micrografx Media Managerb Remove Micrografx FlowCharter 7! Mgxclean.exe Micrografx Media Managerb SOFTWARE\Micrografx\ABC Media Manager\Cataloga Count2 SOFTWARE\Micrografx\ABC Media Manager\Cataloga Name2 SOFTWARE\Micrografx\ABC Media Manager\Cataloga NameA SOFTWARE\Micrografx\ABC Media Manager\Cataloga PathA SOFTWARE\Micrografx\ABC Media Manager\Cataloga CountA CustomJ TrueType fontsA TrueType fontsA This component contains TrueType fonts. Click Details to select fonts. Fonts` TrueType fontsA Baskerville BTA@] BodoniA Brush 445 BTA Brush ScriptA Century SchoolbookAl Dom CasualA@ Dutch 801 SWAA` Fette EngschriftAT| Franklin Cond. GothicA( Franklin Extra Cond. GothicA Franklin GothicAd Garrison Condensed SansA Garrison ExtraBold SansA Garrison ExtraCond. SansAlu Garrison Light SansAH Garrison SansA Geometric 231 BTA Geometric 231 Heavy BTA8 Geometric 415 Black BTA 4 Geometric 415 Medium BTA Geometric Slabserif 703 BTA Goudy Old StyleA Italian Garamond BTA KauflinnA OptimumA Playbill BTA Swiss 721 Black BTA0 Swiss 721 Black Condensed BTA Swiss 721 Black Extended BTA Swiss 721 Bold Rounded BTAt Swiss 721 Condensed BTAD! Swiss 721 Extended BTA| Swiss 721 Light BTA Swiss 721 Light Condensed BTA Swiss 721 Light Extended BTA| Swiss 721 Narrow SWAA Swiss 721 SWAA Swiss 911 Ultra Compressed BTA Swiss 921 BTA Symbol Set SWAA VAG RoundAX Village SquareA WindsorA