What's New in VirusScan for Windows 95 v3.1.2 (3009a) Copyright 1994-1997 by McAfee Associates, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Thank you for using McAfee's VirusScan for Windows 95. This What's New file contains important information regarding the current version of this product. It is highly recommended that you read the entire document. McAfee welcomes your comments and suggestions. Please use the information provided in this file to contact us. ___________________ WHAT'S IN THIS FILE - New Features - Known Issues - Installation - Documentation - Frequently Asked Questions - Contact McAfee ____________ NEW FEATURES 1. VirusScan detects unknown macro viruses by using heuristic scanning technology. It reports any unknown macro virus it detects as a "PROBABLE MACRO VIRUS." 2. VirusScan can detect and clean macro virus infections in password-protected Microsoft Excel 95 files without removing or compromising the password protection. 3. VirusScan can now detect macro viruses in password- protected German, French, Dutch, Italian, and Japanese (as well as English) Microsoft Office (Word 7.0) files. VirusScan scans nearly all password-protected files. If it is not able to scan a password-protected file (for example, if the file is in a language VirusScan doesn't recognize), it displays an alert message on the Virus Found page and marks the file "Not scanned" in the Infected Items Found list. 4. VirusScan is designed to respect users' passwords and leave them intact as often as possible. Viruses that infect Microsoft Word files, however, sometimes plant their own passwords. When VirusScan is instructed to clean a password-protected Word file, it will take one of two actions: A. If the macro virus cannot plant its own password: VirusScan notes the infection but will not clean it, because the infection is encrypted by the password protection. B. If the macro virus can plant its own password: VirusScan cleans the file, removing the password along with the virus. * NEW VIRUSES DETECTED * The 3000 series DATs included with this version of VirusScan do not work with VirusScan v2.x. Do not use 3000 series DATs with VirusScan v2.x products. This DAT file detects the following 293 new viruses. Locations that have experienced particular problems with specific viruses are also identified. _1600 ABCD AK.251 ALEX.A:TW(INTENDED) ALEX.B:TW(INTENDED) ALEX.C/D:TW(INTENDED) ALEX.E:TW(INTENDED) ALIEN.259 ALIEN.298 ALIEN.304 ALIEN.374 ALIEN.G ANAK.B ANAK.C ANDRY.3791 (COM) ANT.C:TW (*) ANT.D:TW (*) APPARITION.1248 APPARITION.700 APPDER.J ARCHER.A ARCHER.B ARME.411 ARME.414 AWARE.1292 BANDUNG.AZ BANDUNG.BA BATTYBUG.187 BEDA.883 BEDA.1301 BLIN.1457 BMBB.766 CAP.K CAP.M CAP.Z CAP.AA CAP.AB CAP.AC CAP.AD CAP.AE CAP.AF CAP.AG CAP.AH CAP.AI CAP.AJ CAP.AK CAP.AL CAP.AM CAP.AN CEASE.382 CHEAT.A CHEAT.B CHOLERA.2415 CLOCK.J:DE CLOCK.K:DE CLOCK.L:DE COLORS.BO COLORS.BP COMPANION.5808 CONCEPT.BF CONCEPT.BI CONCEPT.BJ CONCEPT.BK CONCEPT.BK1 CONCEPT.BL CONCEPT.BM CONCEPT.BN COUNT10.E CRUZ.CMP.8262 DARK.E DARK_ELF.2200 DBF.990 DENZUK-NAPOL DISHONOR.A:DE (*) DIVINA.I DMV.F DMV.G DREPO.2493 DZT.D DZT.G EDDIE.565 EDDIE.1093 ELCON.374 ELCON.424 ELYTHNIA ENVIRONM.6752 FACADE.B FATTY.3012 FIRE.A:DE (*) FLI2MOD (TROJAN) FLOYD.1546 (Hong Kong) FLU.1160 FORMATS.A (TROJAN) (*) FOUR.A FOUR.A (*) FRIDAY.E:DE GENESIS (TROJAN) GETTO.2000 GLITTER.1462 GLUP.403 GLUP.404 GOODNIGHT.C GROG.1349 GYRO.OW.512 HACKERZ.709 HAFENSTRASSE.1641 HEADACHE.269B HEADER.A HIAN HIDEOUS.1024.A HIDEOUS.1024.B HIDEOUS.1024.C HIDEOUS.1024.D HITMAN.A HLL.7336 HLL.CMP.16052 (*) HLLO.17690.A HLLP.5850.E HLLP.5904 HLLP.FECI.6000 HONGKANG.1904 HYBRID.I HYBRID.J ISLAND.3551 IVP.VIVEK.924 JOHNNY.O JOHNNY.O1 KEYB.298 KEYB.299 KHIZHNJAK.494 KHIZHNJAK.780A KHIZHNJAK.780B KOH-INSTALL KOMPU.E (*) KONKOOR LAHYANI.1381 LAPIDARIO.766 LIBERTY.2857.D (EXE) LICENTIOUS.1024 LILITH LILO.1573 LOADER.TCS (TROJAN) LOZ.684 LOZ.724 LPSK.OW.554 LUCY.B LUNAR.A MACARONI.B:DE MALARIA.A:TW (*) MANZON.1404.DR MESS.A MINIMAD.322 MINIMAD.340 MINIMAD.345 MINIMAD.346 MINIMAD.347 MINIMAD.349 MINIMAD.349B MINIMAD.350 MINIMAD.352 MINIMAD.353 MINIMAD.361 MINIMAD.361B MINIMAD.385 MINIMAD.386 MINIMAD.388 MINIMAD.407 MINIMAL.S MKC_BOOT MORPHINE.3500 MPC.LIATA.337 MUCK.I MUCK.J MUCK.K MUCK.L MUCK.M MUCK.N NAZI.8600 NICEDAY.N NIKNAT.A NJ-WMDLK1.G NOIEMBRIE.610 NOP.M:DE (*) NOP.N NPAD.CT NPAD.CU NPAD.CV NPAD.CW NPAD.CX NPAD.CY NPAD.CZ NPAD.DA NUMIN.902 NUTCRACKER.AB2 (BOOT) NUTCRACKER.MP.BOOT OBAY.A OBLOM.A OBLOM.C OBLOM.E OMINOUS.1846 ORHEY.A P0P.2694 PALMA PAYCHECK.F PAYCHECK.G PERCENT.A:TW (*) PESAN.B (US) PH33R.1418 PHILE.204 PIG.F:TW PITER.529 POW POWERPUMP.CMP.A POXVAR.A POXVAR.B PREDATOR.1879 PYSK.2464 QBOOTDR76.VCS RADYU.274 RADYU.278 RADYU.332 RADYU.333 RAZER.A (*) REPLICATOR RICKDOGG (TROJAN) ROSEANNE.INTENDED.241 RSM.A RUBIX.421 RUBIX.422A SAILOR.B SAM.B:TW SCHUMANN.B (*) SCHUMANN.C:DE SCREW.A SHIFTER.760 SHIN SHY.1603 SHY.1608 SOCKS.A SORPREN.1536 (Brasil) SPY.A STOOPID.353 SUN.8176 SUNSET (TROJAN) SUPERSTITION.A SVS.A SWAT.A (TROJAN) SWLABS.G (*) (US Military) TANGLE.378 TEAR.B TEMPLE.A TEMPLE.H TMC.5036 TWNO.A:TW (Word97) (Taiwan) VAMPIRE.E:TW VAMPIRE.F:TW VAMPIRE.I:TW VANITAS.2048 (Texas) VD.253 VICISSIT.A WALLY.1029 WANT.A:TW WAZZU.CG WAZZU.CH WAZZU.CI WAZZU.CM WAZZU.CN WAZZU.CO WAZZU.CP WAZZU.CQ WAZZU.CR WAZZU.CS WAZZU.CT WAZZU.CU XAVIER.367 XM/DON.A (INTENDED) XM/HIT.A XM/HIT.B XM/HIT.D XM/LAROUX.H XM/LAROUX.J XM/LAROUX.K XRCE.664 ZAHAK.960 ZANY.225 ZANY.253 ZANY.270 ZANY.292B ZANY.298 ZANY.300 ZANY.793 ZANY.INTENDED.160 ZUCA.677 (*) Mistakenly included in the 3008a What's New list. * NEW VIRUSES CLEANED * This DAT file cleans the following 238 new viruses. Locations that have experienced particular problems with specific viruses are also identified. ABCD AK.251 ALEX.A:TW(INTENDED) ALEX.B:TW(INTENDED) ALEX.C/D:TW(INTENDED) ALEX.E:TW(INTENDED) ALIEN.259 ALIEN.298 ALIEN.304 ALIEN.374 ALIEN.G ANAK.B ANAK.C ANT.C:TW (*) ANT.D:TW (*) APPDER.J ARCHER.A ARCHER.B ARME.411 ARME.414 AWARE.1292 BANDUNG.AZ BANDUNG.BA BATTYBUG.187 CAP.K CAP.M CAP.Z CAP.AA CAP.AB CAP.AC CAP.AD CAP.AE CAP.AF CAP.AG CAP.AH CAP.AI CAP.AJ CAP.AK CAP.AL CAP.AM CAP.AN CHEAT.A CHEAT.B CLOCK.J:DE CLOCK.K:DE CLOCK.L:DE COLORS.BO COLORS.BP COMPANION.5808 CONCEPT.BI CONCEPT.BJ CONCEPT.BK CONCEPT.BK1 CONCEPT.BL CONCEPT.BM CONCEPT.BN COUNT10.E CRUZ.CMP.8262 DARK.E DENZUK-NAPOL DISHONOR.A:DE (*) DIVINA.I DMV.G DZT.G EDDIE.1093 EDDIE.565 ELCON.374 ELCON.424 ELYTHNIA ENVIRONM.6752 FACADE.B FIRE.A:DE (*) FLOYD.1546 (Hong Kong) FORMATS.A (TROJAN) (*) FOUR.A (*) FRIDAY.E:DE GOODNIGHT.C GLUP.403 GLUP.404 HAFENSTRASSE.1641 HEADACHE.269B HEADER.A HIAN HIDEOUS.1024.A HIDEOUS.1024.B HIDEOUS.1024.C HIDEOUS.1024.D HITMAN.A HLL.CMP.16052 (*) HLLP.5850.E HLLP.5850.E(PASS2) HYBRID.I HYBRID.J HONGKANG.1904 JOHNNY.O JOHNNY.O1 KEYB.298 KEYB.299 KHIZHNJAK.494 KHIZHNJAK.780A KHIZHNJAK.780B KOH-INSTALL KOMPU.E (*) LAHYANI.1381 LIBERTY.2857.D (EXE) LICENTIOUS.1024 LILITH LILO.1573 LOZ.684 LOZ.724 LUCY.B LUNAR.A MACARONI.B:DE MALARIA.A:TW (*) MESS.A MINIMAD.322 MINIMAD.340 MINIMAD.345 MINIMAD.346 MINIMAD.347 MINIMAD.349 MINIMAD.349B MINIMAD.350 MINIMAD.352 MINIMAD.353 MINIMAD.361 MINIMAD.361B MINIMAD.385 MINIMAD.386 MINIMAD.388 MINIMAD.407 MINIMAL.S MKC_BOOT MPC.LIATA.337 MUCK.I MUCK.J MUCK.K MUCK.L MUCK.M MUCK.N NICEDAY.N NIKNAT.A NJ-WMDLK1.G NOIEMBRIE.610 NOP.M:DE (*) NOP.N NPAD.CT NPAD.CU NPAD.CV NPAD.CW NPAD.CX NPAD.CY NPAD.CZ NPAD.DA NUMIN.902 NUTCRACKER.AB2 (BOOT) OBAY.A OBLOM.A OBLOM.C OBLOM.E ORHEY.A PAYCHECK.F PAYCHECK.G P0P.2694 PALMA PERCENT.A:TW (*) PESAN.B PHILE.204 PIG.F:TW POW POXVAR.A POXVAR.B PREDATOR.1879 QBOOTDR76.VCS RADYU.274 RADYU.278 RADYU.332 RADYU.333 (RAPI.AL2) RAZER.A (*) REPLICATOR RSM.A RUBIX.421 RUBIX.422A SAILOR.B SAM.B:TW SCHUMANN.B (*) SCHUMANN.C:DE SCREW.A SHIN SOCKS.A SORPREN.1536 (Brazil) SPY.A STOOPID.353 SUN.8176 SUPERSTITION.A SVS.A SWLABS.G (*) (US Military) TEAR.B TMC.5036 TWNO.A:TW (Word97) (Taiwan) VAMPIRE.E:TW VAMPIRE.F:TW VAMPIRE.I:TW VANITAS.2048 (Texas) VD.253 VICISSIT.A WALLY.1029 WANT.A:TW WAZZU.CG WAZZU.CH WAZZU.CI WAZZU.CM WAZZU.CN WAZZU.CO WAZZU.CP WAZZU.CQ WAZZU.CR WAZZU.CS WAZZU.CT WAZZU.CU XAVIER.367 XM/DON.A (INTENDED) XM/HIT.A XM/HIT.B XM/HIT.D XM/LAROUX.H XM/LAROUX.J XM/LAROUX.K XRCE.664 ZANY.225 ZANY.253 ZANY.270 ZANY.292B ZANY.298 ZANY.300 ZANY.793 ZUCA.677 (*) Mistakenly included in the 3008a What's New list. ____________ KNOWN ISSUES 1. If you uninstall ScreenScan, Windows changes your default screen saver to None. To choose a screen saver to use, right-click anywhere on your desktop, then choose Properties from the shortcut menu that appears. Next, click the Screen Saver tab in the Display Properties dialog box, then choose a new screen saver from the Screen Saver list. Click OK to use the screen saver you chose. 2. Using MS-DOS memory managers might cause VirusScan for Windows 95 to falsely detect viruses in memory. Since Windows 95 no longer requires MS-DOS memory managers, you can eliminate false warnings by preceding each line in your CONFIG.SYS file that includes settings for an MS-DOS memory manager with REM. This deactivates the memory manager. To learn more about working with your CONFIG.SYS file, see your MS-DOS or Windows documentation. 3. To create a VirusScan Emergency Disk, you must first format and create a bootable floppy disk that contains the Windows system files. 4. If you protect VShield or any scan task with a password, you will be prompted to enter your password whenever you launch an associated program. Use your mouse to click in the text field provided in order to enter the password -- keyboard shortcuts will not work. Microsoft acknowledges this issue in its Knowledge Base Article ID #Q84133. To close the password verification dialog box, click Cancel. 5. The Status properties page for VShield Properties can only be updated by closing and reopening VShield's Task Properties window. 6. If you run two or more instances of Scan32.EXE and both instances scan two or more files compressed with LHA simultaneously, Scan32.EXE will terminate with a page fault. 7. ScreenScan's log file has a maximum size of 100KB. If the file reaches this size, the oldest data will be deleted. To retain logging data, edit the content to keep the log file under 100K or save the oldest data to another file. 8. ScreenScan will stop scanning after it detects a virus and prompt you to launch VirusScan. If you have additional viruses on your system, ScreenScan will not notify you until the next time it activates. McAfee recommends that you scan and clean your entire system with VirusScan whenever ScreenScan detects a virus. 9. Disk defragmentation programs move files as they work to maximize hard disk efficiency. If you have VShield, VirusScan or other applications active during a disk defragmentation operation, your disk defragmentation program might tell you that it cannot find the active application files. This is normal and does not mean that the files do not exist. To avoid error messages like this, close all open applications and such memory- resident programs as VShield, then run your disk defragmentation operation again. 10. If you unzip a virus-infected file in a directory on a Novell server, VShield does not detect the infection as the file is created. For maximum security, use VirusScan to scan the Novell server after you have extracted the files to the server. 11. If you press CTRL+ALT+DEL to shut down a Windows 95 system with VShield or any other VxD enabled, Windows does not shut down. Instead, Windows disables VShield or the active VxD. To shut down your computer, you must press CTRL+ALT+DEL again. This is a known issue with Microsoft's Windows 95 operating system. ____________ INSTALLATION * INSTALLING THE PRODUCT * 1. Do one of the following: - If installing from diskette or compact disc, insert it into your floppy disk drive or CD-ROM drive. - If installing from files downloaded from a BBS or the McAfee website, decompress the zipped files into a directory on the network or your local drive. 2 Choose Run from the Start menu. 3. If installing from diskette, type x:\setup.exe where x is the drive in which you placed the diskette. Click OK. If installing from compact disc, type x:\win95\setup.exe where x is the drive in which you placed the CD-ROM. Click OK. If installing from downloaded files, type x:\path\setup.exe where x:\path is the location of the files (for example, C:\DOWNLOAD\SETUP.EXE). Click OK. 4. Follow the on-screen installation instructions to complete VirusScan installation. * PERFORMING A SILENT INSTALLATION * To perform a "silent" installation of this product, with minimal user interaction and with all default or "Typical" installation settings, add -s (i.e., SETUP.EXE -s) to the setup command when you install the product. Network administrators can customize the silent installation feature by following these steps: 1. Check the Windows directory to ensure that a file named SETUP.ISS does not already exist. If one does, rename it, back it up, or delete it. 2. Run SETUP.EXE with the -r switch, (i.e., SETUP.EXE -r). 3. Select the components you want to install during the silent installation. Your choices will be recorded. 4. Finish the installation. Result: A SETUP.ISS file is created in the Windows directory that has your installation options recorded. Use this file to install all product files to the same installation directory on every client machine. The .ISS file specifies the installation directory under the [SdSetupType-0] header, szDir parameter, which was recorded in step 3. This overrides the default installation directory on each client machine, which might vary according to operating system. Having the same directory name on every client helps to ease administration in the future; for example, you might assign all client machines the directory C:\ANTIVIRUS. Note: If, however, you want to allow SETUP.EXE to determine where to locate the installed files, modify the SETUP.ISS file so that the target machine will disregard the szDir, as follows: A. Locate the section [SdSetupType-0] in the SETUP.ISS file and go to the line: Result = xxx. The actual value will most likely be 301, 302, or 303, depending on what options you selected durin the ISS file creation process. B. Add 100 to this number so that, for example, 301 becomes 401. This tells each target machine to disregard the szDir and assign a directory according to its own particular operating system. 5. Copy the installation files onto a local or mapped drive; then rename, back up, or delete the SETUP.ISS file. Note: You cannot perform a silent install from multiple media because the silent operation will be compromised when the install prompts the user for more media. 6. Copy the new SETUP.ISS from the Windows directory to the location of the installation files. Note: The file used for the silent installation, SETUP.ISS, is product-specific. For example, you cannot use a SETUP.ISS file created by a VirusScan for Windows 95 installation for a VirusScan for Windows NT installation. 7. Run SETUP.EXE with the -s switch (i.e., SETUP.EXE -s). Note: If you do not specify a "recorded" answer for all dialog boxes during the initial installation, the silent installation will fail. 8. When the silent installation is complete, the machine reboots automatically. * PRIMARY PROGRAM FILES FOR VIRUSSCAN FOR WINDOWS 95 * Note: Depending on the type of license you purchased, some of these files may not be installed. Files located in the Install directory: ======================================= 1. Installed for VShield/Scan32/DOS/ScreenScan: README.1ST = License and registration information CLEAN.DAT = Virus clean definition data MCALYZE.DAT = Virus definition data NAMES.DAT = Virus names definition data SCAN.DAT = Virus scan definition data ADVGUI.DLL = Advanced interface library file MCGUI32.DLL = AV Console library file S95EXT.DLL = Library file CFGCOM32.DLL = Libarary file INETWH16.DLL = Internet library help file INETWH32.DLL = Internet library help file AVCONSOL.EXE = VirusScan Console program file MCECOM.EXE = Electronic Commerce program file CHKVXD.EXE = VShield virtual device CONFIG32.EXE = VirusScan configuration program SETBROWS.EXE = Set browser program VIRLST32.EXE = McAfee Virus List VALIDATE.EXE = McAfee file validation program VSECOMR.EXE = Electronic Commerce program file WCMDR.EXE = Windows Commander program driver checking utility AVCONSOL.HLP = AV Console help file SCAN32.HLP = Scan32 help file PHONELIST.INI = Electronic commerce file AVCONSOL.INI = AV Console initialization file WCMDR.INI = Windows Commander configuration settings WCMDRSIL.INI = unInstallShield helper configuration DELSL?.ISU = Uninstall file PACKING.LST = Packing list FAXFORM.TXT = Fax registration form RESELLER.TXT = McAfee authorized resellers WHATSNEW.TXT = What's New document 2. Installed for VShield/Scan32: DPMI16.DLL = 16-bit DOS protected mode interface library DPMI32.DLL = 32-bit DOS protected mode interface library MCALYZE.DLL = Library files MCCOD32.DLL = Library files MCKRNL32.DLL = Library files MCSCAN32.DLL = Library files MCUTIL32.DLL = Library files VSECOM.DLL = Library files 3. Installed for VShield: CONFIG32.EXE = VShield configuration program VSHWIN32.EXE = VShield engine DEFAULT.VSH = Default VShield settings 4. Installed for Scan32: SHUTIL.DLL = Run-time support library SCAN32.EXE = VirusScan for Windows 95 program DEFAULT.VSC = Default Scan32 settings ALLDRIVE.VSC = Scan32 settings file SCAN_C.VSC = Scan32 settings file 5. Installed for Emergency Disk Creation Utility: SCAN.EXE = MS-DOS scan program SCANPM.EXE = Protected mode scanner EDISK.EXE = Emergency Disk creation utility GETREPLY.EXE = Emergency diskette program component EDAT.1 = Emergency Disk batch file EDAT.2 = Emergency Disk program information file EDAT.3 = Emergency Disk file EDAT.4 = Emergency Disk file EDAT.5 = Emergency Disk file EDAT.6 = Emergency Disk file ESCAN.BAT = Emergency Disk file EDISK.SCR = Emergency Disk script MCKRNL16.DLL = Emergency Disk library file MCUTIL16.DLL = Emergency Disk library file EMSCAN.DAT = Virus scan definition data EMCLEAN.DAT = Virus clean definition data EMNAMES.DAT = Virus names definition data 6. Installed for ScreenScan: MCKRNL32.DLL = Library file MCUTIL32.DLL = Library file SCRSCANP.DLL = Library file SCRSCANR.DLL = Library file DUNZIP32.DLL = ScreenScan compression library file DZIP32.DLL = ScreenScan compression library file SCRSCAN.EXE = ScreenScan program file SCRSCAN.HLP = ScreenScan help file Files located in WINDOWS directory: ========================================== SECCAST.ICO = Secure Cast icon Files located in WINDOWS\SYSTEM directory: ========================================== 1. Installed for VShield/Scan32/DOS: MCAFECOM.DLL = McAfee Electronic Commerce library file 2. Installed for VShield/Scan32: MCKRNL.VXD = Detection virtual device driver MCSCAN32.VXD = Detection virtual device driver MCUTIL.VXD = Support virtual device driver 3. Installed for VShield: VSHIELD.VXD = Detection virtual device driver VSHINIT.VXD = VShield virtual device driver Files located in the WINDOWS\HELP directory: ============================================ 1. Installed for VShield: VSHLDCFG.HLP = VShield help 2. Installed for Scan32: SCANEXT.HLP = Scan32 Extension help * TESTING YOUR INSTALLATION * The Eicar Standard AntiVirus Test File is a combined effort by anti-virus vendors throughout the world to come up with one standard by which customers can verify their anti-virus installations. To test your installation, copy the following line into its own file and name it EICAR.COM. X5O!P%@AP[4\PZX54(P^)7CC)7}$EICAR-STANDARD-ANTIVIRUS-TEST-FILE!$H+H* When done, you will have a 69- or 70-byte file. When VirusScan is applied to this file, SCAN will report finding the EICAR-STANDARD-AV-TEST-FILE virus. THIS IS NOT A VIRUS. However, users often have the need to test that their installations function correctly. The anti- virus industry, through the European Institute for Computer Antivirus Research, has adopted this standard to facilitate this need. Please delete the file when installation testing is completed so unsuspecting users are not unnecessarily alarmed. _________________________________ MANUALLY UNINSTALLING THE PRODUCT McAfee recommends using VirusScan's uninstall program provided. You can access the uninstaller from the Start menu in Programs/McAfee VirusScan. If, however, UNINSTALLER.EXE is not present on your system, follow the instructions outlined below to manually uninstall VirusScan: 1. Remove VirusScan from the AUTOEXEC.BAT file: 1. Go to the System Configuration Editor window by typing SYSEDIT in the Start/Run dialog box and press Enter. 2. In the first file, the AUTOEXEC.BAT, delete the VirusScan entry and the @IF ERRORLEVEL 1 PAUSE line if present. 3. Save the changes and close the Configuration Editor window. 2. Remove VirusScan icons: The VirusScan icons can be removed from the Taskbar properties page in Start/Settings/Taskbar. Follow the instructions below to remove VirusScan icons. 1. From the Taskbar properties page, click Remove. 2. Highlight the McAfee VirusScan folder. 3. Click the Remove button to remove the icons. 4. Click OK. 3. Edit the Registry: 1. To get to the Registry, type REGEDIT in the Start/Run dialog box and press Enter. 2. In HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, delete the key "VirusScan" from the following: comfile\\shell\\VirusScan Directory\\shell\\VirusScan Drive\\shell\\VirusScan exefile\\shell\\VirusScan Excel.Addin\\shell\\VirusScan Excel.Chart.5\\shell\\VirusScan Excel.Chart.8\\shell\\VirusScan Excel.Macrosheet\\shell\\VirusScan Excel.Sheet.5\\shell\\VirusScan Excel.Sheet.8\\shell\\VirusScan Excel.Template\\shell\\VirusScan Excel.Workspace\\shell\\VirusScan Excel.XLL\\shell\\VirusScan WinZip\\shell\\VirusScan Word.Document.6\\shell\\VirusScan Word.Document.8\\shell\\VirusScan Word.Template\\shell\\VirusScan Delete the key "VSConfigFile" Delete the key "VSHConfigFile" 3. In HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\ CurrentVersion\Run, delete the name "Vshwin32EXE". 4. In HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\ CurrentVersion\RunServices, delete the name "Vshwin32EXE". 5. In HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\ CurrentVersion\Uninstall, delete the key "VirusScan". 6. Exit the Registry Editor by choosing the REGISTRY option from the File Menu and selecting the EXIT option. 4. Delete VirusScan files and directories. 1. Using CTRL+ALT+DEL, end the VSHWIN32.EXE task. 2. Delete the McAfee directory under Program Files. 3. From \Windows\system directory, remove the following files: MCKRNL.VXD MCSCAN32.VXD MCUTIL.VXD VSHIELD.VXD 5. VirusScan is uninstalled. Reboot your system for the changes to take effect. _____________ DOCUMENTATION For more information, refer to the VirusScan User's Guides, included on the CD-ROM versions of this program or available from McAfee's BBS and FTP site. These files are in Adobe Acrobat Portable Document Format (.PDF) and can be viewed using Adobe Acrobat Reader. This form of electronic documentation includes hypertext links and easy navigation to assist you in finding answers to questions about your McAfee products. Adobe Acrobat Reader is available on CD-ROM in the ACROREAD subdirectory. Adobe Acrobat Reader also can be downloaded from the World Wide Web at: http://www.adobe.com/acrobat/readstep.html VirusScan and ScreenScan documentation can be downloaded from McAfee's BBS or the World Wide Web at: http://www.mcafee.com For more information on viruses and virus prevention, see the McAfee Virus Information Library, MCAFEE.HLP, included on the CD-ROM version of this product or available from McAfee's BBS and FTP site. A ViaGraphix Interactive Anti-virus Training program also is available on the CD-ROM version, or can be purchased from the McAfee website. __________________________ FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS Regularly updated lists of frequently asked questions about McAfee products also are available on McAfee's BBS, website, and CompuServe and AOL forums. Q: When my screen saver starts, I suddenly see a lot of activity on my hard disk. What's happening? How do I stop this activity? A: VirusScan's ScreenScan component is designed to scan your hard disk for viruses when your computer is idle. To do so, it starts a screen saver, then begins a scan operation. The hard disk activity you see is ScreenScan examining your hard disk for viruses. To deactivate ScreenScan, follow these steps: 1. Move your cursor to the Windows 95 desktop, then click your right mouse button. 2. Choose Properties from the shortcut menu that appears. 3. Click the Screen Saver tab in the Display Properties dialog box. 4. Choose a screen saver other than ScreenScan, or choose None in the Screen Saver list. 5. Click OK to save your settings and close the Display Properties dialog box. Q: Why are my scheduled scan tasks not performed? A: If you have configured a scheduled scan and it does not take place on schedule, you probably did not have the VirusScan Console open when the scan was to take place. The VirusScan Console must be open (it may be minimized) in order for the scan to take place. Q: VirusScan detected a virus on my system, but it is not a document, spreadsheet, or executable file (.EXE, .COM, .DO?, .XL?). Therefore, I suspect it might be a false detection. What can I do to verify a detected virus? A: If you suspect a false detection on a non-executable file, run VirusScan's command line scanner, SCAN.EXE, to verify an infection. If VirusScan for Windows 95 detects a virus and SCAN.EXE does not, please download the latest DAT files to upgrade your virus definition files and scan your system again. If VirusScan still detects a virus that you suspect to be a false detection, please report the issue to McAfee technical support. Q: I would like to electronically purchase and download the latest version of VirusScan for Windows 95. I do not want to give my credit card information over the Internet for security purposes. Can I purchase VirusScan via modem and download the product via the Internet? A: Yes. The first time you download VirusScan for Windows 95, the McAfee electronic Wizard will prompt you to select the transmission method you prefer to download and to transmit your encrypted credit card information. At the Transaction Connection Type dialog box, select Internet to download your order via the Internet. At the Security Connection Type dialog box, select Direct Dial Modem to transmit your credit card information via modem. Q: While downloading a licensed copy of VirusScan for Windows 95, the installation was interrupted and/or canceled. Where can I find my licensed VirusScan files and how do I proceed with the installation? A: The files are in the VSint folder located in the Windows \Temp directory. Double click on SETUP.EXE within the VSint folder to continue with the installation. Q: I have created my own Emergency diskette without using the Emergency Disk creation utility. How must I optimize my emergency disk's performance? A: To enable your own Emergency Disk, you must create a CONFIG.SYS file on the boot diskette and add the following lines: [CONFIG.SYS] DEVICE=HIMEM.SYS DOS=HIGH Add the HIMEM.SYS file from the DOS directory or if you are using Windows 95 system files, add HIMEM.SYS from the \WINDOWS\COMMAND directory to the boot diskette. Note: For detailed instructions on creating an Emergency diskette, refer to the instructions outlined in the electronic documentation (.PDF file) included in your VirusScan package. Q: I moved a .VSC file to my Startup folder. Whenever I turn on my PC, it launches VirusScan for Windows 95, but it does not begin scanning. How can I make it start scanning automatically? A: You need to customize your options. Take these steps: 1. Navigate to the location of the saved .VSC file. 2. Right-click on the .VSC file to reveal the Context Menu. 3. From the Context Menu, select Properties. 4. Select the Options Tab on the property sheet. 5. Check the Start Automatically box. By enabling this option, scanning will begin automatically. If it does not detect any viruses, VirusScan for Windows 95 will automatically close and free up system resources. Q: When VirusScan for Windows 95 is launched, how does it determine the default settings? A: VirusScan for Windows 95 default settings may be found in the DEFAULT.VSC file located in the install directory. Q: What are the possible error codes returned by CHKVXD.EXE? A: The possible CHKVXD.EXE error level codes and their descriptions are listed below: 65535(-1)= VShield not installed 0 = VShield enabled 1 = VShield disabled Q: How can I tell that ScreenScan is working? A: ScreenScan does not alert you when it is scanning your system. However, if you enable the logging option during your configuration, all ScreenScan activity will be recorded in a log file in the Installation directory. Q: How can I scan multiple or network drives with VirusScan? A: You can configure scans of multiple or network drives from the Detection property page. To see the page, choose Advanced from the Tools menu in the VirusScan console. To scan more than one drive or a network drive, follow these steps: 1. Click the Detections tab. 2. Click Add. 2. Do one of the following: - To add all network drives to the Detection list, click Select Item to Scan, then select All Network drives. - To add drives to the Detection list, click Select Drive or Directory to Scan. Enter a drive letter or click Browse to locate the drive you want scanned. 3. Click OK. 4. Repeat this procedure to add more drives to the Detection list. 5. Choose Save Settings from the File menu to save your settings. Q: Can I update McAfee's data files to detect new viruses? A: Yes. If your data files are out-of-date, VirusScan for Windows 95 will periodically prompt you to update them. If you have a modem or Internet connection, you can use VirusScan's new electronic update feature for easy data file updates, technical support, and registration. Note: VirusScan's electronic update feature applies to retail copies and any copies bundled with your computer. If you own a corporate copy of VirusScan, please notify your System Administrator to receive your data file updates. If you need additional assistance with downloading, contact McAfee Download Support at (408) 988-3832. Q: Why are there two sets of data files available for download from www.mcafee.com? A: One set, which has a filename beginning with 30, is compatible with VirusScan versions 3.0.0 and later. This is the file you will download to update your installation of VirusScan. The second set, which has a filename beginning with 97, is designed to support older versions of VirusScan (before v3.0.0) and should not be used with this version of VirusScan. ______________ CONTACT McAFEE * FOR QUESTIONS, ORDERS, PROBLEMS, OR COMMENTS * Contact McAfee's Customer Care department: 1. Corporate-licensed customers, call (408) 988-3832 Monday-Friday, 6:00 A.M. - 6:00 P.M. Pacific time Retail-licensed customers, call (972) 278-6100 Monday-Friday, 6:00 A.M. - 6:00 P.M. Pacific time 2. Fax (408) 970-9727 24-hour, Group III fax 3. Fax-back automated response system (408) 988-3034 24-hour fax Send correspondence to any of the following McAfee locations. McAfee Corporate Headquarters 2805 Bowers Ave. Santa Clara, CA 95051-0963 McAfee East Coast Office Jerral Center West 766 Shrewsbury Avenue Tinton Falls, NJ 07724-3298 McAfee Central Office 4099 McEwen Suites 500 and 700 Dallas, TX 75244 McAfee Canada 139 Main Street Suite 201 Unionville, Ontario Canada L3R2G6 McAfee Europe B.V. Gatwickstraat 25 1043 GL Amsterdam The Netherlands McAfee (UK) Ltd. Hayley House, London Road Bracknell, Berkshire RG12 2TH United Kingdom McAfee France S.A. 50 rue de Londres 75008 Paris France McAfee Deutschland GmbH Industriestrasse 1 D-82110 Germering Germany McAfee Japan KK 4F Toranomon Mori bldg. 33 3-8-21 Toranomon Minato-Ku Tokyo, 105 Japan Or, you can receive online assistance through any of the following resources: 1. Bulletin Board System: (408) 988-4004 24-hour US Robotics HST DS 2. Internet e-mail: support@mcafee.com 3. Internet FTP: ftp.mcafee.com 4. World Wide Web: http://www.mcafee.com 5. America Online: keyword MCAFEE 6. CompuServe: GO MCAFEE Before contacting McAfee, please make note of the following information. When sending correspondence, please include the same details. - Program name and version number - Type and brand of your computer, hard drive, and any peripherals - Operating system type and version - Network name, operating system, and version - Contents of your AUTOEXEC.BAT, CONFIG.SYS, and system LOGIN script - Microsoft service pack, where applicable - Network card installed, where applicable - Modem manufacturer, model, and baud, where applicable - Relevant browsers/applications and version number, where applicable - Problem - Specific scenario where problem occurs - Conditions required to reproduce problem - Statement of whether problem is reproducible on demand - Your contact information: voice, fax, and e-mail Other general feedback is also appreciated. Documentation feedback is welcome. Send e-mail to documentation@cc.mcafee.com. * FOR ON-SITE TRAINING INFORMATION * Contact McAfee Customer Service at (800) 338-8754. * FOR PRODUCT UPGRADES * To make it easier for you to receive and use McAfee's products, we have established a Resellers program to provide service, sales, and support for our products worldwide. For a listing of McAfee resellers near you, click Contact McAfee under the Information section on the McAfee website.