DELPHIC ORACLE - ORDER FORM =========================== Please rush me the latest registered version of the following product(s): [ ] Super Bubble Mania at $25 CAN or $20 US [ ] Tetrolis at $13 CAN or $10 US Payment ======= Payment can be made with a cheque or VISA/MasterCard credit card. Please make cheques or EuroCheques payable to:Delphic Oracle Entertainment Fax or Post to: Delphic Oracle Entertainment 3269 Port View Place Port Moody, BC V3H 2L4 CANADA Tel: (604) 469 - 2296 Fax: (604) 469 - 2537 Name .................................................. Address ................................................ ................................................ ................................................ Postal Code ............................................ Tel:.................................................... Please charge my card No:................................. Exp................ Signed:.................................................