1201 Login incorrect. 1202 You cannot have more than one statement active at a time. 1203 Warning: %s 1204 No more cursors available. 1205 Value to be converted exceeds system limits. 1206 Cannot connect to a different database. 1207 This is either an Unknown Type or is not supported currently. 1208 Error in establishing a connection. 1209 No database name. 20101 Informix 20102 Owner 20104 Database 20105 Procedure 20106 Table 20107 02.12.0000 20108 length 20109 max length 20110 precision 20111 precision,scale 20115 CHAR 20116 VARCHAR 20117 BYTE 20118 TEXT 20119 SMALLINT 20120 INTEGER 20121 FLOAT 20122 SMALLFLOAT 20123 DECIMAL 20124 SERIAL 20125 DATE 20126 MONEY 20127 DATETIME YEAR TO FRACTION(5) 20128 DATETIME HOUR TO FRACTION(5) 20129 INTERVAL YEAR(6) TO MONTH 20130 INTERVAL DAY(6) TO FRACTION(5) 20131 Database Name 20132 Databases