________________________________________________ Microsoft Internet Explorer 3.02 ________________________________________________ If you do not already have a Internet browser, you can install the Microsoft Internet Explorer directly from your SmartSuite CD-ROM. Internet Explorer does not connect you to the Internet. It allows you to browse the Internet's World Wide Web if you already have an Internet connection. If you do not have an Internet connection, you can use IBM Global Navigator (IGN) to connect to and browse the Internet. For more information about IGN, see the README.TXT file in the \EXTRA\INTERNET\IGN directory on your SmartSuite CD-ROM. _________________________ Installation instructions _________________________ To install Internet Explorer from your SmartSuite CD, please follow the steps listed below: 1. Insert the SmartSuite CD in the appropriate drive. 2. Choose Start - Run from the Windows taskbar. 3. Type x:\extra\internet\iexplore\msie30 (where x is the letter of your CD ROM drive). 4. Click OK. 5. Follow the installation instructions that appear on the screen. ________________________________________________________ More information on Microsoft Internet Explorer ________________________________________________________ Once connected, you can learn more about Internet Explorer by visiting the Internet Explorer Home Page at http://www.microsoft.com/ie/default.asp and the Internet Explorer Support Page at http://www.microsoft.com/iesupport.