Performance '95 Readme.txt file """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""" Thank you for trying Performance '95. We at BonAmi Software take great pride in our work and we hope that you find the product enjoyable and easy to use. Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions or comments about Performance '95. We would also like to hear from you if you have any suggestions or requests for program enhancements. We will do our best to answer your questions and to incorporate your suggestions in future software releases. Please note that if you have not purchased a license to use this software, the evaluation period expires 30 days after installation or on February 1, 1999, whichever arrives sooner. Please read the License Agreement document in the License.txt file for more details. If you would like to contact us at BonAmi Software, you may find it most convenient to do by sending us E-Mail or by visiting our web page. Our addresses are: E-Mail: Web: Sincerely yours, BonAmi Software Corporation Program Notes """"""""""""" The following program items are not included in your Performance '95 User's Guide or Online Help. 1. Performance '95 now runs under Windows 95 and Windows 98. Performance '95 does not run under Windows NT. 2. CPU Meter '95, a miniature CPU and resource meter, is included in this package. Press F1 to view help information while running CPU Meter '95. 3. There is a new Filter command that allows you to control which items are shown in the main program display. Select Filter from the Display menu, the toolbar, or by pressing the Control-F accelerator key. Please refer to the online help for further information about the Filter option. 4. The Control-F accelerator key is used for the Filter option. 5. Private and shared memory values show memory usage in the System Virtual Machine. Memory usage in other virtual machines is not reported. 6. The Print and Print Preview commands will not engage if there is no data being displayed in the main program display. Both Print and Print Preview take a snapshot of the current display and do not continuously update. 7. If you encounter any problems running both Performance '95 and CPU Meter '95 at the same time, try to run them separately. 8. These Performance '95 command line switches are now supported: /LOGFILE=file_spec (Performance '95 starts logging to this file) /LOGFREQUENCY=seconds (Log frequency in seconds) /UPDATEFREQUENCY=seconds (Display update frequency in seconds) /MODE=high or normal (Data resolution mode high or normal) Example: perf95.exe /logfile=c:perf95.log /logfreq=10 /updatefreq=5 /mode=high Copyright Information """"""""""""""""""""" Performance '95 and CPU Meter '95 are trademarks of BonAmi Software Corporation. Windows is a registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation. (c) 1995-1998 BonAmi Software Corporation. All rights reserved.