999 LANDesk Virus Protect 1000 Scheduled 1001 Manual 1002 Realtime Protection 1003 Integrity Shield 1004 Console 1005 FTP/BBS Pattern Update (VPDOWN) 1006 None 1007 Forward from client 1008 Forward from server 1009 Startup 1010 Idle 1011 Invalid 1012 Integrity Shield 1013 Scan Stopped 1014 Scan Started 1015 Pattern Update 1016 Virus Found! 1017 Scan Failure 1018 Virus Pattern Loaded 1019 Bad time field 1020 Local 1021 Remote 1022 %E%V in File: %P by: %L scan. Action: %A 1023 %L Scan\n%E%V\nFile: %P\nComputer: %S\nUser: %N\n\nAction: %A 1024 LANDesk Virus Protect Notification 1025 Intel Virus Protect Alert 1026 Alert 1027 Move 1028 Rename 1029 Delete 1030 Leave Alone 1031 Clean 1032 Undefined 1033 : Failed 1034 Access Blocked 1035 Access Allowed 1036 succeeded 1037 failed 1038 Virus pattern match. Virus: 1039 File checksum value change detected. 1040 Virus behavior detected. 1041 Integrity Shield violation 1042 %E%V in %F 1043 Integrity Shield %R Violation of file %P 1044 Delete 1045 Write 1046 Read 1047 Exec 1048 Intel LANDesk Virus Protect 1049 X.XX.XXX 1050 Commands 1051 Unload RTVScan? 1052 Scan Status 1053 Realtime Protection 1054 Enabled Scheduled Scans 1055 Alt+F10=Quit 1056 F5=Start Server Scan 1057 F5=Stop Server Scan 1058 F2=View Scheduled Scans 1059 Esc=Return to Monitor 1060 F1=Help 1061 Esc=Exit Help 1062 Alt+F10=Quit F5=Command Menu (A)dd (D)elete (O)pen (C)lose (E)dit 1063 ESC=Return to Monitor Enter=Select Menu Option 1064 Enter Password to Continue or ESCAPE to Return to Virus Protect Session 1065 Enter Password to Start RegEdit or ESCAPE to Return to Virus Protect Session 1066 Enter Password to Unload Monitor or ESCAPE to Return to Virus Protect Session 1067 Enter the New Password 1068 Re-enter the Password to Confirm 1069 Unloading Monitor 1070 Dumping Database 1071 Re-enter Password 1072 Enter the Password 1073 Error 1074 No Scheduled Scans 1075 Modify 1076 Access 1077 Modify / Access 1078 - NONE - 1079 No files have been scanned by Realtime Protection 1080 No infected files have been found by Realtime Protection 1081 Starting 1082 Started 1083 Stopping 1084 Scan Complete 1085 Scanning Folders 1086 Scanning Boot Sector 1087 Scanning Memory 1088 Scanning Files 1089 Scan Canceled 1090 Never Run 1091 Status: 1092 No file server scans have run 1093 Empty Scan 1094 Scan Number: 1095 Scan Date: 1096 Elapsed Time: 1097 Directories Found: 1098 Files Found: 1099 Files Scanned: 1100 Infected Files: 1101 Current File: 1102 Searching folders for files to scan 1103 No infected files have been found by the %s Scan 1104 No infected files were found during the %s Scan 1105 Could not start manual Scan 1106 Toggle Debug 1107 Toggle Verbose 1108 Toggle Logging 1109 Report Memory Usage 1110 Debug Commands 1111 Debug: ON 1112 Debug: OFF 1113 Verbose: ON 1114 Verbose: OFF 1115 Passwords: ON 1116 Passwords: OFF 1117 Logging: ON 1118 Logging: OFF 1119 Server Name: 1120 Virus Protect Domain: 1121 Up Time: 1122 Current Configuration 1123 Next Scheduled Scan Date: 1124 Time Left Until Scan: 1125 Status of Realtime Protection: 1126 File Transactions Scanned: 1127 Total Files Scanned: 1128 Infected Files Found: 1129 Last File Scanned by Realtime Protection: 1130 User: 1131 Last Virus Found: 1132 Date/Time: 1133 Virus Name: 1134 Action Taken: 1135 File: 1136 Infected File: 1137 Scan Number: 1138 LANDesk Virus Protect up time: 1139 Success 1140 ERROR: Bad Key 1141 ERROR: No Path 1142 ERROR: Out of Memory 1143 ERROR: No Room 1144 ERROR: Corrupt Database 1145 ERROR: Key Has Children 1146 ERROR: Semaphore in Use 1147 ERROR: Key name must have at least one character 1148 ERROR: Value name must have at least one character 1149 ERROR: Invalid Type 1150 ERROR: Cannot Close HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE 1151 ERROR: Could Not Dump Database 1152 RTVScan Registry Editor 1153 Version 1.0 1154 RTVScan Registry Editor 1155 Database Loaded 1156 Exit RegEdit? 1157 Invalid Key Pressed 1158 Subkeys 1159 Values 1160 -NO SUBKEYS- 1161 -NO VALUES- 1162 Add: Key or Value 1163 Add Subkey 1164 Add Value 1165 Delete Subkey 1166 Delete Value 1167 Open Subkey 1168 Close Key 1169 Edit Data 1170 Exit Registry Editor 1171 Enter new key name 1172 Name: 1173 New Key Created 1174 Add Key Canceled 1175 Enter new value name 1176 STRING 1177 DWORD 1178 BINARY 1179 Select Data Type 1180 Enter the data 1181 Add Value Aborted 1182 Data String: 1183 String Data Added 1184 Data Value Not Added 1185 DWORD Value: 1186 DWORD Data Added 1187 Binary Value: 1188 Binary Data Added 1189 Select a Value to Edit 1190 Value Name: 1191 Data: 1192 Data Changed Successfully 1193 Data Value Not Changed 1194 Database Dumped to File 1195 Select Subkey to Open 1196 No Subkeys to Open 1197 Open Canceled by Escape 1198 Key Opened 1199 Key Closed 1200 Delete: Key or Value 1201 Select Subkey to Delete 1202 No Subkeys to Delete 1203 Delete Canceled by Escape 1204 Subkey Deleted 1205 Select Value to Delete 1206 No Values to Delete 1207 Value Deleted 1208 Administrator Options 1209 Debug Menu 1210 Set Passwords 1211 Start the Registry Editor 1212 Dump Registry to a File 1213 Toggle Passwords 1214 Turn Screen Saver On 1215 Turn Screen Saver Off 1216 Password Incorrect! 1217 PASSWORD HAS NOT BEEN CHANGED - Password Re-entered Incorrectly 1218 PASSWORD HAS NOT BEEN CHANGED - Error Changing Database 1219 PASSWORD HAS BEEN CHANGED SUCCESSFULLY 1220 Enter Password to Unload 1221 Enter Password for Admin Menu 1222 Enter Password for RegEdit 1223 Enter Password for User 1224 There were %u errors while installing 1225 LANDesk Virus Protect installed successfully \n 1226 << Press any key to continue. >>\n 1227 Could not copy files to temp directory 1228 Could not launch remove.exe in temp directory 1229 There were %u errors while removing.\n 1230 Intel LANDesk Virus Protect 5.02 was removed. 1231 Username: 1232 Invalid Username or Password 1233 Overwrite newer destination file? 1234 Installing LANDesk Virus Protect %s 1235 \n***********************\n Installation Complete \n***********************\n 1236 You will need to down the server and restart to ensure that all modules load properly. 1237 In order to complete the installation of LANDesk Virus Protect on your server you will need to enter a username 1238 and password for an existing user who is authorized to create users and groups and make trustee assignments. 1239 Enter Username to Authenticate 1240 Enter Password of User 1241 Either the password or username that you entered is invalid please enter them again. Don't forget to specify your context. 1242 Destination file has a newer modify date/time than source file\n 1243 Destination: %s\nModify date: %sSize: %d\n 1244 Source: %s\nModify date: %sSize: %d\n 1245 %s\n%s\nPlease confirm whether you want to overwrite the destination file. 1246 Please re-enter a username that has correct rights. 1247 Username entered does not have sufficient rights to this computer. 1248 Username previously entered does have sufficient rights to Container entered\n Please enter new container or press ESCAPE to enter new username. 1249 Creating Default Configuration\n 1250 Removing Database\n 1251 Updating Bindery Login Script\n 1252 Cleaning up Bindery Login Script\n 1253 Updating Container Profile.\n 1254 Cleaning up Container Profile.\n 1255 Updating AUTOEXEC.NCF\n 1256 Cleaning up AUTOEXEC.NCF\n 1257 Stopping and Removing Services\n 1258 Running Programs\n 1259 Copying Files\n 1260 Removing Files\n 1261 Creating Directories\n 1262 Removing Directories\n 1263 Updating Bindery\n 1264 Cleaning up Bindery\n 1265 Updating Directory Service\n 1266 Cleaning up Directory\n 1267 Updating Shares\n 1268 Cleaning up Shares\n 1269 Creating VPSTART.NCF\n 1270 Deleting VPSTART.NCF\n 1271 Copying Required Files\n 1272 Replacing $Variables$\n 1273 Unable to Logout Authenticated User: %d\n 1274 Authentication Canceled \n 1275 Authentication Failed\n 1276 User Authenticated \n 1277 Copying %s to %s\n 1278 ERROR - in %08X in line %u\n 1279 %d:%02d:%02d:%02d 1280 ******************************************************************************\n 1281 * LANDesk Virus Protect Install *\n 1282 * This program will setup and start the NT server package *\n 1283 ******************************************************************************\n\n\n 1284 LANDesk Virus Protect is now installed. To activate it you must reboot this machine\n\nREBOOT NOW? (Y/n) 1285 ******************************************************************************\n 1286 * LANDesk Virus Protect Uninstall *\n 1287 * This program will stop and remove the NT server package *\n 1288 ******************************************************************************\n\n\n 1289 <<< Press 'Y' to remove LANDesk Virus Protect >>> 1290 Key: 1291 Deleting File: %s\n 1292 Scan Type: 1293 Manual 1294 Scheduled 1295 Realtime 1296 Scan History 1297 Active Scheduled Scans 1298 Scan files every day at %s 1299 Scan files every week on %s at %s 1300 Scan files %d day(s) after the beginning of every month at %s 1301 No Scheduled Scans are Currently Enabled 1302 Sunday 1303 Monday 1304 Tuesday 1305 Wednesday 1306 Thursday 1307 Friday 1308 Saturday 1309 AM 1310 PM 1311 Error in the old bindery login script. 1312 Error in the old profile login script. 1313 ERROR: Could not open the profile login script\n 1314 There was a problem in your autoexec.ncf file. 1315 The new LANDesk Virus Protect section was added but you will need to remove the old section by hand.\n 1316 The container received at installation time may have been entered incorrectly. 1317 Please re-enter the full canonical name of the context. 1318 There was no container context specified at installation. 1319 Please enter the full canonical name of the context. 1320 Container: 1321 ERROR: Could not authenticate with NetWare Directory Services. 1322 The username or password entered at installation time may be incorrect. 1323 Please re-enter or accept the username and password. 1324 Removing LANDesk Virus Protect\n 1325 Some errors were found while removing. Please see install.log\n 1326 Removed\n 1327 Cannot resolve database. Please backup and delete vpregdb.dat and restart for clean database\n 1328 License Data is invalid.\nRealtime protection from viruses has been deactivated.\n 1329 Trial Time has expired.\nRealtime protection from viruses has been deactivated.\n 1330 LANDesk Virus Protect could not install. Error code: %08X (%s)\n 1331 LANDesk Virus Protect installed successfully\n 1332 Preparing to authenticate with directory services.\nThis may take a couple of minutes...\n 1333 Parsing Installation File\n 1334 Server Console Command Keys 1335 F1: Show This Help Screen 1336 F2: View Active Scheduled Scans 1337 F5: Start/Stop Manual Scan 1338 F6: Administrator Menu 1339 F9: Manually Start Screen Saver 1340 F8: Administrator Menu (No Password Required) 1341 F10: Exit RTVSCAN Monitor (No Password Required) 1342 Alt+F2: Start The Registry Editor 1343 Alt+F3: Debug Menu (No Password Required) 1344 Alt+F4: Dump the Database to a Text File 1345 Alt+F5: Start The Registry Editor (No Password Required) 1346 Alt+F10: Exit RTVSCAN Monitor 1347 Arrow Keys: Move Through Scan History 1348 Tab/Shift+Tab: Cycle Forward/Backward Through Scan History 1349 Page Up/Home: Move to the Top of Scan History 1350 Page Down/End: Move to the Bottom of Scan History 1351 Error Creating Screen\n 1352 Error Creating Installation Screen\n 1353 Loading Language module: %s\n 1354 Using %s Language Module\n 1355 To unload RTVSCAN, switch to Virus Protect screen, press Esc, then enter the unload password.\n 1356 Could not open registry database due to insufficient system memory\n 1357 Action Block For file %s stuck \n 1358 Something is really wrong\n 1359 Bad Action block returned\n 1360 Returned Action Block has non-zero Semaphore\n 1361 CRITICAL ERROR in RTVSCAN. System may be unstable.\n 1362 PSCAN: Unable to Allocate Resource Tag, add more server memory.\n 1363 New virus pattern file loaded. Version: %s. 1364 Previous virus pattern file loaded. Version: %s. 1365 Update to computer %s of virus pattern file %s succeeded. 1366 Update to computer %s of virus pattern file %s failed. Status %08X 1367 Download virus pattern file from %s succeeded. 1368 Download virus pattern file from %s failed. %08X 1369 Many viruses were detected within a short time period by %s Scan. %s\n\n%s 1370 As a safeguard to the server, the scan action was changed to Leave Alone. 1371 This is to prevent large numbers of files from being deleted, moved, or renamed which could cause your system to crash. 1372 Waiting for threads to die\n 1373 Threads still in use. Quitting program.\n 1374 Scan could not open file %s [%08X] 1375 Scan started on %s and %s. 1376 Scan %s: Viruses:%u Infected:%u Scanned:%u File Open Errors:%u 1377 Canceled 1378 Complete 1379 Installation Complete\n 1380 Waiting for Virus Pattern File Manager to stop\n 1381 %s\n 1382 Bad Option, '%s'!\n 1383 Request for %u bytes failed\n 1384 Block %08x of size %u assigned to %08x\n 1385 all drives 1386 selected drives and folders 1387 all extensions 1388 selected extensions 1389 Virus Protect Server startup succeeded. 1390 Virus Protect Server startup failed. %s (%08X) 1391 Virus Protect Server shutdown. 1392 %u configuration options were changed. 1393 Could not find PSCAN.SYS in system32\drivers. 1394 PSCAN.SYS did not export expected handle. 1395 Local Alloc Failed. 1396 Could not init security descriptor. 1397 Could not set security descriptor. 1398 Error communicating with PSCAN.SYS. 1399 Could not attach to File System. 1400 PSCAN.SYS returned an unknown error. 1401 Failed to get device handle to PSCAN.SYS. 1402 Call to VEInit Failed, Scan Engine may be corrupt. 1403 Cannot find virus pattern file. 1404 Virus pattern file is invalid. 1405 Virus engine could not be found. 1406 Virus engine is corrupt. 1407 InitPscan called twice. 1408 The Network Transport System (NTS) Failed to Initialize. 1409 Memory allocation error. 1410 Could not install PSCAN.SYS. 1411 Scan in Progress 1412 Dongle has been removed: Cannot start scan 1413 Bad parameter passed to StartScan funtion. 1414 Error in Database. 1415 Database not installed. 1416 The Administrator Menu is for debugging purposes only. 1417 It has not been extensively tested and is NOT supported by Intel technical support. 1418 Be aware that certain actions possible from the administrator menu could potentially 1419 corrupt the LANDesk Virus Protect database and/or cause your server to abend. 1420 In rare situations where the database is seriously corrupted 1421 the formatted database dump could cause the server to abend. 1422 Do You Want To Continue? 1423 Registry Database Dump Completed 1424 The Raw Database Dump is in file: 1425 The Formatted Database Dump is in file: 1426 The Database Dump was not done 1427 Raw Database Dump 1428 Formatted Database Dump 1429 Dongle has been installed.\n\nFile scanning is now ON.\n 1430 Dongle has been removed.\n\nFile scanning is now OFF.\n 1431 Disabling previous LANDesk Virus Protect installation\n\n 1432 \nThe old LANDesk Virus Protect sections should be disabled.\n 1433 In order to reclaim the diskspace you should uninstall the old version\n\n 1434 You must unload the previous LANDesk Virus Protect version before starting version %s\n\n 1435 Please exit the previous version of LANDesk Virus Protect now 1436 Unable to remove the old LANDesk Virus Protect section in the system login script.\n 1437 LANDesk Virus Protect will attempt to disable the old login script anyway.\n 1438 You may need to remove the old section by hand or uninstall the old version of LANDesk Virus Protect.\n 1439 LANDesk Virus Protect did not disable anything.\n 1440 LANDesk Virus Protect disabled at least one reference to VP_AUTO.NCF.\n 1441 The old LANDesk Virus Protect section in the %s file was missing or incomplete.\n 1442 An old version of CLib is currently loaded.\n LANDesk has updated CLib and you should be able to down the server and have\n the new CLib loaded automatically.\n 1443 Setup has detected a version of LANDesk Server Manager that is\n incompatable with LANDesk Virus Protect. Setup will unload\n LANDesk Server Manager.\n\n\n 1444 Setup has detected a version of LANDesk Server Manager that is\n incompatable with LANDesk Virus Protect. Setup will unload and disable\n LANDesk Server Manager.\n\n\n 1445 To obtain an update for LANDesk Server Manager, go to\n support.intel.com and download MSSM2511.EXE.\n 1446 Please wait, LANDesk Virus Protect Initializing\n 1447 1448 File Name 1449 Path 1450 Virus 1451 Action 1452 Rename 1453 WebAdmin Console Install 1454 WebAdmin Console Removal 1455 Copying Directories 1456 Removing Files From Directories 1457 Error: 0x%08x(%d) in line %d: %s\n 1458 Error: %s in line %d: %s\n 1459 Directory Services Initialization Error: 0x%08x(%d) in line %d: %s\n 1460 Installing Component (%s)\n 1461 Removing Component (%s)\n 1462 No directory specified for trustee assignment 1463 Container name is invalid 1464 Novell Directory Services has not been initialized 1465 Error opening system login script 1466 Error opening profile login script 1467 Error opening autoexec.ncf file 1468 Error adding LANDesk Virus Protect section to autoexec.ncf file 1469 Error modifying autoexec.ncf 1470 Error opening vpstart.ncf 1471 Error allocating buffer for NWDS container I/O 1472 Error opening LANDesk Virus Protect registry database 1473 Unable to get container name 1474 Not authenticated with Novell Directory Services 1475 Invalid line in WebAdmin definition file 1476 Could not write to local disk 1477 Error unloading old NLMs 1478 Error opening web configuration file 1479 Error accessing WebAdmin directory 1480 Error opening srm.cfg file 1481 Could not find the ServerRoot section in web configuration file 1482 Unable to allocate necessart memory 1483 Invalid parameter passed into function 1484 Error opening installation configuration file 1485 Installation aborted 1486 Error Creating Context 1487 Error Loading DSAPI.NLM 1488 The IBM Virus Scan Engine (%s.NLM) is currently in use\n and should not be unloaded!\n 1489 Virus Found 1490 Virus Name 1491 File Path 1492 Requested Action 1493 Actual Action 1494 Logger 1495 User 1496 Computer 1497 File Checksum Error 1498 Virus Behavior Detected 1499 Integrity Shield Violation 1500 Violation 1501 Scan Start/Stop 1502 Description 1503 Virus Pattern File Update 1504 LANDesk Virus Protect Startup/Shutdown 1505 Configuration Change 1506 Installation Aborted\n 1507 Could not load a Novell Directory Services function. \n You may be using an outdated DSAPI.NLM. \n Contact Novell to obtain the latest version.