IRIS Phone Activation

IRIS Phone is freely distributed as a 15-day trial version. To continue using it after that period expires, you need to purchase a unique activation key. Proceed as described below:

  1. Press the act.gif (1094 bytes) button to open the Order Activation Key form. Complete the form and press the Submit button. All the specified information will be transferred securely over the Internet to our sales department. If, by any reason, you are unable to use the built-in form, visit
  2. You will receive your key by e-mail on the next business day.
  3. Your IRIS Phone will be automatically activated as soon as the e-mail with the key is sent to you.
  4. In case that you want to change your activation key or you need to re-enter it (i.e. after re-installing Windows), use the Activate IRIS Phone program from the IRIS Phone program group. In the Activation Key field, copy the activation key. Close the dialog by pressing OK.

After that, your IRIS Phone copy will be officially registered and you will be able to upgrade it automatically for free.