Lorenz Graf's HTMLtool 1.6.4d
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Lorenz Graf's HTMLtool on the web

© 1997 Lorenz Graf

Welcome to Lorenz Graf's HTMLtool version 1.6.4d


This version of Lorenz Graf's HTMLtool is freeware. This means you may use it without paying any kind of fee to the author (of course, donations are always welcome). The author reserves the right to change this and to forbid certain persons/companies to use this software. You may and are encouraged to redistribute it to friends, BBS-Systems and the Internet.


Lorenz Graf's HTMLtool (including documentation and all files supplied with the program) is copyright ⌐ 1997, Lorenz Graf.
All Rights Reserved.
Lorenz Graf's HTMLtool is supplied as is.
The author disclaims all warranties, expressed or implied, including, without limitation, the warranties of merchantability and of fitness for any purpose. The author assumes no liability for damages, direct or consequential, which may result from the use of Lorenz Graf's HTMLtool.


Lorenz Graf's HTMLtool may be freely distributed as long as all files are present and unmodified. Exceptions: see General Information Vendors may NOT charge for the program itself, but only for the media or transportation to the customer.


Suggestions/bug-reports to:


Lorenz Graf
Am Stadtpark 122
D-90409 Nürnberg


Thank YOU for trying Lorenz Graf's HTML editing tool - the quick'n'easy way to create web pages !

-- Lorenz Graf