object FrmImage: TFrmImage Left = 40 Top = 9 BorderStyle = bsDialog Caption = 'Image' ClientHeight = 434 ClientWidth = 578 Font.Color = clWindowText Font.Height = -13 Font.Name = 'System' Font.Style = [] PixelsPerInch = 96 TextHeight = 16 object lblSrc: TLabel Left = 8 Top = 8 Width = 16 Height = 13 Caption = '&Src' FocusControl = EditSrc Font.Color = clBlack Font.Height = -11 Font.Name = 'MS Sans Serif' Font.Style = [] ParentFont = False end object lblLinkTo: TLabel Left = 8 Top = 40 Width = 32 Height = 13 Caption = '&Link to' FocusControl = EditLinkTo Font.Color = clBlack Font.Height = -11 Font.Name = 'MS Sans Serif' Font.Style = [] ParentFont = False end object lblLowSrc: TLabel Left = 8 Top = 72 Width = 37 Height = 13 Caption = 'L&ow src' FocusControl = EditLowSrc Font.Color = clBlack Font.Height = -11 Font.Name = 'MS Sans Serif' Font.Style = [] ParentFont = False end object lblXAltSrc: TLabel Left = 8 Top = 104 Width = 39 Height = 13 Caption = '&X-Alt src' FocusControl = EditXAltSrc Font.Color = clBlack Font.Height = -11 Font.Name = 'MS Sans Serif' Font.Style = [] ParentFont = False end object lblAltText: TLabel Left = 8 Top = 136 Width = 32 Height = 13 Caption = '&Alt text' FocusControl = EditAltText Font.Color = clBlack Font.Height = -11 Font.Name = 'MS Sans Serif' Font.Style = [] ParentFont = False end object LblHSpace: TLabel Left = 296 Top = 200 Width = 39 Height = 13 Caption = '&HSpace' FocusControl = EditHSpace Font.Color = clBlack Font.Height = -11 Font.Name = 'MS Sans Serif' Font.Style = [] ParentFont = False end object lblVSpace: TLabel Left = 440 Top = 200 Width = 38 Height = 13 Caption = '&VSpace' FocusControl = EditVSpace Font.Color = clBlack Font.Height = -11 Font.Name = 'MS Sans Serif' Font.Style = [] ParentFont = False end object lblWidth: TLabel Left = 8 Top = 232 Width = 28 Height = 13 Caption = '&Width' FocusControl = EditWidth Font.Color = clBlack Font.Height = -11 Font.Name = 'MS Sans Serif' Font.Style = [] ParentFont = False end object lblHeight: TLabel Left = 160 Top = 232 Width = 31 Height = 13 Caption = 'H&eight' FocusControl = EditHeight Font.Color = clBlack Font.Height = -11 Font.Name = 'MS Sans Serif' Font.Style = [] ParentFont = False end object lblBorder: TLabel Left = 296 Top = 232 Width = 31 Height = 13 Caption = '&Border' FocusControl = EditBorder Font.Color = clBlack Font.Height = -11 Font.Name = 'MS Sans Serif' Font.Style = [] ParentFont = False end object lblMapLoc: TLabel Left = 112 Top = 272 Width = 61 Height = 13 Caption = '&Map location' Enabled = False FocusControl = EditMapLoc Font.Color = clBlack Font.Height = -11 Font.Name = 'MS Sans Serif' Font.Style = [] ParentFont = False end object lblDynSrc: TLabel Left = 8 Top = 304 Width = 36 Height = 13 Caption = 'D&yn src' FocusControl = EditDynSrc Font.Color = clBlack Font.Height = -11 Font.Name = 'MS Sans Serif' Font.Style = [] ParentFont = False end object lblLoops: TLabel Left = 8 Top = 368 Width = 29 Height = 13 Caption = 'Loo&ps' FocusControl = seLoops Font.Color = clBlack Font.Height = -11 Font.Name = 'MS Sans Serif' Font.Style = [] ParentFont = False end object lblLoopDelay: TLabel Left = 8 Top = 400 Width = 52 Height = 13 Caption = 'Loop &delay' FocusControl = seLoopDelay Font.Color = clBlack Font.Height = -11 Font.Name = 'MS Sans Serif' Font.Style = [] ParentFont = False end object lblAlignment: TLabel Left = 8 Top = 200 Width = 46 Height = 13 Caption = 'Ali&gnment' FocusControl = cbAlignment Font.Color = clBlack Font.Height = -11 Font.Name = 'MS Sans Serif' Font.Style = [] ParentFont = False end object lblClear: TLabel Left = 160 Top = 200 Width = 24 Height = 13 Caption = 'Clea&r' FocusControl = cbClear Font.Color = clBlack Font.Height = -11 Font.Name = 'MS Sans Serif' Font.Style = [] ParentFont = False end object lblUnits: TLabel Left = 440 Top = 232 Width = 24 Height = 13 Caption = 'U&nits' FocusControl = cbUnits Font.Color = clBlack Font.Height = -11 Font.Name = 'MS Sans Serif' Font.Style = [] ParentFont = False end object lblStart: TLabel Left = 8 Top = 336 Width = 22 Height = 13 Caption = 'S&tart' FocusControl = cbStart Font.Color = clBlack Font.Height = -11 Font.Name = 'MS Sans Serif' Font.Style = [] ParentFont = False end object lblVRML: TLabel Left = 8 Top = 168 Width = 30 Height = 13 Caption = 'VR&ML' FocusControl = EditVRML Font.Color = clBlack Font.Height = -11 Font.Name = 'MS Sans Serif' Font.Style = [] ParentFont = False end object cbAlignment: TComboBox Left = 64 Top = 200 Width = 81 Height = 21 Hint = 'Alignment of image' Font.Color = clBlack Font.Height = -11 Font.Name = 'MS Sans Serif' Font.Style = [] ItemHeight = 13 Items.Strings = ( 'Default' 'AbsBottom' 'AbsMiddle' 'Baseline' 'Bleedleft' 'Bleedright' 'Bottom' 'Left' 'Middle' 'Right' 'Text' 'Top') ParentFont = False ParentShowHint = False ShowHint = True TabOrder = 11 end object cbClear: TComboBox Left = 200 Top = 200 Width = 81 Height = 21 Hint = 'Forces the image to display below other images' Font.Color = clBlack Font.Height = -11 Font.Name = 'MS Sans Serif' Font.Style = [] ItemHeight = 13 Items.Strings = ( 'All' 'Left' 'Right') ParentFont = False ParentShowHint = False ShowHint = True TabOrder = 12 end object cbUnits: TComboBox Left = 488 Top = 232 Width = 81 Height = 21 Hint = 'Units of measure' Font.Color = clBlack Font.Height = -11 Font.Name = 'MS Sans Serif' Font.Style = [] ItemHeight = 13 Items.Strings = ( 'Default' 'En' 'Pixels') ParentFont = False ParentShowHint = False ShowHint = True TabOrder = 18 end object cbStart: TComboBox Left = 72 Top = 336 Width = 177 Height = 21 Hint = 'On which event shall the video begin to play ?' Font.Color = clBlack Font.Height = -11 Font.Name = 'MS Sans Serif' Font.Style = [] ItemHeight = 13 Items.Strings = ( 'FileOpen' 'MouseOver' 'FileOpen,MouseOver') ParentFont = False ParentShowHint = False ShowHint = True TabOrder = 23 end object seLoops: TSpinEdit Left = 72 Top = 368 Width = 81 Height = 22 Hint = 'How often should the video repeat ?' Font.Color = clBlack Font.Height = -11 Font.Name = 'MS Sans Serif' Font.Style = [] MaxValue = 100000 MinValue = 0 ParentFont = False ParentShowHint = False ShowHint = True TabOrder = 24 Value = 0 end object seLoopDelay: TSpinEdit Left = 72 Top = 400 Width = 81 Height = 22 Hint = 'Delay in ms between replays of the video' Font.Color = clBlack Font.Height = -11 Font.Name = 'MS Sans Serif' Font.Style = [] MaxValue = 100000 MinValue = 0 ParentFont = False ParentShowHint = False ShowHint = True TabOrder = 26 Value = 0 end object EditSrc: TEdit Left = 64 Top = 8 Width = 401 Height = 21 Hint = 'Url of the image' Font.Color = clBlack Font.Height = -11 Font.Name = 'MS Sans Serif' Font.Style = [] ParentFont = False ParentShowHint = False ShowHint = True TabOrder = 0 end object EditLowSrc: TEdit Left = 64 Top = 72 Width = 401 Height = 21 Hint = 'Netscape-only quick-load image' Font.Color = clBlack Font.Height = -11 Font.Name = 'MS Sans Serif' Font.Style = [] ParentFont = False ParentShowHint = False ShowHint = True TabOrder = 4 end object EditLinkTo: TEdit Left = 64 Top = 40 Width = 401 Height = 21 Hint = 'Fill out if image should link to another resource' Font.Color = clBlack Font.Height = -11 Font.Name = 'MS Sans Serif' Font.Style = [] ParentFont = False ParentShowHint = False ShowHint = True TabOrder = 2 end object EditXAltSrc: TEdit Left = 64 Top = 104 Width = 401 Height = 21 Hint = 'ART image' Font.Color = clBlack Font.Height = -11 Font.Name = 'MS Sans Serif' Font.Style = [] ParentFont = False ParentShowHint = False ShowHint = True TabOrder = 6 end object EditAltText: TEdit Left = 64 Top = 136 Width = 505 Height = 21 Hint = 'Alternate text shown by text-only browsers' Font.Color = clBlack Font.Height = -11 Font.Name = 'MS Sans Serif' Font.Style = [] ParentFont = False ParentShowHint = False ShowHint = True TabOrder = 8 end object EditHSpace: TEdit Left = 344 Top = 200 Width = 81 Height = 21 Hint = 'More horizontal space' Font.Color = clBlack Font.Height = -11 Font.Name = 'MS Sans Serif' Font.Style = [] ParentFont = False ParentShowHint = False ShowHint = True TabOrder = 13 end object EditVSpace: TEdit Left = 488 Top = 200 Width = 81 Height = 21 Hint = 'More vertical space' Font.Color = clBlack Font.Height = -11 Font.Name = 'MS Sans Serif' Font.Style = [] ParentFont = False ParentShowHint = False ShowHint = True TabOrder = 14 end object EditWidth: TEdit Left = 64 Top = 232 Width = 81 Height = 21 Hint = 'Width in units' Font.Color = clBlack Font.Height = -11 Font.Name = 'MS Sans Serif' Font.Style = [] ParentFont = False ParentShowHint = False ShowHint = True TabOrder = 15 end object EditHeight: TEdit Left = 200 Top = 232 Width = 81 Height = 21 Hint = 'Height in units' Font.Color = clBlack Font.Height = -11 Font.Name = 'MS Sans Serif' Font.Style = [] ParentFont = False ParentShowHint = False ShowHint = True TabOrder = 16 end object EditBorder: TEdit Left = 344 Top = 232 Width = 81 Height = 21 Hint = 'Border thickness in units' Font.Color = clBlack Font.Height = -11 Font.Name = 'MS Sans Serif' Font.Style = [] ParentFont = False ParentShowHint = False ShowHint = True TabOrder = 17 end object EditMapLoc: TEdit Left = 184 Top = 272 Width = 385 Height = 21 Hint = 'Map location in the format: PathAndName#MapName' Enabled = False Font.Color = clBlack Font.Height = -11 Font.Name = 'MS Sans Serif' Font.Style = [] ParentFont = False ParentShowHint = False ShowHint = True TabOrder = 20 end object EditDynSrc: TEdit Left = 72 Top = 304 Width = 393 Height = 21 Hint = 'URL of AVI video' Font.Color = clBlack Font.Height = -11 Font.Name = 'MS Sans Serif' Font.Style = [] ParentFont = False ParentShowHint = False ShowHint = True TabOrder = 21 end object cbUseMapping: TCheckBox Left = 8 Top = 272 Width = 97 Height = 17 Hint = 'Identify picture as mapped' Caption = ' &Use mapping' Font.Color = clBlack Font.Height = -11 Font.Name = 'MS Sans Serif' Font.Style = [] ParentFont = False ParentShowHint = False ShowHint = True TabOrder = 19 OnClick = cbUseMappingClick end object cbInfiniteLoop: TCheckBox Left = 168 Top = 368 Width = 97 Height = 17 Hint = 'Should the video repeat forever ?' Caption = ' &Infinite loop' Font.Color = clBlack Font.Height = -11 Font.Name = 'MS Sans Serif' Font.Style = [] ParentFont = False ParentShowHint = False ShowHint = True TabOrder = 25 OnClick = cbInfiniteLoopClick end object cbShowControls: TCheckBox Left = 168 Top = 400 Width = 97 Height = 17 Hint = 'Should the video control panel be shown ?' Caption = 'Show &controls' Font.Color = clBlack Font.Height = -11 Font.Name = 'MS Sans Serif' Font.Style = [] ParentFont = False ParentShowHint = False ShowHint = True TabOrder = 27 end object btnOK: TButton Left = 480 Top = 368 Width = 89 Height = 25 Caption = 'OK' Default = True Font.Color = clBlack Font.Height = -11 Font.Name = 'MS Sans Serif' Font.Style = [] ModalResult = 1 ParentFont = False TabOrder = 28 end object btnCancel: TButton Left = 480 Top = 400 Width = 89 Height = 25 Caption = 'Cancel' Font.Color = clBlack Font.Height = -11 Font.Name = 'MS Sans Serif' Font.Style = [] ModalResult = 2 ParentFont = False TabOrder = 29 end object btnURL1: TBitBtn Left = 480 Top = 7 Width = 89 Height = 22 Hint = 'URL Assistant' Caption = 'URL' Font.Color = clBlack Font.Height = -11 Font.Name = 'MS Sans Serif' Font.Style = [] ParentFont = False ParentShowHint = False ShowHint = True TabOrder = 1 OnClick = btnURL1Click Glyph.Data = { 76010000424D7601000000000000760000002800000020000000100000000100 0400000000000001000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 80000080000000808000800000008000800080800000C0C0C000808080000000 FF0000FF000000FFFF00FF000000FF00FF00FFFF0000FFFFFF00777770000000 000077777FFFFFFFFFFF7774408777777770777788888888888F7744448BFFFB FF707788F78F7FFFFF8F7440008FCCCCCB7078F7778F8888878F6C66368BFFFB FF7078F7778F7FFFFF8F6668028FCCCCCB708F77778F8888878F6666388BFFFB FF708F77778F7FFFFF8F6866888FCCCCCB708F77778F8888878F6766888BFFFB FF708F77778F77FF7F8F8E7E788FFCCF00008F77778F7887888F8777788BFFFB 7F878F77778F77778F877877778FFBFF787778F7778FFFFF887778F777888888 807778F7778888888877777FF77778380777778FF777777F877777777777E788 777777788FFFFF88777777777888887777777777788888777777} NumGlyphs = 2 end object btnURL2: TBitBtn Left = 480 Top = 39 Width = 89 Height = 22 Hint = 'URL Assistant' Caption = 'URL' Font.Color = clBlack Font.Height = -11 Font.Name = 'MS Sans Serif' Font.Style = [] ParentFont = False 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Top = 103 Width = 89 Height = 22 Hint = 'URL Assistant' Caption = 'URL' Font.Color = clBlack Font.Height = -11 Font.Name = 'MS Sans Serif' Font.Style = [] ParentFont = False ParentShowHint = False ShowHint = True TabOrder = 7 OnClick = btnURL4Click Glyph.Data = { 76010000424D7601000000000000760000002800000020000000100000000100 0400000000000001000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 80000080000000808000800000008000800080800000C0C0C000808080000000 FF0000FF000000FFFF00FF000000FF00FF00FFFF0000FFFFFF00777770000000 000077777FFFFFFFFFFF7774408777777770777788888888888F7744448BFFFB FF707788F78F7FFFFF8F7440008FCCCCCB7078F7778F8888878F6C66368BFFFB FF7078F7778F7FFFFF8F6668028FCCCCCB708F77778F8888878F6666388BFFFB FF708F77778F7FFFFF8F6866888FCCCCCB708F77778F8888878F6766888BFFFB FF708F77778F77FF7F8F8E7E788FFCCF00008F77778F7887888F8777788BFFFB 7F878F77778F77778F877877778FFBFF787778F7778FFFFF887778F777888888 807778F7778888888877777FF77778380777778FF777777F877777777777E788 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