J-Term Pro version 1.0.6 Following is a list of changes and enhancements between versions of the software. For the latest news about J-Term Pro, check http://www.jonesautomation.com/jtpnews.html ------------------------------------------------ Bug fixes in 1.0.6: * Cursor position updates were lost when in extended character (box-painting) mode. Position updates properly now. * Client wasn't sending proper terminal identifer to those remote hosts that were asking for it. * Client wasn't responding to "Get Cursor Position" requests from remote host. Enhancements in 1.0.6: * New FileSeek function added to scripting. See scripting help for details and example. * Any text coming across a connection will now cause the screen to update properly if you're scrolled back. * New button added to toolbar and menu item added to 'File' menu and to popup menu on active connections to 'Reconnect'. This option will force a reconnect to that connection. If the connection is closed, it reopens. If the connection is open, it closes, then reopens. * Additional button added to toolbar and menu item added to connection popup menu to 'detach' a connection into a separate window. Hopefully this will be useful for those times when you need to look at two connections side by side. You can't do anything special in the detached connection except copy and paste text, and reattach to the tabbed system. There is a 'reattach' option on the connection popup in the detached window. * Keyboard remapping now supports the numeric keypad. ------------------------------------------------ Bug fixes in 1.0.5: * The 'Log to File' menu option works properly now (formerly ALWAYS turned logging on, now is a toggle between on/off) * Application faults when exiting program with more than one open connection are gone * Terminal window scrolling was not always proper (specifically in programs like 'more', 'pg', or 'less' Enhancements in 1.0.5: * Now supports passthrough printing with standard VT escape sequences \e[5i and \e[4i * FTP client now supports both ASCII and binary transfers * New checkbox in connection editor 'Send window size' sends size of connection (like 25x80) to remote host. Programs like vi and elm will now use the full screen in 132x50 mode is this option is checked. This will NOT work with Linux connections. Linux connections stop working when this option is selected. * Addition of GetScreenText function to scripting (see scripting help) ------------------------------------------------ Bug fixes in 1.0.4: * Access violations when exiting the event managers are fixed * Defining new keylists saves information properly Enhancements in 1.0.4: * Procedures 'StartFileLog' and 'StopFileLog' are added to the scripting ----------------------------------------------- Bug fixes in 1.0.3: * 'Send break' and 'Send reset' buttons/menu items were not really sending the break and reset sequences * Exiting an editor which resized the screen (like vi) left the screen resized to the editor's window. This caused the potential for what I call 'orphan' lines at the bottom of the screen which can only be erased via a screen clear. Enhancements in 1.0.3: * A link to the J-Term Pro news page is put on the help menu. ------------------------------------------------ Bug fixes in 1.0.2: * Application fault if you type before a connection is connected. Keystrokes are now ignored until a connection is fully made. * Help file referred to 'GetUserPass' as a procedure, when it's really a function. * Added help for SetTimer and ClearTimer routines. * Menus created with the Add-in Manager would sometimes 'go away' when the J-Term Pro main window lost focus. Enhancements in 1.0.2: * Added new procedure to scripting language to help when network errors occur (i.e. couldn't connect to a host). Format of call is: procedure OnNetworkError(PageNo:Integer; ScriptToRun:String); * Added buttons to script editors in Event Manager and Add-in Manager to allow importing of scripts from files. * Added cut, copy, and paste buttons to Add-in Manager script editor. ------------------------------------------------ Bug fixes in 1.0.1: * Certain keys did not work in the initial emulation screens, because they were overlooked in generating the key-mappings * In the FTP client, directories on the remote host with all-uppercase names were auto-converted to having the first letter upper, and the rest lower. Directories with combinations of upper- and lower-case names were not affected. * Double-clicking on the local file list in the FTP client when there were no files available yielded an error. * Copying/pasting only did up to 25x80 characters at a time. * Occasionally, the FTP client would lock up if you tried to upload to a remote directory where you did not have permission. * Under certain circumstances, it was possible to create two copies of the same connection in the 'Quick connect' dialog. * Sometimes file downloads in the FTP client (particularly very large or very small files) caused it to lock up. Enhancements in 1.0.1: * At a user's request, I added two new functions to the scripting language. The first is used to set a timer to run a script after a specified number of seconds has elapsed. The format for this procedure is: procedure SetTimer(NumSecs:LongInt; ScriptName:String); * The second procedure is used to stop the timer, if you should ever need to. It's format is: procedure ClearTimer; * Error messages in the FTP client are more self-explanatory now. * The FTP client is now a standalone application, so you can telnet and FTP at the same time, should you desire.