Turbo C Project File C:\WORK\TC C:\WORK\TC\INCLUDE;C:\WORK\TC\EXAMPLES; C:\WORK\TC\LIB 32767 C:\WORK\TC ~GREP -n+ $MEM(64) $NOSWAP $PROMPT $CAP MSG(GREP2MSG)void *.c Turbo Assembler C:\WORK\TASM\BIN\TASM32 /MX /ZI /O $TASM Turbo ~Debugger $EXENAME Turbo ~Profiler tprof $EXENAME All virtual vga::_fxnX() assume EXIT_SUCCESS... only change status to EXIT_FAILURE during a failed operation. soon to be added... forced-usage of user-specified chipset ...just discovered that shutting of cuts the EXE in half! That option is under Options -> Compiler -> Advanced Code Gen Back to the LARGE memory model! Last update, 05/04/97 ( v0.82, added multiple commands per execution ) ( v0.83, added "info"...basically EDO/RAM detection...readout for S3 64-bit) ( v0.85, significantly altered the detection routines. Now, user can /F orce a specific video chipset to manually override autodetection. Furthermore, I restored the W32p code, though it's only accessible via "/F") *07/28/96 Removed extraneous (unused) code 05/03/97 modified code-loop to explicitly call destructors for *hardware and *find_vga CHIPS.LIB \CHIPS.LIB MCLK.CPP C\MCLK.CPP INCLUDE\STDIO.H INCLUDE\STDLIB.H "PCI.H INCLUDE\MEM.H INCLUDE\IOSTREAM.H INCLUDE\STRSTREA.H INCLUDE\_NULL.H INCLUDE\_DEFS.H INCLUDE\STRING.H "VGA.H "MCLK.CPP "CHIPS.LIB