2 XFWMap 3 WC_XStartup_Status 4 WC_XStartup_Response 5 MAP_XStartup 6 STATUS: 7 RESPONSE: 8 Looking up remote address... 9 Connecting to remote host... 10 Logging in... 11 Looking for login prompt... 12 Looking for password prompt... 13 Executing remote command... 14 Checking status of remote command... 15 Done! 16 /======================================================================\n 17 | Host : %s\n 18 | Command : %s\n 19 \======================================================================\n 20 xoftware.ini 21 xoft.cfg 50 Invalid Protocol 51 REXEC 52 RSH 53 TELNET 54 RLOGIN 100 Unable to allocate shared memory map: 101 Unable to get pointer to shared memory: 102 Unable to start X Server: 103 Unable to register status window class: 104 Unable to register response window class: 105 Unable to create status window: 106 Unable to create response window: 107 Unable to create text window for response: 108 Invalid client startup data. The client data file is either missing or corrupt. 109 Unable to allocate memory for client startup list. 110 ERROR 111 Invalid number of clients specified in temporary file (%d). 112 No client startup cache file given in temporary file. 113 Cannot find client index in temporary file for client #%d. 114 No WINSOCK library available: 115 Unable to shutdown WINSOCK library: 116 Since there is a User Prompt you must enter a Username. 117 Since there is a Password Prompt you must supply a Password. 118 Unknown or unsupported connection protocol (%d). 119 Unable to connect to host: 120 Unable to send data to host: 121 Timed out waiting for User Prompt: 122 Timed out waiting for Password Prompt: 123 Unable to receive data from host: 124 Unknown system error (%d). 125 Unable to execute command on %s via rexec protocol. 126 Unable to execute command on %s via rsh protocol. 127 Unknown or unsupported protocol (%s). 128 An exception has ocurred. The cause of this exception can not be determined but can result from an attempt to launch one client too soon after another. XStartup will be shutdown and you may attempt to run the client again. 129 The X Server is not configured to use WINSOCK. You must enable the WINSOCK network type in the Control Panel.\n\nNote that neither the Control Panel nor the client icons can be used to launch a Serial ConneXion client. 130 Could not find closing quote for cache filename on the command line. 131 Login failed, expected command line prompt not received. Check username and password. 132 xregcfg.dll 133 xdb.dll 134 The following application(s) could not be loaded: \n 10004 WSAEINTR -- Interrupted System Call 10009 WSAEBADF -- Bad File Descriptor 10013 WSAEACCES -- Permission Denied 10014 WSAEFAULT -- Processor Fault 10022 WSAEINVAL -- Invalid Argument 10024 WSAEMFILE -- Too Many Open Files 10035 WSAEWOULDBLOCK -- Socket Operation Would Block 10036 WSAEINPROGRESS -- Socket Operation Already In Progress 10037 WSAEALREADY -- Socket Operation Already In Progress 10038 WSAENOTSOCK -- Socket Operation On Non-socket 10039 WSAEDESTADDRREQ -- Destination Address Required 10040 WSAEMSGSIZE -- Message Too Long 10041 WSAEPROTOTYPE -- Protocol Wrong Type For Socket 10042 WSAENOPROTOOPT -- Protocol Not Available 10043 WSAENOPROTOSUPPORT -- Protocol Not Supported 10044 WSAESOCKTNOSUPPORT -- Socket Type Not Supported 10045 WSAEOPNOTSUPP -- Operation Not Supported On Socket 10046 WSAEPFNOSUPPORT -- Protocol Family Not Supported 10047 WSAEAFNOSUPPORT -- Address Family Not Supported 10048 WSAEADDRINUSE -- Address Already In Use 10049 WSAEADDRNOTAVAIL -- Unable To Assign Address 10050 WSAENETDOWN -- Network Is Down 10051 WSAENETUNREACH -- Network Is Unreachable 10052 WSAENETRESET -- Network Dropped Connection On Reset 10053 WSAECONNABORTED -- Software Caused Connection Abort 10054 WSAECONNRESET -- Connection Reset By Peer 10055 WSAENOBUFS -- No Buffer Space Available 10056 WSAEISCONN -- Socket Is Already Connected 10057 WSAENOTCONN -- Socket Is Not Connected 10058 WSAESHUTDOWN -- Cannot Send After Socket Shutdown 10059 WSAETOOMANYREFS -- Too Many References, Cannot Splice 10060 WSAETIMEDOUT -- Connection Timed Out 10061 WSAECONNREFUSED -- Connection Refused 10062 WSAELOOP -- Too Many Levels Of Symbolic Links 10063 WSAENAMETOOLONG -- File Name Too Long 10064 WSAEHOSTDOWN -- Host Is Down 10065 WSAEHOSTUNREACH -- No Route To Host 10091 WSASYSNOTREADY -- Network Subsystem Unusable 10092 WSAVERNOTSUPPORTED -- Unsupported WINSOCK Version 10093 WSANOTINITIALISED -- WINSOCK Has Not Been Initialized. 11001 WSAHOST_NOT_FOUND -- Unable To Resolve Hostname 11002 WSATRY_AGAIN -- Unable to Resolve Hostname, Check DNS Server and Try Again. 11003 WSANO_RECOVERY -- Unable to Resolve Hostname, Unrecoverable DNS Error. 11004 WSANO_DATA -- Unable to Resolve Hostname, Data Unavailable.