Stirling Technologies, Inc. (c) 1990-1994 SRCDIR SRCDISK TARGETDISK TARGETDIR WINDIR WINDISK WINSYSDIR WINSYSDISK ERRORFILENAME INFOFILENAME SUPPORTDIR CMDLINE ISVERSION SHARED UNINST ISRES ISUSER LAST_RESULT CMDVALUE HINST_INSTALL BATCH_INSTALL LOGHANDLE GetActiveWindow SetActiveWindow GetDlgItemText SetDlgItemText InvalidateRect SUPPORT SetLicenseControlRTF SUPPORT SetLicenseControlTXT MNINSTAL IsOEM MNINSTAL IsValidKey MNINSTAL IsComponentEnabled SUPPORT GetDeskTopLicense SUPPORT CheckDeskTopLicense SUPPORT ShowDialogControl SUPPORT MV2000NFS SUPPORT GetM2000License IsDlgButtonChecked CheckDlgButton SUPPORT ReadCompressInfo SUPPORT GetCompressDirSize SUPPORT GetCompressInfoSize SUPPORT GetCompressInfoDate SUPPORT GetCompressInfoTime SUPPORT GetCompressInfoVersion SUPPORT GetCompressedFileNext SUPPORT GetCompressedFileFirst ShowWindow GetDlgItem EnableWindow SetFocus GetFocus BringWindowToTop SUPPORT RenameWinsockDLLs CreateScalableFontResource KERNEL WinExec WIZARD ConfigWizard MNETCFG MultiNetConfigure KERNEL LoadLibrary KERNEL GetModuleHandle SOFTWARE\JSB\MultiView 2000\Install\Generala InstallCount2x NOREBOOT! mview.ini MultiView DeskTop must be installed before Cisco's TCP/IP stack can be installed.A MULTINET.INI MNNET.INI MULTINET.INIa ConfigurationFilesa HostFileR$ MULTINET.INIa InterFace 1a IPAddressR! MULTINET.INIa MultiNeta HostNameR! localhost MULTINET.INIa ConfigurationFilesa HostInfoR$ descLn0=This PC The Cisco stack has not been fully configured and as a result the required host tables could not be created. Please create a host file. For full details see the DeskTop readme.txt.A RICHED32.DLL! LICENSE.RTF LICENSE.TXT RICHED32.DLL MNINSTAL.DLL Severe Errora Can not load %sb MultiView 2000 is not installed.A 0-UC1W-C037-B946-ZTZW-MR9S-GE28 9999999999( mvwsetup.inia mvwsetup.inia Unable to locate MultiView DeskTop Files. Please ensure you have rebooted after the installation of DeskTop and confirm the MVWDIR variable is in your PATH Environment!A 0-UC1W-C037-B946-ZTJW-MR9S-GG28# 0-UC1W-C037-B946-ZTZW-MR9S-GE28 0-UC1W-C037-B946-ZTJW-MR9S-GG28* This version will not upgrade your installation of Cisco's TELNETA 9999999999( mvwsetup.inia mvwsetup.inia mvwsetup.inia mvwsetup.inia 0-UC1W-C037-B946-ZTZW-MR9S-GE28 0-UC1W-C037-B946-ZTZW-MR9S-GE28 0-UC1W-C037-B946-ZTJW-MR9S-GG281 disk1! 9999999999( disk4\nfs.lib 0-UC1W-C037-B946-ZTZW-MR9S-GE28 0-UC1W-C037-B946-ZTZW-MR9S-GE28 0-UC1W-C037-B946-ZTJW-MR9S-GG28* This version will not upgrade your installation of Cisco's TELNETA You must enter your name.A You must enter your license key.A Invalid license key.A Invalid Serial Number & Activation KeyA Warninga Can not unload %sb You need to select at least one option.A Browsea' Please enter the installation location.R Warninga %s is not a valid path.b You must specify a drive.A Warninga %s is not a valid drive.b Warninga %s is not a valid drive.b Warninga The path can not contain spaces.! Warninga. The path can not contain long directory names.! RESOURCE.DLL DIALOG%ldB DefineDialog() failed!A DLG_ERR! Do you wish to continue?A DIALOG%ldB MULTINET.INIa ConfigurationFilesa DirectoryR MULTINET.INIa Installationa NameR MULTINET.INIa Installationa CompanyR MNINSTAL.DLL Severe Errora Can not load %sb License_%dB MULTINET.INIa Licenseb Warninga Can not unload %sb MULTINET.INIa ConfigurationFilesa Directoryb MULTINET.INIa Installationa Nameb MULTINET.INIa Installationa Companyb License_%dB MULTINET.INIa Licenseb License_%dB| MULTINET.INIa Licenseb License_%dB MULTINET.INIa Licenseb License_%dA MULTINET.INIa Licenseb MULTINET.INIa Installationa SerialNumbera Times5 LOGO.BMP OEMSETUP.INI& OEMSETUPb GroupNamea Cisco Suite 100R FontNamea CiscoR Companya Cisco Systems, Inc.R Producta" Cisco TCP/IP Suite 100 Version 2.1R InstallTitlea Cisco TCP/IP Suite 100R DefaultDirectorya MULTINETR TransparentColora SafeScreenMode( SUPPORT.DLL Informationa Can not load %sb COMPINFO.BIN Can not read compressed file information.A Can not install under Windows for OS/2.A Can only install on Windows 3.XA Can not install on this version of Windows.A Can not install on this version of Windows.A Windows must be in Enhanced mode in order to install this product.A Not enough memory to run installation program.A The Windows directory is not writable.A The Windows system directory is not writeable.A STACK.1b CTL3D! REDIST! HELP! SHARED! ALWAYS! ASSIST! ASSIST! OLE2! FONT! TELNET! TELPROFS! KEYBRDS! TOOLS! KERBEROS! PRONTO! FTPCLI! FTPSRV! EMOSAIC! STACK! CONFIG! NDIS2! PING! SNMP! DIALER! MONITOR! TCPDUMP! InformationaB There is not enough space on drive %s Required: %ld Available: %ldb InformationaB There is not enough space on drive %s Required: %ld Available: %ldb InformationaB There is not enough space on drive %s Required: %ld Available: %ldb Informationa %s is not writeable.b Informationa" Could not create the directory. TELPROFS KEYBRDS NDIS2 EMOSAIC EMOSAIC% EMOSAIC% CACHE PRONTO PRONTO% PRONTO% INCOMING PRONTO% DRAFT PRONTO% OUTGOING PRONTO% $PENDING PRONTO% $UIPIPE PRONTO% PCNOTE.PC Severe Errora( Decompression failed Error %ld File = %sB STACK.LIB# ASSIST( NFS.LIB FONT( KEYBRDS( TELNET( TELPROFS( TELNET.LIB FILESET! OverwriteOLE2( OLE2b OLE2b HELPb ALWAYSb SHAREDb OverwriteCTL3D( CTL3Db CTL3Db ASSISTb TELNETb TELPROFS TELPROFSb) KEYBRDS KEYBRDSb) FONTb KERBEROSb TOOLSb FTPCLIb FTPSRVb PRONTO PRONTOb) EMOSAIC EMOSAICb) STACKb CONFIGb ODIb) NDIS2 NDIS2b) PINGb SNMPb DIALERb MONITORb TCPDUMPb FILESET SUPPORT.HLP OEM.HLPa SUPPORT.HLP OEM.HLP Setting up pronto email...% PRONTO PRONTO.LIBa PRONTO.LIB Setting up emosaic...% EMOSAIC EMOSAIC.LIBa EMOSAIC.LIB% EHELP.LIBa EHELP.LIB Copying files... FILESET2 Please insert the correct disk.A NFS.LIB, TELNET.LIB, STACK.%ldB Please insert the disk with the file: %sb NFS.LIB( Please insert the extra NFS disk., TELNET.LIB( Please insert the extra TELNET disk., Please insert disk %ldB Severe Errora Read only error. Severe Errora7 GENERROR: An unknown error has occurred during copy. Severe Errora6 OPERROR: An unknown error has occurred during copy. Severe Errora Out of disk space. FILESETA Severe Errora Copy error %ld Copying files... FILESET PROGMAN.EXE! PROGMAN.EXE Telneta MNTELNET.EXEb FTP Clienta MNFTPCLI.EXEb MNASSIST.EXE /f: NFS Assistantb) Dialera MNDIALER.EXEb FTP Servera MNFTPSRV.EXEb Pinga MNPING.EXEb SNMP Agenta MNSNMPA.EXEb MultiNet Toolsa MNTOOLS.EXEb Monitora MNMONITR.EXEb Configurationa MNCONFIG.EXEb PRONTO Pronto Maila PRONTOIP.EXEb EMOSAIC Enhanced Mosaica MNMOSAIC.EXEb WINHELP.EXEa GLOSSARY.HLP$ Glossaryb README.WRI Read Meb) VERINFO.EXE Version Informationb) UNINST16.EXEa Uninstallb FONTb WIN.INIa Fontsb WIN.INIa Fontsb Informationa% Could not create font resource for %sb (TrueType) PRONTO% DBNOTE.DBFR PRONTO DBNOTE.*a PRONTO% OUTGOING.DBFR PRONTO DBNOTE.DBFa OUTGOING.DBF DBNOTE.DBTa OUTGOING.DBT INCOMING DRAFT OUTGOING $PENDING PCNOTE.PC $UIPIPE% PRONTO DBSETUP.DBFR UNIX.DBFa DBSETUP.DBF UNIX.DBTa DBSETUP.DBT UNIX.NTXa DBSETUP.NTX UNIX.DBF UNIX.DBT UNIX.NTX PRONTO% WIN.INIa ProntoIPa Directoryb) MNMOSAIC.INI EMOSAIC% MNMOSAIC.INI% MNTOOLS.EXE$ Custom_URL_Menua url_1b, EMOSAIC% MNMOSAIC.EXE$ ^.htm% WIN.INIa Extensionsa htmb, Setting up the MIS installation...d Warninga Can not copy %s to %sb) MULTINET.INI( MNNET.INI( TELPROFS@ TELPROFS% TELPROFS TELPROFS@ SYSTEM.INIa TGVMultiNeta NIC1_driverR VMNODI.386A VMNNDIS2.386A VMNNDIS3.386A NDIS2! VMNODI.386A VMNNDIS2.386A VMNNDIS3.386A NDIS3! VMNODI.386A VMNNDIS2.386A VMNNDIS3.386A Backing up files... WIN.INI SYSTEM.INI Errora Can not copy %s to %sb %s has been backed-up to %s SYSTEM.INI Errora Can not copy %s to %sb %s has been backed-up to %s WIN.INI Errora Can not copy %s to %sb %s has been backed-up to %s Errora Can not copy %s to %sb %s has been backed-up to %s Informationa Please note: LSL.COMR NETBIND.COMR N2GLUE.DOSR PROTMAN.DOSR SYSTEM.INIa 386Enha TransportR VMULTINT.386( VMNNFS.386( SYSTEM.INIa Network Driversa TransportR N2GLUE.DOS( VFS.386 TGVNET.DRV %s.%03ldb REGEDIT.EXE OLE2.REG$ Informationa Can not execute %s. Error #%ldb* PATHR PATHR %PATH% PATHb PATHA Errora% Could not add the path line %s in %s.b Errora Could not open %s for reading.b Errora Could not open %s for writing.b SET PATH=1 PATH=1 PATH 1 SET PATH=b %PATH% PATH=b %PATH% PATH b %PATH% SET PATH=b PATH=b PATH b Errora Can not write to %s.b Errora Can not close %s.b Errora Can not close %s.b Errora Can not delete %s.b Errora Can not delete %s.b Errora Could not rename %s to %s.b WIZARD.DLL, MNETCFG.DLL The installation program has detected that the Configuration Wizard is already loaded into memory. You must unload it from memory before continuing.A The installation program has detected that the Configuration Utility is already loaded into memory. You must unload it from memory before continuing.A Unknown error.) System was out of memory, executable file was corrupt, or relocations were invalid., File was not found., Path was not found., Attempt was made to dynamically link to a task, or there was a sharing or network-protection error., Library required separate data segments for each task., There was insufficient memory to start the application., Windows version was incorrect., Executable file was invalid. Either it was not a Windows application or there was an error in the .EXE image., Application was designed for a different operating system., Application was designed for MS-DOS 4.0., Type of executable file was unknown., Attempt was made to load a real-mode application (developed for an earlier version of Windows)., Attempt was made to load a second instance of an executable file containing multiple data segments that were not marked read-only., Attempt was made to load a compressed executable file. The file must be decompressed before it can be loaded., Dynamic-link library (DLL) file was invalid. One of the DLLs required to run this application was corrupt., Application requires Microsoft Windows 32-bit extensions. Severe Errora Can not load %s Severe Errora Can not unload %sb The applications have not been configured properly. Please run the Configuration Utility when the installation process is complete.A The applications have not been configured properly. Please run the Configuration Utility when the installation process is complete.A SYSTEM.INIe Severe Errora Could not open %s for reading.b Severe Errora Could not open %s for writing.b DEVICE=( [386ENH]( Severe Errora Can not write to %s.b Severe Errora Can not close %s.b Severe Errora Can not close %s.b Severe Errora Can not delete %s.b Severe Errora Can not delete %s.b Severe Errora Could not rename %s to %s.b SYSTEM.INIa 386Enha TransportR SYSTEM.INIa 386Enha Transportb MNNET.DRV SYSTEM.INIa boota network.drvR SYSTEM.INIa boot.descriptiona network.drvR SYSTEM.INIa boota secondnet.drvR SYSTEM.INIa boot.descriptiona secondnet.drvR MNNET.DRV( MNNET.DRV( TGVNET.DRV( TGVNET.DRV( WFWNET.DRV( MNNET.DRV Version %s SYSTEM.INIa boota network.drvb SYSTEM.INIa boot.descriptiona network.drvb SYSTEM.INIa boota secondnet.drvb SYSTEM.INIa boot.descriptiona secondnet.drvb SYSTEM.INIa boota network.drvb SYSTEM.INIa boot.descriptiona network.drvb SYSTEM.INIa TGVMultiNeta othernet.drvb SYSTEM.INIa boota secondnet.drvb SYSTEM.INIa boot.descriptiona secondnet.drvb SYSTEM.INIa TGVMultiNeta othernet.drvb SYSTEM.INIa boota network.drvR WFWNET.DRV( WINSOCK.DLL) Going to rename %s to %s Do you wish to continue?b Continue( You need to erase or rename the winsock.dll files in your windows directory and in your windows system directory in order for the TCP/IP stack to work properly.A Warninga Could not rename %s to %s.b The install program is about to reboot your computer. If your computer fails to reboot, please manually reboot your computer.A The install program is about to restart Windows. If your Windows fails to restart, please manually restart Windows.A COMPOBJ.DLL MFCOLEUI.DLL OLE2.DLL OLE2CONV.DLL OLE2DISP.DLL OLE2NLS.DLL OLE2PROX.DLL STDOLE.TLB STORAGE.DLL TYPELIB.DLL COMPOBJ.DLL MFCOLEUI.DLL OLE2.DLL OLE2CONV.DLL OLE2DISP.DLL OLE2NLS.DLL OLE2PROX.DLL STDOLE.TLB STORAGE.DLL TYPELIB.DLL MNTELDEF.DLL VFS.386 VFS.386A VMNNFS.386 VMULTINT.386# Enhanced Mosaic requires the installation of Win32s. You will need to run the Win32s setup when this installation is complete.A 3.00.071