1 Internal Compiler Error 2 Out of memory 4 Cannot open class file '%s' for reading 5 Cannot open class file '%s' for writing 6 Cannot read class file '%s' 7 Cannot write class file '%s' 10 Syntax error 11 Expected ':' 12 Expected ';' 13 Expected '(' 14 Expected ')' 15 Expected ']' 16 Expected '{' 17 Expected '}' 18 Expected 'while' 19 Expected identifier 20 Expected 'class' or 'interface' 21 Expected type specifier 22 Expected end of file 23 Expected 'catch' or 'finally' 24 Expected method body 25 Expected statement 26 Expected Unicode escape sequence 27 Identifier too long 28 Invalid number 29 Invalid character 30 Invalid character constant 31 Invalid escape character 32 Unterminated string constant 33 Unterminated comment 35 Initializer block cannot have modifiers except 'static' 36 A data member cannot be 'native', 'abstract', or 'synchronized' 37 A method cannot be 'transient' or 'volatile' 38 'final' member '%s' must be initialized when declared in an interface 40 Cannot define a method body for abstract/native methods 41 Duplicate modifier 42 Only classes can implement interfaces 43 Redeclaration of member '%s' 44 Cannot find definition for class '%s' 45 '%s' is not a class name 46 '%s' is not an interface name 47 '%s' is not a package name 48 Cannot extend final class '%s' 49 Undefined name '%s' 51 Undefined package '%s' 53 Ambiguous name: '%s' and '%s' 56 Missing return type specification 57 Class file '%s' should not contain public class '%s' 58 Cannot have a variable of type 'void' 59 Cannot reference member '%s' without an object 60 Invalid forward reference to member '%s' 61 The members '%s' and '%s' differ in return type only 62 Attempt to reduce access level of member '%s' 63 Declare the class abstract, or implement abstract member '%s' 65 Cannot assign to this expression 66 'this' can only be used in non-static methods 67 Cannot convert '%s' to '%s' 68 Cannot implicitly convert '%s' to '%s' 69 Cannot apply '.' operator to an operand of type '%s' 72 '%s' is not a member of class '%s' 74 Operator cannot be applied to '%s' and '%s' values 75 Invalid call 76 Too many arguments for method '%s' 77 Not enough arguments for method '%s' 78 Class '%s' doesn't have a method that matches '%s' 79 Ambiguity between '%s' and '%s' 80 Value for argument '%s' cannot be converted from '%s' in call to '%s' 81 Value for argument %s cannot be converted from '%s' in call to '%s' 82 Class '%s' doesn't have a constructor that matches '%s' 83 'super()' or 'this()' may only be called within a constructor 84 Cannot return a value from a 'void' method 85 Expected return value of type '%s' 86 '[]' cannot be applied to a value of type '%s' 87 'goto' statement is not currently supported by Java 89 The case '%s' has already been defined in switch statement. 90 'default' has already been defined in switch statement 91 'case' outside of switch statement 92 Constant expression expected 93 'break' only allowed in loops and switch statements 94 Label '%s' not found 95 'continue' only allowed in loop 96 Class value expected 97 'instanceof' operator expected class or array 98 Attempt to access non-existent member of '%s' 100 Cannot throw '%s' - the type does not inherit from 'Throwable' 101 The type '%s' does not inherit from 'Throwable' 102 Handler for '%s' hidden by earlier handler for '%s' 103 Cannot override final method '%s' 104 Unreachable statement or declaration 105 Method '%s' must return a value 106 Class '%s' has a circular dependency 107 Missing array dimension 108 Cannot 'new' an instance of type '%s' 109 Cannot 'new' an instance of abstract class '%s' 110 Cannot 'new' an interface '%s' 111 Invalid use of array initializer 112 Cannot assign final variable '%s' 113 Call to constructor must be first statement in constructor 114 Cannot reference 'this' in constructor call 115 Cannot call constructor recursively (directly or indirectly) 116 Variable '%s' may be used before initialization 117 Cannot declare an interface or outer class to be 'private' 120 Divide or mod by zero 121 Unable to recover from previous error(s) 122 Exception '%s' not caught or declared by '%s' 123 Multiple inheritance of classes is not supported 124 Operator cannot be applied to '%s' values 125 'finally' block used without 'try' statement 126 'catch' block used without 'try' statement 127 'else' keyword used without 'if' statement 128 Cannot declare an interface to be 'final' 129 Cannot declare a class to be '%s' and '%s' 130 Cannot declare an interface method to be 'native', 'static', 'synchronized', or 'final' 131 Cannot declare a method to be '%s' and '%s' 132 Cannot declare a field to be '%s' and '%s' 133 Constructors cannot be declared 'native', 'abstract', 'static', 'synchronized', or 'final' 134 Interfaces cannot have constructors 135 Interface data members cannot be declared 'transient', 'volatile', 'private', or 'protected' 136 Public class '%s' should not be defined in '%s' 138 Interface cannot have static or instance initializer 139 Invalid label 140 Cannot override static method '%s' with non-static method '%s' 141 Argument cannot have type void 142 Cannot make static call to abstract method '%s' 143 Cannot throw exception '%s' from static initializer 144 Cannot find definition for interface '%s' 145 Output directory or file too long: '%s%s%s' 146 Cannot create output directory '%s' 147 Cannot access private member '%s' in class '%s' from class '%s' 148 Cannot reference instance method '%s' before superclass constructor has been called 150 Cannot have repeated interface '%s' 151 Variable '%s' is already defined in this method 152 Ambiguous reference to '%s' in interfaces '%s' and '%s' 158 Class '%s' already defined 161 Cannot open source file: '%s' 162 Failed to initialize compiler 163 Array '%s' missing array index 164 Ambiguous import of class '%s' from more than one package 165 Cannot throw exception '%s' from method '%s' -- it is not a subclass of any exceptions thrown from overridden method '%s' 166 Cannot access member '%s' in class '%s' from '%s' -- it is in a different package 167 Cannot override non-static method '%s' with static method '%s' 168 The declaration of an abstract method must appear within an abstract class 169 Cannot access '%s' -- only public classes and interfaces in other packages can be accessed. 170 Cannot load predefined class '%s' 173 Found class '%s' in package '%s' rather than package '%s' 175 Cannot invoke method on 'null' literal 176 Duplicate label '%s' nested inside another label with same name 189 'return' not allowed in a static initializer or instance initializer 191 Expected '.class' 192 '.class' on intrinsic type requires Java 1.1 compatible class libraries 193 Cannot have an array of type 'void' 194 Class or interface cannot be declared 'volatile', 'native', 'transient', or 'synchronized' 195 Cannot declare '%s' as 'static' in inner class '%s' 196 Nested class '%s' cannot have the same name as any of its enclosing classes 197 Cannot declare interface in inner class '%s'. 198 An enclosing instance of type '%s' is required 199 Call of 'this()' cannot be qualified 200 'this' must be qualified with a class name 201 'super' cannot be qualified except as a superclass constructor call 202 'super()' cannot be qualified; superclass '%s' is not an inner class 203 Cannot access protected member '%s' in class '%s' from class '%s' 204 Cannot access protected member '%s' in class '%s' via a qualifier of type '%s' 205 Cannot use non-final local variable '%s' from a different method 206 Cannot assign a second value to blank final variable '%s' 207 Cannot assign blank final variable '%s' in a loop 208 Constructor or instance initializer must assign a value to blank final variable '%s' 209 Expected '=' 210 Expected '.' 214 Invalid GUID specified 215 Syntax error in @com declaration 216 @com attribute '%s' on '%s' is illegal in this context 217 @com attribute '%s' was not specified for '%s', but is required in this context 218 @com attribute '%s' on '%s' has an invalid value 219 An @com attribute cannot be placed on member '%s' unless the containing class or interface also has an @com attribute 220 An @com attribute cannot be placed on static member '%s' 221 The @com attribute on member 'identifier' cannot be used in this type of class or interface 222 @com attribute cannot be placed on method '%s'--it must be declared 'native' or be in an interface 223 The @com.parameters declaration on member '%s' has the wrong number of parameters 224 'return' must be the last item in an @com.parameters declaration 225 An @com.%s declaration is illegal for this type of item. 226 The @com declared type of '%s' is illegal for a dispatch or dual interface 227 It is impossible for an expression of type '%s' to be an instance of '%s' 228 Syntax error in @dll declaration 229 Expected string constant 230 Class or interface name '%s' conflicts with import '%s' 231 Expression statement must be assignment, method call, increment, decrement, or 'new' 232 Expected '{' or ';' 233 Catch clause is unreachable; exception '%s' is never thrown in the corresponding try block 234 '%s' is not a field in class '%s' 235 '%s' is not a method in class '%s' 236 '%s' is not a nested class or interface in class '%s' 237 '%s' is not a field or nested class in class '%s' 238 Cannot throw exception '%s' from field initializer 239 Static initializer must assign a value to blank final variable '%s' 240 Syntax error in @security declaration 241 '@security' can only be specified on a class or interface 242 Cannot make static call to non-static method '%s' 243 '%s' is obsolete; use '%s' instead 244 @conditional allowed only on void-returning methods 245 Warning treated as error 246 Invalid token on a # directive 247 #elif without matching #if 248 #endif without matching #if 249 #else without matching #if 250 Already had an #else 251 Unexpected EOF while looking for #endif 252 #if nested too deeply 253 Cannot have #define/#undef after source 254 Cannot change predefined symbol 255 Expected #endif 256 Expected 'class', 'interface', or 'delegate' 257 Delegate cannot be initialized with static method '%s' 258 Cannot declare delegate in inner class '%s' 259 Exception '%s' from method '%s' is not a subclass of any exceptions declared thrown by delegate '%s' 260 Cannot declare an interface method to be 'protected' or 'private' 261 An explicit enclosing instance of class '%s' is needed to instantiate inner class '%s' 262 An explicit enclosing instance of class '%s' is needed to call constructor of superclass '%s' 263 Referenced class file is out of date 264 Array cannot have a dimension 265 @dll attribute cannot be placed on method '%s'--it must be declared 'native' 266 Compilation canceled by user 269 Ambiguous name: inherited '%s' and outer scope '%s'--an explicit 'this' qualifier is required 270 Ambiguous reference to '%s' in interface '%s' and class '%s' 271 Expected 'delegate' 272 A multicast delegate cannot return a value 273 Cannot cast to 'void' 274 Expected '@com.register' within single comment preceding class '%s' 275 Class or interface name '%s' conflicts with package '%s' 500 #error '%s' 5001 Local variable '%s' is initialized but never used 5002 Compiler option '%S' not supported 5003 Ignoring unknown compiler option '%S' 5004 Missing argument for compiler option '%S' 5005 Package '%s' was already implicitly imported 5006 'private protected' not supported, using 'protected' 5014 '%s' has been deprecated by the author of '%s' 5015 The parameter '%s' in an @com.parameters declaration does not match the corresponding argument '%s' 5016 This instanceof operator will always be true 5017 '%s' is obsolete; use '%s' instead 5018 Class, interface, or package name contains characters not in the ASCII character set 5019 Public member of COM-exposed class or interface contains characters not in the ASCII character set 5020 Directive '%s' ignored -- extensions are turned off 5022 Referenced class file '%s' may be older than '%s' 5023 File '%s' has more than 65535 lines--debug information may be incorrect 5024 Package '%s' was already imported 5500 #warning '%s' 10001 Loading class: %s 10002 Loading class: %s (referenced in %s) 10003 Creating class %s 10004 %s is out of date or does not exist 10005 Generating file '%s' 10006 Parsing %s: 10007 Compiling %s: 20022 warning 20023 error 20024 fatal error